Thursday, December 30, 2010

Qin Hui free practice (1)

 Qin Hui: Practice free
Robinson a desert island for a person living alone, does not matter free or not. See Friday and for the two-Yan, the two do not belong to the road as of, the protection of their rights are not relative to invasion the master and slave to any third party outside and so were also glad for the slave-based, the solid no freedom at all. Ruofu the third negative freedom only self-limiting, since the main slaves do not want to, but as he master and slave for the passers-by, indifferent to, do not think the blade solution wins Robinson of Ecuador on Friday, then he can be a slave so that today he B men, and tomorrow do not even know that the slavery of this C indeed! is not a mere negative freedom the so-called three and there is no freedom. If the third person and Lu from the fight, fight for freedom and risk to others and ourselves. The third person who is also altruistic, positive liberty as well. there is no such positive freedom , and the negative freedom is not kept. as a positive free legal person, purports to everyone altruism Yan, Yan everyone ecstasy, the So who is the third person, freedom of self-discipline will be positive, and negative fight for the freedom of others. will be the heart of the public interest to altruism, and for the public interest to seek the right person has their own.
the third person, its Li public almost. mm become a hot topic in intellectual. But in fact, in a sense, the Liberal someone else's resort to works to world has always been diverse (the fact to determine), the world ought to be multiple (value judgments). Therefore, the liberals do not expect a certainly not to subdue others.
liberalism need only human nature ), to ; extreme statements are completely different mm The reason is simple: people do not exist in the market to see the wolves, but wolves can not imagine dealing with the sheep.
the history of thought in the Chinese and foreign, it touches on some of the extreme anti-free schools, such as China Legalism was the traditional idea of human nature are evil: like thick black martial arts, what is not legalism letter. Not long ago in the live drama Heaven and Earth will destroy West's to also described as The minister also useless, Wusuo few away also. Interestingly: Legalism is precisely the kind of extreme in the Cultural Revolution limitations of human nature that is the theory) is certainly not against charity, altruism, or is suspected to have the heart of charity or altruism, the truth it is just common sense based on a mm with everyone do not understand liberal beliefs of Mao Zedong as saying: ; a person to do something good, but not easy to do good is my life, do not do bad things, hh, ah this is the hardest most difficult! not evil is the most difficult the most difficult people to consider institutional arrangements in the starting point of course, only from evil people might look low-key hypothesis, but not able to establish institutional arrangements in the saint Yongshan this then mediocrity, his right must also be protected; political constitutional rule of law and economic Of course, one can not deny that as a gentleman, and certainly not encourage people to do bad people. On the contrary, gentleman's country-style may not be built; expected low-key as a basis for the institutional arrangements to put an end to the evil of human nature into the abyss over the bottom line, but the bottom line is that open up: people do not know whether it can strongly enhance the promotion of human nature, but at least it will never prevent it species increase.
case of economics. to falsify such a default), but not advocating that people should be selfish (and therefore can not heart about how hateful self-value judgments like to deny this by default). The default is that nothing can guarantee were selfless, there is no guarantee that a personnel matter and selfless, so the starting point of institutional arrangements can only be: If you selfless, altruistic, charitable line, of course, could not be better, if you are out of self-interest, this arrangement can also be In fact the behavior of your benefit, and not harmful to social welfare. Obviously, such an arrangement is that the market economy.
In short, virtue is limited, limited rationality is a kind of bottom line (or say the limitations) judgments, non-full name of the judge. It does not deny that the human being there (and possibly many) good and the wise, but only that people may (or may not eliminate this possible) evil is ignorance. liberalism does not deny with Jesus, but denied everyone is Jesus, so Jesus was Judas, for Herod the king can not rule out the possible harm, there must be Jesus or Herod the king of Judah, not the freedom of the victims (and by extension, that any people must have someone or can not deprive people of freedom). Conversely, the Crown must be able to restrict or even a person of Herod the power of institutional arrangements and crowd.
but such arguments in the final analysis, is a mm can not deny knowledge of any of these most enthusiastic goodness of the intellectual world of beings who can not prove that human nature is good of intellect, can not guarantee a person's goodness and wisdom is infinite, that is no guarantee that he is not under any circumstances will be guilty of selfishness or do stupid things, that is, can not deny the two contrary to liberalism, as described below, it is one of the elements of liberalism) the differences in fact not Goodness of intellectual people (or person in all occasions goodness of wisdom), to get proof. ten thousand Uncle Lei Feng is far insufficient to prove the existence of There is enough to prove that there is good reason to liberalism. liberals will not go against The will not be as Nanjie (assuming it is indeed as wonderful as publicity) like the case of the refuted. However, ;, and a successful cases of free enterprise will be a challenge to it. This is because these two or mandatory good.
