Sunday, December 26, 2010

Who will feed China Football Association

 Chinese football not the future? This is a problem difficult to define, in the modern competitive sports level, we have institutional advantages, such as the National System and the Olympic strategy, but in the professional level, the current football management system and Yanzhong restricting the professional soccer and the healthy development of Chinese football, Xie Yalong frank recognition of the failure, Where? how to deal with? how to solve?
Who will feed China Football Association?
Football Association is what kind of institutions? this problem has long been public opinion, of describing the one hand, on behalf of the State Sports General Administration of FA to manage all the soccer matches of resources, on the other hand he is also a ? Football Association to give the outside world, awareness is not only government, or business!
created the current living conditions of the Chinese Football Association that there are many reasons, in particular historical period, the football is slightly different role, but one thing is yes, access to professional football after the reform, the Chinese Football Association's god is no longer a country, but to become ordinary Chinese fans.
professional league started in 1994, the Chinese Football Association will no longer take delivery from the National Sports Commission any funds for the reform of professional sports and pilot units, the professional soccer league in the booming under the impetus of market income Football Chinese Football Association will soon let out of state funds into the that time, the association as a pioneer in physical education reform, but also under the Sports Commission and the other centers and institutions to discuss the object of envy, these previous revenue entirely from national cadres in the market, such as the annual International Management Group (IMG) to provide sufficient funds, in addition to personnel expenses and office costs, there are sufficient funds to do football football resources and other project development.
2007 newspaper association in the international football arena forum, the then Secretary-General Lang Xiaonong in Super League statement said a group of data, League and strategic partners, the State Sports General Administration approved in September 2005 led the establishment of the Football Association Super company, largest shareholder is the Football Association, Super company's total registered capital of 200 million yuan, the Chinese Football Association invested 720,000 yuan, possession 36% of the shares; 16 Super League clubs invested 8 million, respectively, each share of 4% of the shares. in accordance with the original share agreement, the Chinese Football Association is the largest shareholder, should have been carried out in accordance with the proportion of bonus shares, but when the Football Association vice chairman Xie Yalong has requested the inclusion of a supplementary provisions, if the Football Association over the 1000 ratio of dividends million, ten million football can only share.
Super's money come from? of course, is a professional league, but Professional League So to attract investors, sponsors and the media into the many resources, or from the Chinese fans for the support of football, and cooperation with the Chinese Football Association two major partners, Adidas and Ruishi Ying Fang Group, the reason they Chinese Football Association is willing to willing to pay tens of millions per year RMB, or Chinese fans after all, no fans of participation and concern, many of the media will not put too much energy to focus on football, in the category of Chinese sports, football has always been a weak project, neither the results, and no reputation, attention is not high, but after the introduction of professional football, a passion for football fans to be lit, so pour sponsors, partners also have an alliance with the Football Association, and that makes the Chinese Football Association With the The position is fit, the more money must be invested in the Olympics to win gold and silver medals to those projects, of course, that football is still the main part of the funds from the Football Association itself, prepared in 2007 to hire foreign coach for Women was financial difficulties, the association applied for funding to the departments concerned, I do not know the progress of the matter, but soccer's status in China can be seen in sports.
Football Association are state institutions, but he must be self-financing to support themselves, So football has had government-run business functions, in order to earn better money, more money, the association was established in 1993 Ford Depot China, this is equivalent to the Department of football management companies, are operating independently on the surface of a business In fact, very difficult to get rid of football for many years director of the facts. the company in the Chinese Football Association after a regular partner, will ; fire-fighting team, the basic work of the World Cup.
why the Chinese Football Association is a State Sport General Administration of their jurisdiction and management of the system in the latest Sports Commission wage system reform, the Chinese Football Association has once again become a million head of division-level leadership following are the eight thousand dollars salary, vice level cadres is the average salary over seven thousand, five thousand clerks diverse, so that in the present salary standard in the social sectors, should be considered , but our fans.
why sponsors have fled?
a sense, the sponsor is the god of football, one of the basic guarantee funding, but the fans is their real god, a sponsor choose to invest in a project, mainly to see the three conditions, first, whether the project a good brand, the competitive level of the decision is not often choose the brand sponsors the standard; Second, the project's market maturity and reputation, the more relatively mature and competition of resources with high reputation, the more aggregate of the large quantities of high-quality brand sponsor, it is a operation of the specific marketing team really respect the customer, treat customers, will take the initiative to maintain their brand value, often to a project sponsor, is not entirely value-sponsored acts direct how much money can earn? but to promote and market their own brands, many businessmen regard the The Football Association do?
