Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Three decades of health food more frustrated intact (lower)

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Fourth, formative stage (1996 ~ 2002): Health food industry chain to form
Milestone: June 1, 1996 > In the same year in July the Ministry of Health issued a .
sales and services, supply chain formation. because of market competition, the original free clinic health care industry marketing, hype marketing, MLM, conference marketing and marketing tools such as terminal block in the competition, accompanied by a number of ups and downs of business and products.
However, the role of the regulatory constraints, not promoted. then Lu following the addition of the terms are basically the constraints on the further development of the industry. At the same time as drug and health product marketing has created the word consumption concept, the customer is only concerned about the effects of health food products are still being used as drugs to sell, so the frequent market issues, government regulation, strengthening penalties for the emerging government, media exposure and so on, greatly hurt the industry's reputation and hurt the people consumer enthusiasm, result in industry-specific credit crisis, health care is no longer the fashion consumer, to become a problem the industry, marketing and sales began to decline since 2000.
(a) 1996: Ministry of Health, introduced, established as the food attributes
1996 �� 3 �� 15 �� Ministry of Health issued a requirements. The legislation in June 1, 1996 In 2003 the implementation of health food products classified by the State Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health in 2005, after Food and Drug Administration issued a new health food management approach and food safety must! fresh key word and key word parallel one-way drug after a single focal point for the health food category, select the line with international standards. then uniquely Chinese medicine health products category was abolished in 1987 to 2000 approved drugs and health products began to convert word or directly to the market. market supervision from the same place their own way to the unified management of the Ministry of Health.
1997 National Bureau of Technical Supervision issued the . function) increased the labeling of food MLM
1998 �� 4 21, the State Council issued a full stop to any form of pyramid selling activities in order to cripple the existing implementation of the entire marketing industry, all companies in the MLM business, full stop operations, pending follow-up policy of national treatment. from Avon Products Co., Ltd. Sino-US joint venture in 1990 introduced the pyramid schemes began, bringing the MLM the way to go in China, came to an end after 9 years .1998 July, the State Council promulgated by the successful transformation of the 10 direct selling companies in the list of specifications, including Amway, perfect, Avon, Sunrider, Tiens, Mary Kay, Southern Lee Kum Kee, Hui and other special hundred. also represent China to ease the direct sales industry an effective way.
due to reduced circulation, simple and convenient , returns to the funds guaranteed, but also provides a lower-middle class job opportunities for lower risk, pyramid schemes in the developed market economy countries is a more sophisticated marketing methods, especially favored by health food companies. In essence, MLM is a demand-driven marketing model. it is not a trick of sleight of hand tricks, so it will not bring more than the other way to make a fortune selling opportunities. However, the pyramid schemes to China, but was rendered as of the 20th century the last chance to riches nuclear energy, is also the first time he saw formula, remember Luk Mei, ginseng, astragalus, gelatin, red dates, etc., provinces dealers have asked agents yuan, rose to third in Jiangsu 2.40 million, and shot down several provinces and cities, Robust incorporated into the 17 million yuan, more than the fee paid to the Ma Junren formula, Let He Boquan and Robust famous. through the hype, but also fully demonstrated the characteristics of the Chinese market, irrational, because the vast territory, varying levels of consumers, as well as the impulse to the media on news events, so when Some products can rely on while planning a night of inspiration or a rise.
(d) 1999: Birth of melatonin Shi Yuzhu resurrection
to 1999, Chinese health products market is more rational trend, just by advertising r l bombardment era of health care products to do the end of the year 1999 in July, Jianteshengwu in Shanghai, relying on a . end of the year sales revenue of 2.5 billion. melatonin main ingredient is melatonin, under physiological conditions, melatonin secretion by the brain's pineal gland, its secretion is regulated by circadian clock regulation has a role in the regulation of sleep.
the year 2000, Melatonin sales income 801 million yuan, the highest in the forefront of the national counterparts .2001, melatonin sales exceeded 1.3 billion, only a single product sold in January for up to 2 billion, a record of the Chinese health products single-product industry sales of new single-month record, with the first 6 months of production value of 410 million yuan and profits 105 million. melatonin after the listing of conscience around the Shi Yuzhu, the function of melatonin and melatonin has been speculation in the media proposal did not stop overheating, Shi Yuzhu with melatonin as the most controversial figures in the healthcare industry and products.
(V) 2000: Nobel laureate portraits filled with nucleic acid supplements advertising overwhelming camel major media in China, including Chen Yusong held in Qingdao, : the result of the media crusade, triggered suspicion and resistance from consumers, is rapidly growing, many health food approval because the publicity effect of publicity has been canceled or expand the text, the healthcare industry to further fall into the abyss. This incident is a warning to enterprises: the health food as a drug sale and excessive speculation is not feasible.
(g) 2002: conference marketing into the mainstream health care products marketing model relies
overwhelming when TV ads bombarded the marketing model, no longer hard to blow out high sales, Zhuhai later years the company became a marketing model to open up the meeting after the healthcare products market in 2001 the new winter green, to the health care market, new life. The meeting of marketing as a new marketing mode, waiting to switch from passive to active attack to the service consumer to service the ice opened up the minds of consumers, so that the already weak health care products market to find a new breakthrough for the tight encirclement of marketing health care products to find a new way.