In this sense, liberalism is indeed no argument: if you allow free choice of each person separately public and private Which is better? The same area is the truth: If an he was not allowed to argue, but simply to liberals arrested, that is, resistance, which has demonstrated great advantages. even the most extreme liberals will not oppose, but will respect Cishan and altruistic behavior, however extreme glimmer. But only to the Free priority doctrine the failure of Marxism, but it means the failure of liberal doctrine or the other can not succeed, or will be a be its ideal of the perfect ideal of the strict theory of : do not read doctrine, or, more precisely, common bottom line of social democracy, Marxist Left and the general sense of the dispute are in order to achieve freedom, after which the value of the above based on a common bottom line, have actual meaning. In the traditional two-party politics in Britain, liberals that Whig revolutionaries had long been a and, for the left-wing trade union movement (later the Labour Party) and the Whigs in common opposition. In Tsarist Russia, Plekhanov had claimed that personal. democratic state that but also against the Tory-style (rather than the Burke style) conservatism. as Plekhanov said, the two actually The so-called poisoning. Indeed, when the people have the liberal order as . Plekhanov pointed out that the Russia of the People did not dare to speak against such a thing, not a hair of a police dared to touch them, ;, Democracy is not much stronger. Is it to learn what state without freedom the pursuit of freedom, this is human nature, people of common sense, people of common sense. As with so free and still not satisfied, but also the pursuit of higher ideals, that is another matter. < br> on. This is the so-called liberal can agree to ; the . only some of the logic of those who pay attention to complete the face of this paradox directly, such as Nozick have clearly said: opposed by some liberal critics found the target. In fact, in the past of liberalism, especially for debate issues in the defense of slavery is very important to a point south of the slaves that is commentators often refer to emphasis is not black slaves as slaves After the abolition of slavery is also not accompanied by the abolition of free employment system, and truly down, no one because there is no through in the form of logic is clearly a paradox without solution. thinking can cite many similar paradoxes, such as: tolerance toward itself? deconstruction itself can be and so on. The paradox is undoubtedly a logical deadlock. not a liberal, open it to play. It is only because of this impasse, various anti-freedom of the theory will never disappear.
But seriously want to come This knot is actually just a logical game. at least for people under the non-liberal order, it in fact did not constitute a real obstacle to liberal argument for three reasons:
First of all, the logic of this paradox is actually a double edged sword, it is to liberalism and liberal critics of the trouble is the same: the ; force others who are advocating the than real risk of allowing ; over slavery br> Secondly, as liberal critics also clearly recognized, liberalism because it can not provide further pursuit, it seems less attractive. liberals understand this, so they recognize pluralism, there is recognition of the value of the other, recognition of this issue of the rational woman. those corrupted officials, whether real problem but only to drill a logical dead end, not a bit hypocritical do?
Finally, the so-called parties to establish any constraints on their own, so it can be used to make the voluntary structure of contracting out of its own. It is universal and better institutional arrangements and, at least in some places it is worse than the system they are everywhere. then at least in these places, even the most liberal mm transgression?
short, as the liberal argument that the real difficulty of the logic of paradox, it will also stumped its opponents: ridiculous. but in reality, the light large. The liberalism of the real difficulties encountered in practice, but it is in that is easy to demonstrate, the field simply do not demonstrate common sense!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goat anti-terrorism worse than dogs

 In today's increasingly rampant terrorist activities, countries are active in the prevention of terrorist attacks, takes pains to combat terrorists. Some animals have a special role have also been useful to take away the animal kingdom's Strike.
Goat anti-terrorism ;, its various types of explosives are sensitive matter to the smell, even more severe than in dogs. invented Sha place will sit down quietly, and then motioned for the guy beside the soldiers approached to conduct a thorough search.
is well known, both the IDF or the U.S. military in Iraq, the most annoying things than how to search for hidden in suicide ; human bombs Local security authorities are also actively preparing for the introduction of this goat.
strong sensitivity to detect as low as 4 / 10 billion in volume. So they have been conceived on the Hornets with a conditioned reflex theory was trained to detect hidden bombs and the airport in the poison gas subway tunnel.
U.S. Department of Agriculture Insect scientists to achieve this vision. They invented a called a 15 inches (nearly 38 cm) high as the main cage, which placed five New Orleans. The unit also has a small hole and a camera connected to a laptop computer. When the wasps detect chemical substances to be detected when they will gather around the hole, such a reaction, the camera can detect, observers could see.
scientists say this is a low-tech, low-cost anti-terror weapon, predicted New Orleans will be a future Detection of articles in one day replace the bomb-sniffing dog position.
The insect research scientists have invented a special device, the insect can be effectively placed in the plastic tube, and subtle in their brain electrodes inserted in order to observe the plastic tube is injected into a scent before, during and after the moth brain changes in neuronal activity. in nature, in order to mate , moths must be aware of far to lure the opposite sex hormone released by the slight scent of, as far as possible over 180 meters. researchers is to take full advantage of the insect's biology reflects conducted experiments. Researchers are now using a similar technology to train the smell of moth to plastic explosives associated with the food. After training, the researchers inserted microelectrodes moth's brain, and connected to the amplifier, and then made them into a small moth vacuum device . The researchers monitor the moth's response at any time, if the moth's brain observed increased activity of neurons and the emergence of sucking action, then the existence of a plastic bomb. moth's sense of smell proved highly expected in the next few years , a group of well-trained hawk moth will embark on the front line against terrorism.
cockroaches can become anti-chemical and biological probes
in the Iraq war, in order to guard against biological and chemical weapons attacks, the U.S. military use of advanced testing equipment in addition to defense may biochemical attacks, but also follows the approach of soil during the Gulf War to detect m chicken. because the U.S. military worries, oil facilities were damaged during the war after the pollution will make the most advanced chemical weapons monitoring and alarm device can not work, and therefore can not collect samples of chemical or nerve gas.