popular domestic enterprises are the three major sports sponsorship: media program sponsorship, sports sponsorship and event sponsorship teams, sponsors, what is most valued? of course, is media exposure, so whenever the strength of Sponsors must select a direct media delivery, followed by sports teams and event sponsorship, indirectly, enhance the brand value of exposure and sponsorship, football is the world's first sport in China, football is the most popular people and the fans concerned about the sports, so the professional league at the beginning, the sponsor, side of the international brands or domestic famous enterprises, such as Pepsi, Siemens, Philips this internationally renowned brands, sponsorship at that time to enter, because there are exclusive problem, but the limited capacity of development projects was the implementation of the rights of sponsors There is also a lack of, but she do not care, so at that time IMG and the Chinese Football Association Xiaohe r, l every day, no one thought of this most recent two years, the football market such a big decline, the biggest problem now is that the entire football program in China community awareness and reputation are very poor, with poor grades, the league has many problems, generally bad record at all levels of the national team, a lot of things together, the project management up to be difficult. br> Ruishi Ying Fang Po in 2006, Ford became the Football Association to succeed in the China Team's strategic partners, business processes can be more than two years, the profit side not only lost the greatest sponsor Siemens, some of the original Customers also pulled out of the new customers in addition to Kia Motors recently joined and did not get in the real sense of business links breakthrough, not only affects the Chinese Football Association's pocketbook, but also on the normal operation of the team at all levels and Guo Zihao Preparing for a negative impact, of course, the reputation of Infront challenged itself is certain. from sponsors tumbled threshold, and now have fled, in addition to the Olympics away near the eye and sponsors of funds, the Chinese Football Association should not good to reflect on it?
Yan Shi Duo Ultra first year in 2004 at the tender had been announced a number of sponsored enterprises have more than one hundred acts. In the 150 or so, why such a huge population but also for today's professional soccer league and national team game management wants to come it? Where is the problem?
from a club point of view, Beijing Guoan, and Henan Jianye are two from 1994 persevered in the background of professional league club, a background of a state-owned enterprises, the other is the property of the private sector, from the sponsors point of view, the first session in 1994, sponsors a professional soccer league A sponsor gone? Marlboro is Because state law limits left football, and others? We did not even have any impression! currently the main sponsor of Super League Kingway enter the 2007 season, Canon entered in the 03 season, Sohu in 2005 as a new media partner, Nike is entered after the super, super major sponsors, the oldest of the surprise is 03 years into the league of the Canon, and we the last ten years, then lost those brands, Siemens Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Philips, Fujitsu, Toshiba hh
sports sponsorship has one of the most important feature is the exclusive, industry-exclusive particular, is the sponsor a strong share of the value, in the last century, eighty Adidas to enter China's sponsorship of football fields, over the years has been accompanied by football, between them and the Chinese Football Association has many years of cooperation agreements, but in a lot of cooperation, it was an unpleasant, such as Guo Zihao players a lot of other sports brands Nike China Team, some projects were split marketing, such as the Futsal national team, beach soccer national team from Guo Zihao stripping, by looking for other sponsors to seek more funds, not even counting what the wrong Adidas Super League's main sponsor of Super League 12 million yuan annually to the sponsorship. the Chinese Football Association by Adidas and Nike as a competitor for economic game theory, it should be said has made great success, but many behavior certainly very unhappy with the company to Adidas.
Chinese Football Association was held in Shenzhen in 2002, the National Football Conference, at Yan Shi Duo announced the resolution of bone in the prior notice did not sponsor any one in the face of his god, when government-run some of the background of the Chinese Football Association engaged in the field of sponsorship, in the final analysis is to make money, this is the profit-driven business decisions, the so-called non-profits can not afford early l r, pursuing the interests of sponsors is not wrong, but the Chinese Football Association as a partner in the pursuit of commercial interests can not be too because you are industry executives, you have to maintain all of your sponsors the right to bad faith of the people in the business field is to be excluded, we and the Chinese Football Association has also not cooperative short years, input is also very great, but they too strong of purpose, one said a thing, immediately put on the shelf, l think so, yes, some money now! r they think advertisers use to make money can be used only tool Why Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Siemens of these large international brands are gone, it is probably not going to endure, such as Adidas, Nike, the sports brand that they sponsor the Chinese football is completely determined by the nature of the strategic behavior of the brand, once they feel too bad the brand of Chinese football, managers too amateur, they are likely to leave, you really want to that time, and that Chinese football will really far away from death. Football frustration was palpable.