2002, the Jane Otis service marketing model, later years of the Science and Technology Museum mode, binding mode in the vein of advertising, the day the high end of the planning mode of music, so colorful marketing meeting. the next few years, many manufacturers have transition herd, the meeting Marketing swept the country, the meeting also occurred the development of marketing dilemma: companies to fish product hype, manufacturers defame each other, varying quality and so on. At present, the meeting appeared polarization trend of marketing, good business is in transition to community health management direction.
mm despite the retreat of traditional marketing model, industry reputation from bad to worse, but because of direct marketing, conference marketing the rise, making the health food industry continue to develop in a difficult, full of people out of a strong desire for health and health care entrepreneurs spirit of innovation. However, in the health food when the drug sold under the shadow of the market in 2000 reached 50 billion from the scale, fell to 300 billion in 2002, the market prospects, many companies began to shift to related industries, such as his wife drugs shift the focus of the pharmaceutical industry; JIANGSU LONGLIQI switch in the field of cosmetics sales in the first access. Traditionally the health market Shi Yuzhu launched special gold partner, steadfastness specializing in gift market.
V. adjustment phase (2003 ~ 2008): the depth of industrial structure adjustment
milestone: 2003 Food as the pursuit of the magical effect of drugs, but began to improve the physical quality of preventive health care concerns; market supervision by the Ministry of Health and FDA is responsible for creating a new segment carrying the water situation; direct management policy introduced to determine the direct increase in business investment rules of the game mixed.
Board; July 1, 2005 the State Food and Drug Administration issued a regulations. have established the advertising and production of GMP certification requirements, health food regulatory system is basically sound.
(a) 2003: the national outbreak of SARS, health food market, a handful of fire!
proper health care products since 2002 when the market fell into a historical low despite drastic changes occurred: a formidable also kept to Helvdoutang, any products with the immune system take the industry, whether or not the name of the famous, all hot, drinking medicine, drink-dimensional C powder, taking all kinds of health care products, as long as people are said to improve immunity on the hosts to eat, health care products market really had a fire!
According to the Shanghai Statistics Bureau's statistics show that in April 2002, China's largest health products health products market mm in Shanghai last year retail sales increase of nearly five percent. Not only that Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Jinan and other places without exception, the national health care market the primary means of force against chronic diseases.
(b) 2004: China Health Care Association was established, third-party force the end of the stage
2002, the State Council required China Health Care Technology Association and the Chinese Health Food Association merged, renamed as Association, 3 pm, Great Hall in Beijing, the PRC National People's Congress Vice Chairman Xu and Vice Minister of Health Ma Xiaowei together for and the the role of a bridge between.
(c) 2005: Solomon calcium drowning incident
2004 �� 11 hydrogen peroxide 17, Henan Business Daily published the first hydrogen peroxide containing harmful substances. The Ministry of Health attaches great importance to the matter, has three organizations held a special meeting of experts, and commissioned the Tianjin Public Health Bureau and the Beijing Drug Administration to do the work of investigation and evidence collection on enterprises. from supervision and inspection situation, Giant companies can no violations of calcium: the recommended dietary intake, calcium in giant can of hydrogen peroxide residue in the safe range. But by the beginning of 2005 giant can of calcium disappeared from the market.
a report containing hydrogen peroxide, almost overnight the huge accumulation of a decade out of the market to calcium products. This event means that health-care business in China and product safety system is very fragile credibility of the brand for the Chinese investors in the healthcare industry presents a harsh warning. amazing are: all previous health care products by the media 1 implementation. Compared with the original regulations have several differences: First, to improve the health food registration application of technical requirements, enhanced disclosure of information on the verification of authenticity; Second, for the declaration of new features, leaving room for the new material ; Third, simplify the approval process, clear and shorten the approval time; four, provides health food approval certificate is valid, an increase of the content of re-registration of health food approval certificate of dynamic management.
Management Measures
(V) 2005: to regulate the direct behavior, and strengthening supervision of activities of direct marketing has played a prevent fraud, protect the legitimate rights and interests and the role of social and public interests. Direct Selling Regulations act of direct marketing, direct marketing product range, to regulate the recruitment of salespeople .
State Council also promulgated regulations promulgated the announcement, a gray area that has been in direct selling have regulatory basis.
(f) 2006: the sudden emergence of prebiotic
healthy mail-order model was established in Beijing in 1994, Health benefits of healthy new beginning in 2004, the first newspaper advertising + media contact center, imitation, mail-order model of healthy probiotic health products at the time to fill the gaps in order mode.
probiotic healthy mail-order model without large storage space, reducing the amount of management labor, thus saving the human, material and financial resources, which makes enterprise cost savings, with mass advertising, the unique advantages of low prices, captured a large number of probiotic health products healthy hardcore customers, and further profit to consumers, enabling customers to spend less money to buy more high-quality health care products, so as to achieve more win effect.
(g) 2007: possession of secret discharge of oil to be self-celebrity event alerts
2007 �� 3 months, the CCTV, experts, has nothing to do with Tibetan tea, suspected of cheating consumers were exposed. Subsequently, Guo Degang feeling angry and abusive in a blog response to questions, triggered a nationwide debate on celebrity behavior out of place, celebrities once again pulled down the cusp, For a time, celebrity endorsement as distinguished group, respected and trusted by the general public, regardless of their reputation comes from, since the product becoming the voice of people is part of advertising, out of themselves and be responsible for the public to be on product quality and efficacy of the corresponding knowledge, this is an essential social responsibility celebrity. health food business has always been keen to hire celebrity endorsements, celebrity endorsements after the incident to reason.
mm product mix, marketing models and industry reputation, are deep in the event of a positive adjustment. the one hand, because of more stringent regulation, getting into the white-hot competition, many companies struggling; the other hand, an endless stream of new products and models, show great market dynamism. more to be concerned about the investment, the influx of talent began to care industry, the industry has accumulated a healthy and orderly development of the internal driving force. This is the reform and opening up three decades, with review and reflection on the past, so we have sufficient reason to believe: China's healthcare industry is out of the cycle of low levels of wandering through practitioners tough, intelligent and hard working construction, will be the government, people and capital approval.

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