But for harmful gases, the chicken or other animal than a human is much more sensitive to. the air caused by gas or chemical substances easier to kill chickens. so , the U.S. military can be the first time to take protective measures to avoid heavy casualties. At present, the Pentagon's researchers are ? In this scenario, researchers have begun to study the nature of common insects such as beetles, cockroaches, spiders and other biological and chemical reagents on the reaction, trying to build a strange U.S. scientists are br>

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Three decades of health food more frustrated intact (lower)

 (Connected to articles)
Fourth, formative stage (1996 ~ 2002): Health food industry chain to form
Milestone: June 1, 1996 > In the same year in July the Ministry of Health issued a .
sales and services, supply chain formation. because of market competition, the original free clinic health care industry marketing, hype marketing, MLM, conference marketing and marketing tools such as terminal block in the competition, accompanied by a number of ups and downs of business and products.
However, the role of the regulatory constraints, not promoted. then Lu following the addition of the terms are basically the constraints on the further development of the industry. At the same time as drug and health product marketing has created the word consumption concept, the customer is only concerned about the effects of health food products are still being used as drugs to sell, so the frequent market issues, government regulation, strengthening penalties for the emerging government, media exposure and so on, greatly hurt the industry's reputation and hurt the people consumer enthusiasm, result in industry-specific credit crisis, health care is no longer the fashion consumer, to become a problem the industry, marketing and sales began to decline since 2000.
(a) 1996: Ministry of Health, introduced, established as the food attributes
1996 �� 3 �� 15 �� Ministry of Health issued a requirements. The legislation in June 1, 1996 In 2003 the implementation of health food products classified by the State Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Health in 2005, after Food and Drug Administration issued a new health food management approach and food safety must! fresh key word and key word parallel one-way drug after a single focal point for the health food category, select the line with international standards. then uniquely Chinese medicine health products category was abolished in 1987 to 2000 approved drugs and health products began to convert word or directly to the market. market supervision from the same place their own way to the unified management of the Ministry of Health.
1997 National Bureau of Technical Supervision issued the . function) increased the labeling of food MLM
1998 �� 4 21, the State Council issued a full stop to any form of pyramid selling activities in order to cripple the existing implementation of the entire marketing industry, all companies in the MLM business, full stop operations, pending follow-up policy of national treatment. from Avon Products Co., Ltd. Sino-US joint venture in 1990 introduced the pyramid schemes began, bringing the MLM the way to go in China, came to an end after 9 years .1998 July, the State Council promulgated by the successful transformation of the 10 direct selling companies in the list of specifications, including Amway, perfect, Avon, Sunrider, Tiens, Mary Kay, Southern Lee Kum Kee, Hui and other special hundred. also represent China to ease the direct sales industry an effective way.
due to reduced circulation, simple and convenient , returns to the funds guaranteed, but also provides a lower-middle class job opportunities for lower risk, pyramid schemes in the developed market economy countries is a more sophisticated marketing methods, especially favored by health food companies. In essence, MLM is a demand-driven marketing model. it is not a trick of sleight of hand tricks, so it will not bring more than the other way to make a fortune selling opportunities. However, the pyramid schemes to China, but was rendered as of the 20th century the last chance to riches nuclear energy, is also the first time he saw formula, remember Luk Mei, ginseng, astragalus, gelatin, red dates, etc., provinces dealers have asked agents yuan, rose to third in Jiangsu 2.40 million, and shot down several provinces and cities, Robust incorporated into the 17 million yuan, more than the fee paid to the Ma Junren formula, Let He Boquan and Robust famous. through the hype, but also fully demonstrated the characteristics of the Chinese market, irrational, because the vast territory, varying levels of consumers, as well as the impulse to the media on news events, so when Some products can rely on while planning a night of inspiration or a rise.
(d) 1999: Birth of melatonin Shi Yuzhu resurrection
to 1999, Chinese health products market is more rational trend, just by advertising r l bombardment era of health care products to do the end of the year 1999 in July, Jianteshengwu in Shanghai, relying on a . end of the year sales revenue of 2.5 billion. melatonin main ingredient is melatonin, under physiological conditions, melatonin secretion by the brain's pineal gland, its secretion is regulated by circadian clock regulation has a role in the regulation of sleep.
the year 2000, Melatonin sales income 801 million yuan, the highest in the forefront of the national counterparts .2001, melatonin sales exceeded 1.3 billion, only a single product sold in January for up to 2 billion, a record of the Chinese health products single-product industry sales of new single-month record, with the first 6 months of production value of 410 million yuan and profits 105 million. melatonin after the listing of conscience around the Shi Yuzhu, the function of melatonin and melatonin has been speculation in the media proposal did not stop overheating, Shi Yuzhu with melatonin as the most controversial figures in the healthcare industry and products.