Super billion in total fell from a title to 21 million?
a total Super League title actually worth? which at present has not withstand scrutiny, 2008 Super League title on the total price of the most real, the possible exception of football people, the outsiders it is difficult to know, I hear there are several versions, but relatively accurate price, the total is 08 season, the title sponsor of Kingway Brewery Super League's price is only 21 million yuan, there is no doubt close to the lowest point in history.
Chinese professional soccer in the trial before the league is a big funding gap, the Chinese Football League each year the total costs is 50 million, the association generally use the Sai Huizhi contest to resolve the accommodation and hospitality costs, the participating teams themselves travel, event organizations, financed by the Chinese Football Association solution, this low-cost operation of the league not only influence the way a small , let football tournament funds are a headache every year to address the livelihood issue, which is reform of the Chinese Football Association in football the most raw power, the end of 1993, the Chinese Football Association and IMG (International Management Group) has signed the first Chinese soccer league to promote the history of contract, followed by Marlboro (94 - 98) became the first professional football league overall title sponsor, sponsorship fee the first year of 120 million cost of the title each year increment by 10%.
Pepsi (99 -02) is an internationally renowned brands, its main industry is the carbonated beverage, this type of business and professional football such a high degree of fit of the tournament, they appeared in China after the football field to a great appetite, sponsorship goals A total nail straight title, in 1999, Pepsi $ 10,000,000 a year, a 10% annual increase rate as the main sponsor, but in the end of 2002, Pepsi-Cola Company announced the early termination of IMG breach of contract in the name of the contract, so the five-year Pepsi cooperation with the Chinese Football Association is actually only worked together for four years. its withdrawal from the direct cause of the Chinese Football Association is their series of This is the super golden age of the total title sponsor, Pepsi, the league title the value of the total decline began to appear irreversible.
is still time to worry about the Chinese Football Association league sponsors, as well as the sponsors reserve Wait, the title of Siemens A 03 A late season, 2004 Siemens mobile phones to 8.1 million euros the first year of the high amount of the total gain super title, with Canon, Heng Yuan Xiang, Beijing Hyundai, Chia Tai Group and other sponsors seven , Super platter first year's gross total operating nearly 20 million U.S. dollars, but unfortunately the year end of the year seven Super League clubs downtown Strike, the last Ford is responsible for operating the league's revenue Po shrunk by almost half, the final payment of the amount of Pepsi 700 million dollars, other sponsors have also reduced the amount to pay the sponsorship fee, but even so, for the Super Club, this year the league is still one of the largest dividend season Super 12 clubs each from the Chinese Football Association of dividends 6,000,000 yuan.
05 Siemens season of Euro Super League's offer actually only 400 million euros, the Siemens contract, the time to amend the cooperative near the league, and price down too much, the Chinese Football Association has in fact lost the possibility of finding new sponsors. when Super Secretary-General Lang Xiaonong any time there is a point of view, the wrong time, say, the Chinese Football Association has been very difficult to restore operations in the 05's defeat last season.
streaking through the 05's, 06's UK network business Aifukesi season and bitter about the Chinese Football Association, the season, Aifukesi cost of 600 million euros in the title Super, in fact, end of the season, the last payment of the cost of only 50 million euros, which is a major operational failure, the association sponsors for million yuan of the surplus, but in the latest title a year after the signing of cooperation programs, which 8,000,000 are to be recovered once again become a Chinese Soccer League title, but the value of shrinking, but it is an indisputable fact that in 2002 Pepsi exit is a sign of the signal, the direct cause of loss of Pepsi Football Association is an important decision, China's sports heavyweights Wei Jizhong said the old man said something very reasonable, people in the general title of the phenomenon of shrinking the views of his most intuitive, It is the choice by market forces, in fact, lost or China Football Super League on the impact of investment is not a direct factor, we see that the Premier League after the European Cup in England eliminated without any shocks, Nike for 10 years $ 1,000,000,000 Brazil sponsored by the Brazilian team did not expect all of each World Cup champion, the competitive level of sports is not only the definition of project standards for the price system, but without a complete league system, standardized operation of the market, excellent operation of the team support it, the price of the Super League title would have been the total volatile until the last before the return to league.

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