(V) 2000: Nobel laureate portraits filled with nucleic acid supplements advertising overwhelming camel major media in China, including Chen Yusong held in Qingdao, : the result of the media crusade, triggered suspicion and resistance from consumers, is rapidly growing, many health food approval because the publicity effect of publicity has been canceled or expand the text, the healthcare industry to further fall into the abyss. This incident is a warning to enterprises: the health food as a drug sale and excessive speculation is not feasible.
(g) 2002: conference marketing into the mainstream health care products marketing model relies
overwhelming when TV ads bombarded the marketing model, no longer hard to blow out high sales, Zhuhai later years the company became a marketing model to open up the meeting after the healthcare products market in 2001 the new winter green, to the health care market, new life. The meeting of marketing as a new marketing mode, waiting to switch from passive to active attack to the service consumer to service the ice opened up the minds of consumers, so that the already weak health care products market to find a new breakthrough for the tight encirclement of marketing health care products to find a new way.
2002, the Jane Otis service marketing model, later years of the Science and Technology Museum mode, binding mode in the vein of advertising, the day the high end of the planning mode of music, so colorful marketing meeting. the next few years, many manufacturers have transition herd, the meeting Marketing swept the country, the meeting also occurred the development of marketing dilemma: companies to fish product hype, manufacturers defame each other, varying quality and so on. At present, the meeting appeared polarization trend of marketing, good business is in transition to community health management direction.
mm despite the retreat of traditional marketing model, industry reputation from bad to worse, but because of direct marketing, conference marketing the rise, making the health food industry continue to develop in a difficult, full of people out of a strong desire for health and health care entrepreneurs spirit of innovation. However, in the health food when the drug sold under the shadow of the market in 2000 reached 50 billion from the scale, fell to 300 billion in 2002, the market prospects, many companies began to shift to related industries, such as his wife drugs shift the focus of the pharmaceutical industry; JIANGSU LONGLIQI switch in the field of cosmetics sales in the first access. Traditionally the health market Shi Yuzhu launched special gold partner, steadfastness specializing in gift market.
V. adjustment phase (2003 ~ 2008): the depth of industrial structure adjustment
milestone: 2003 Food as the pursuit of the magical effect of drugs, but began to improve the physical quality of preventive health care concerns; market supervision by the Ministry of Health and FDA is responsible for creating a new segment carrying the water situation; direct management policy introduced to determine the direct increase in business investment rules of the game mixed.
Board; July 1, 2005 the State Food and Drug Administration issued a regulations. have established the advertising and production of GMP certification requirements, health food regulatory system is basically sound.
(a) 2003: the national outbreak of SARS, health food market, a handful of fire!
proper health care products since 2002 when the market fell into a historical low despite drastic changes occurred: a formidable also kept to Helvdoutang, any products with the immune system take the industry, whether or not the name of the famous, all hot, drinking medicine, drink-dimensional C powder, taking all kinds of health care products, as long as people are said to improve immunity on the hosts to eat, health care products market really had a fire!
According to the Shanghai Statistics Bureau's statistics show that in April 2002, China's largest health products health products market mm in Shanghai last year retail sales increase of nearly five percent. Not only that Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Jinan and other places without exception, the national health care market the primary means of force against chronic diseases.
(b) 2004: China Health Care Association was established, third-party force the end of the stage
2002, the State Council required China Health Care Technology Association and the Chinese Health Food Association merged, renamed as Association, 3 pm, Great Hall in Beijing, the PRC National People's Congress Vice Chairman Xu and Vice Minister of Health Ma Xiaowei together for and the the role of a bridge between.
(c) 2005: Solomon calcium drowning incident
2004 �� 11 hydrogen peroxide 17, Henan Business Daily published the first hydrogen peroxide containing harmful substances. The Ministry of Health attaches great importance to the matter, has three organizations held a special meeting of experts, and commissioned the Tianjin Public Health Bureau and the Beijing Drug Administration to do the work of investigation and evidence collection on enterprises. from supervision and inspection situation, Giant companies can no violations of calcium: the recommended dietary intake, calcium in giant can of hydrogen peroxide residue in the safe range. But by the beginning of 2005 giant can of calcium disappeared from the market.
a report containing hydrogen peroxide, almost overnight the huge accumulation of a decade out of the market to calcium products. This event means that health-care business in China and product safety system is very fragile credibility of the brand for the Chinese investors in the healthcare industry presents a harsh warning. amazing are: all previous health care products by the media 1 implementation. Compared with the original regulations have several differences: First, to improve the health food registration application of technical requirements, enhanced disclosure of information on the verification of authenticity; Second, for the declaration of new features, leaving room for the new material ; Third, simplify the approval process, clear and shorten the approval time; four, provides health food approval certificate is valid, an increase of the content of re-registration of health food approval certificate of dynamic management.
Management Measures
(V) 2005: to regulate the direct behavior, and strengthening supervision of activities of direct marketing has played a prevent fraud, protect the legitimate rights and interests and the role of social and public interests. Direct Selling Regulations act of direct marketing, direct marketing product range, to regulate the recruitment of salespeople .
State Council also promulgated regulations promulgated the announcement, a gray area that has been in direct selling have regulatory basis.
(f) 2006: the sudden emergence of prebiotic
healthy mail-order model was established in Beijing in 1994, Health benefits of healthy new beginning in 2004, the first newspaper advertising + media contact center, imitation, mail-order model of healthy probiotic health products at the time to fill the gaps in order mode.
probiotic healthy mail-order model without large storage space, reducing the amount of management labor, thus saving the human, material and financial resources, which makes enterprise cost savings, with mass advertising, the unique advantages of low prices, captured a large number of probiotic health products healthy hardcore customers, and further profit to consumers, enabling customers to spend less money to buy more high-quality health care products, so as to achieve more win effect.
(g) 2007: possession of secret discharge of oil to be self-celebrity event alerts
2007 �� 3 months, the CCTV, experts, has nothing to do with Tibetan tea, suspected of cheating consumers were exposed. Subsequently, Guo Degang feeling angry and abusive in a blog response to questions, triggered a nationwide debate on celebrity behavior out of place, celebrities once again pulled down the cusp, For a time, celebrity endorsement as distinguished group, respected and trusted by the general public, regardless of their reputation comes from, since the product becoming the voice of people is part of advertising, out of themselves and be responsible for the public to be on product quality and efficacy of the corresponding knowledge, this is an essential social responsibility celebrity. health food business has always been keen to hire celebrity endorsements, celebrity endorsements after the incident to reason.
mm product mix, marketing models and industry reputation, are deep in the event of a positive adjustment. the one hand, because of more stringent regulation, getting into the white-hot competition, many companies struggling; the other hand, an endless stream of new products and models, show great market dynamism. more to be concerned about the investment, the influx of talent began to care industry, the industry has accumulated a healthy and orderly development of the internal driving force. This is the reform and opening up three decades, with review and reflection on the past, so we have sufficient reason to believe: China's healthcare industry is out of the cycle of low levels of wandering through practitioners tough, intelligent and hard working construction, will be the government, people and capital approval.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Premier Wen Jiabao summed up the past five years - Guangzhou Panyu real estate law - the focus of blog

 Wen said that since the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress five years, five years is extraordinary. In the Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of governments at all levels and all people to seriously implement the Party's congress, make concerted efforts and hard work and actively respond to the complex and volatile international environment, strove to overcome the economic and social development in a variety of difficulties to overcome the sudden and severe outbreak of SARS and the rare snow and ice storms and other natural disaster, the reform and opening up and modernization drive made universally remarkable achievements. <> The economy reached a new level .2007, gross domestic product reached 24.66 trillion yuan, up 65.5% over 2002, an average annual increase of 10.6%, up from sixth in the world to the fourth bit; National revenue reached 5.13 trillion yuan, an increase of 1.71 times; foreign exchange reserves more than 1.52 trillion U.S. dollars. <> agricultural tax was rescinded, ending the practice of farmers paying taxes. the nation's grain yield for four consecutive years, annual production of more than 2007 10,000 tons. <> state-owned enterprises, finance, taxation, foreign trade system and the administrative system reform and made significant headway. open economy entered a new stage .2007 total import and export reached 2.17 trillion U.S. dollars, from the world sixth to the third place. <> innovative nation registered good progress, and a number of major international impact of scientific and technological innovations. manned space flight and the first moon exploration project a success. <> Free compulsory education to all rural, this is an important milestone in the history of education. covering urban and rural public health system and basic medical service system was established. <> urban and rural public cultural service system was gradually improved. Cultural restructuring made important progress, cultural undertakings and cultural industries was accelerated. Shanghai Special Olympics was successfully held. Beijing Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Shanghai World Expo preparations proceeded smoothly. <> new progress made in building democracy and legal system, push forward administration by law, safeguard and maintain the rights of the people social equity and justice. <> people's lives improved significantly. five years, 5100 million urban jobs. urban residents per capita disposable income increased from 2002 2007 7703 yuan 13,786 yuan, per capita net income of rural residents 2,476 yuan to 4,140 yuan. The basic framework of social security. urban and rural areas. <> Wen said that fully demonstrate that the last five years of reform and opening up and building a moderately prosperous society has made significant progress in the five years, is social productive forces and overall national strength increased notably in the five years, the development of social undertakings and the people enjoyed more tangible benefits of five years, is China's international status and influence constantly grew.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Who will feed China Football Association

 Chinese football not the future? This is a problem difficult to define, in the modern competitive sports level, we have institutional advantages, such as the National System and the Olympic strategy, but in the professional level, the current football management system and Yanzhong restricting the professional soccer and the healthy development of Chinese football, Xie Yalong frank recognition of the failure, Where? how to deal with? how to solve?
Who will feed China Football Association?
Football Association is what kind of institutions? this problem has long been public opinion, of describing the one hand, on behalf of the State Sports General Administration of FA to manage all the soccer matches of resources, on the other hand he is also a ? Football Association to give the outside world, awareness is not only government, or business!
created the current living conditions of the Chinese Football Association that there are many reasons, in particular historical period, the football is slightly different role, but one thing is yes, access to professional football after the reform, the Chinese Football Association's god is no longer a country, but to become ordinary Chinese fans.
professional league started in 1994, the Chinese Football Association will no longer take delivery from the National Sports Commission any funds for the reform of professional sports and pilot units, the professional soccer league in the booming under the impetus of market income Football Chinese Football Association will soon let out of state funds into the that time, the association as a pioneer in physical education reform, but also under the Sports Commission and the other centers and institutions to discuss the object of envy, these previous revenue entirely from national cadres in the market, such as the annual International Management Group (IMG) to provide sufficient funds, in addition to personnel expenses and office costs, there are sufficient funds to do football football resources and other project development.
2007 newspaper association in the international football arena forum, the then Secretary-General Lang Xiaonong in Super League statement said a group of data, League and strategic partners, the State Sports General Administration approved in September 2005 led the establishment of the Football Association Super company, largest shareholder is the Football Association, Super company's total registered capital of 200 million yuan, the Chinese Football Association invested 720,000 yuan, possession 36% of the shares; 16 Super League clubs invested 8 million, respectively, each share of 4% of the shares. in accordance with the original share agreement, the Chinese Football Association is the largest shareholder, should have been carried out in accordance with the proportion of bonus shares, but when the Football Association vice chairman Xie Yalong has requested the inclusion of a supplementary provisions, if the Football Association over the 1000 ratio of dividends million, ten million football can only share.
Super's money come from? of course, is a professional league, but Professional League So to attract investors, sponsors and the media into the many resources, or from the Chinese fans for the support of football, and cooperation with the Chinese Football Association two major partners, Adidas and Ruishi Ying Fang Group, the reason they Chinese Football Association is willing to willing to pay tens of millions per year RMB, or Chinese fans after all, no fans of participation and concern, many of the media will not put too much energy to focus on football, in the category of Chinese sports, football has always been a weak project, neither the results, and no reputation, attention is not high, but after the introduction of professional football, a passion for football fans to be lit, so pour sponsors, partners also have an alliance with the Football Association, and that makes the Chinese Football Association With the The position is fit, the more money must be invested in the Olympics to win gold and silver medals to those projects, of course, that football is still the main part of the funds from the Football Association itself, prepared in 2007 to hire foreign coach for Women was financial difficulties, the association applied for funding to the departments concerned, I do not know the progress of the matter, but soccer's status in China can be seen in sports.
Football Association are state institutions, but he must be self-financing to support themselves, So football has had government-run business functions, in order to earn better money, more money, the association was established in 1993 Ford Depot China, this is equivalent to the Department of football management companies, are operating independently on the surface of a business In fact, very difficult to get rid of football for many years director of the facts. the company in the Chinese Football Association after a regular partner, will ; fire-fighting team, the basic work of the World Cup.
why the Chinese Football Association is a State Sport General Administration of their jurisdiction and management of the system in the latest Sports Commission wage system reform, the Chinese Football Association has once again become a million head of division-level leadership following are the eight thousand dollars salary, vice level cadres is the average salary over seven thousand, five thousand clerks diverse, so that in the present salary standard in the social sectors, should be considered , but our fans.
why sponsors have fled?
a sense, the sponsor is the god of football, one of the basic guarantee funding, but the fans is their real god, a sponsor choose to invest in a project, mainly to see the three conditions, first, whether the project a good brand, the competitive level of the decision is not often choose the brand sponsors the standard; Second, the project's market maturity and reputation, the more relatively mature and competition of resources with high reputation, the more aggregate of the large quantities of high-quality brand sponsor, it is a operation of the specific marketing team really respect the customer, treat customers, will take the initiative to maintain their brand value, often to a project sponsor, is not entirely value-sponsored acts direct how much money can earn? but to promote and market their own brands, many businessmen regard the The Football Association do?
popular domestic enterprises are the three major sports sponsorship: media program sponsorship, sports sponsorship and event sponsorship teams, sponsors, what is most valued? of course, is media exposure, so whenever the strength of Sponsors must select a direct media delivery, followed by sports teams and event sponsorship, indirectly, enhance the brand value of exposure and sponsorship, football is the world's first sport in China, football is the most popular people and the fans concerned about the sports, so the professional league at the beginning, the sponsor, side of the international brands or domestic famous enterprises, such as Pepsi, Siemens, Philips this internationally renowned brands, sponsorship at that time to enter, because there are exclusive problem, but the limited capacity of development projects was the implementation of the rights of sponsors There is also a lack of, but she do not care, so at that time IMG and the Chinese Football Association Xiaohe r, l every day, no one thought of this most recent two years, the football market such a big decline, the biggest problem now is that the entire football program in China community awareness and reputation are very poor, with poor grades, the league has many problems, generally bad record at all levels of the national team, a lot of things together, the project management up to be difficult. br> Ruishi Ying Fang Po in 2006, Ford became the Football Association to succeed in the China Team's strategic partners, business processes can be more than two years, the profit side not only lost the greatest sponsor Siemens, some of the original Customers also pulled out of the new customers in addition to Kia Motors recently joined and did not get in the real sense of business links breakthrough, not only affects the Chinese Football Association's pocketbook, but also on the normal operation of the team at all levels and Guo Zihao Preparing for a negative impact, of course, the reputation of Infront challenged itself is certain. from sponsors tumbled threshold, and now have fled, in addition to the Olympics away near the eye and sponsors of funds, the Chinese Football Association should not good to reflect on it?
Yan Shi Duo Ultra first year in 2004 at the tender had been announced a number of sponsored enterprises have more than one hundred acts. In the 150 or so, why such a huge population but also for today's professional soccer league and national team game management wants to come it? Where is the problem?
from a club point of view, Beijing Guoan, and Henan Jianye are two from 1994 persevered in the background of professional league club, a background of a state-owned enterprises, the other is the property of the private sector, from the sponsors point of view, the first session in 1994, sponsors a professional soccer league A sponsor gone? Marlboro is Because state law limits left football, and others? We did not even have any impression! currently the main sponsor of Super League Kingway enter the 2007 season, Canon entered in the 03 season, Sohu in 2005 as a new media partner, Nike is entered after the super, super major sponsors, the oldest of the surprise is 03 years into the league of the Canon, and we the last ten years, then lost those brands, Siemens Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Philips, Fujitsu, Toshiba hh
sports sponsorship has one of the most important feature is the exclusive, industry-exclusive particular, is the sponsor a strong share of the value, in the last century, eighty Adidas to enter China's sponsorship of football fields, over the years has been accompanied by football, between them and the Chinese Football Association has many years of cooperation agreements, but in a lot of cooperation, it was an unpleasant, such as Guo Zihao players a lot of other sports brands Nike China Team, some projects were split marketing, such as the Futsal national team, beach soccer national team from Guo Zihao stripping, by looking for other sponsors to seek more funds, not even counting what the wrong Adidas Super League's main sponsor of Super League 12 million yuan annually to the sponsorship. the Chinese Football Association by Adidas and Nike as a competitor for economic game theory, it should be said has made great success, but many behavior certainly very unhappy with the company to Adidas.
Chinese Football Association was held in Shenzhen in 2002, the National Football Conference, at Yan Shi Duo announced the resolution of bone in the prior notice did not sponsor any one in the face of his god, when government-run some of the background of the Chinese Football Association engaged in the field of sponsorship, in the final analysis is to make money, this is the profit-driven business decisions, the so-called non-profits can not afford early l r, pursuing the interests of sponsors is not wrong, but the Chinese Football Association as a partner in the pursuit of commercial interests can not be too because you are industry executives, you have to maintain all of your sponsors the right to bad faith of the people in the business field is to be excluded, we and the Chinese Football Association has also not cooperative short years, input is also very great, but they too strong of purpose, one said a thing, immediately put on the shelf, l think so, yes, some money now! r they think advertisers use to make money can be used only tool Why Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Siemens of these large international brands are gone, it is probably not going to endure, such as Adidas, Nike, the sports brand that they sponsor the Chinese football is completely determined by the nature of the strategic behavior of the brand, once they feel too bad the brand of Chinese football, managers too amateur, they are likely to leave, you really want to that time, and that Chinese football will really far away from death. Football frustration was palpable.
Super billion in total fell from a title to 21 million?
a total Super League title actually worth? which at present has not withstand scrutiny, 2008 Super League title on the total price of the most real, the possible exception of football people, the outsiders it is difficult to know, I hear there are several versions, but relatively accurate price, the total is 08 season, the title sponsor of Kingway Brewery Super League's price is only 21 million yuan, there is no doubt close to the lowest point in history.
Chinese professional soccer in the trial before the league is a big funding gap, the Chinese Football League each year the total costs is 50 million, the association generally use the Sai Huizhi contest to resolve the accommodation and hospitality costs, the participating teams themselves travel, event organizations, financed by the Chinese Football Association solution, this low-cost operation of the league not only influence the way a small , let football tournament funds are a headache every year to address the livelihood issue, which is reform of the Chinese Football Association in football the most raw power, the end of 1993, the Chinese Football Association and IMG (International Management Group) has signed the first Chinese soccer league to promote the history of contract, followed by Marlboro (94 - 98) became the first professional football league overall title sponsor, sponsorship fee the first year of 120 million cost of the title each year increment by 10%.
Pepsi (99 -02) is an internationally renowned brands, its main industry is the carbonated beverage, this type of business and professional football such a high degree of fit of the tournament, they appeared in China after the football field to a great appetite, sponsorship goals A total nail straight title, in 1999, Pepsi $ 10,000,000 a year, a 10% annual increase rate as the main sponsor, but in the end of 2002, Pepsi-Cola Company announced the early termination of IMG breach of contract in the name of the contract, so the five-year Pepsi cooperation with the Chinese Football Association is actually only worked together for four years. its withdrawal from the direct cause of the Chinese Football Association is their series of This is the super golden age of the total title sponsor, Pepsi, the league title the value of the total decline began to appear irreversible.
is still time to worry about the Chinese Football Association league sponsors, as well as the sponsors reserve Wait, the title of Siemens A 03 A late season, 2004 Siemens mobile phones to 8.1 million euros the first year of the high amount of the total gain super title, with Canon, Heng Yuan Xiang, Beijing Hyundai, Chia Tai Group and other sponsors seven , Super platter first year's gross total operating nearly 20 million U.S. dollars, but unfortunately the year end of the year seven Super League clubs downtown Strike, the last Ford is responsible for operating the league's revenue Po shrunk by almost half, the final payment of the amount of Pepsi 700 million dollars, other sponsors have also reduced the amount to pay the sponsorship fee, but even so, for the Super Club, this year the league is still one of the largest dividend season Super 12 clubs each from the Chinese Football Association of dividends 6,000,000 yuan.
05 Siemens season of Euro Super League's offer actually only 400 million euros, the Siemens contract, the time to amend the cooperative near the league, and price down too much, the Chinese Football Association has in fact lost the possibility of finding new sponsors. when Super Secretary-General Lang Xiaonong any time there is a point of view, the wrong time, say, the Chinese Football Association has been very difficult to restore operations in the 05's defeat last season.
streaking through the 05's, 06's UK network business Aifukesi season and bitter about the Chinese Football Association, the season, Aifukesi cost of 600 million euros in the title Super, in fact, end of the season, the last payment of the cost of only 50 million euros, which is a major operational failure, the association sponsors for million yuan of the surplus, but in the latest title a year after the signing of cooperation programs, which 8,000,000 are to be recovered once again become a Chinese Soccer League title, but the value of shrinking, but it is an indisputable fact that in 2002 Pepsi exit is a sign of the signal, the direct cause of loss of Pepsi Football Association is an important decision, China's sports heavyweights Wei Jizhong said the old man said something very reasonable, people in the general title of the phenomenon of shrinking the views of his most intuitive, It is the choice by market forces, in fact, lost or China Football Super League on the impact of investment is not a direct factor, we see that the Premier League after the European Cup in England eliminated without any shocks, Nike for 10 years $ 1,000,000,000 Brazil sponsored by the Brazilian team did not expect all of each World Cup champion, the competitive level of sports is not only the definition of project standards for the price system, but without a complete league system, standardized operation of the market, excellent operation of the team support it, the price of the Super League title would have been the total volatile until the last before the return to league.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I'll always love

 Van Basten, Gullit and Frank Rijkaard, the Dutch in the late 80s the three have joined AC Milan, is the peak period of Milan dynasty hero, adored by the world hundreds of millions of fans. They can be elected as the undisputed world best striker. when AC Milan is the most famous Basten)
Basten (Van Basten, 1964 -) Van Basten, the world's peerless striker, striker supreme, Ute Reiter, 1.88 meters, weight 80 kg .7-year-old club Ajax Amsterdam youth team into the starting soccer practice. Cruyff by teacher guidance, made rapid progress after the amateur nature of the ud lux into the football team. officially joined the 16-year-old soccer club Ajax, began pro career as the team won the national league championship 4 times, 3 times the national championships and one European Cup winners Cup, many top scorer In 1984 the Netherlands were European silver shoes Award in 1986 by the European Golden Shoe Award for .20 years old, selected the Dutch national team. Basten is full of poetic inspiration, a genius-type shooter, light and elegant style, Taxuewuhen, Jianguang Lesch , no way to prevent the opponent. Technical comprehensive delicate, energetic, running fast, erratic movements are flexible and act in harmony with his teammates, Zhengding, scraping fierce and accurate. very good at capturing the opportunities in front of scores, class consciousness, abnormal accurate shooting tricky. rob point of a header, a diving header, volley, Chan She fell to the ground everything. Van Basten in the field with a and fellow Gullit, Frank Rijkaard together to create a Milan won the 1988, 1992, 1993, 1994, 4 Italian Serie A champion, Italian Super Cup in 1992,1993, 1989, 1990, 1994, three times European Champions Cup, 1989, 1990 2 in the European Super Cup and Toyota Cup. Basten scored in 1990 individuals, two league top scorer in 1992, 1988, 1989, 1992, three times was named the best player in Europe, 1988, 1989 2 in the best striker in Europe, 1988,1992 twice as FIFA World Player of 1992 and was named the best striker in Europe Contemporary. Basten AC Milan out of a total of 108 games game, scoring 66. Bass Teng played for the Netherlands in 1986, two 1990 World Cup, are in general In 1988, the Dutch team clinch the European Championship trophy, Van Basten was named the best player and top scorer title and was named the best team of 1992 and played again the 9th European Cup, the Dutch team won the first three made major contributions toward the European Championships In 1988, the Soviet Union in the Netherlands fight for the championship game, Van Basten the ball into the Ling Dujiao , called the history of football must document, known as , and finally hard to recover. generation shooter had to formally bid farewell to the pitch in 1996, the world's a sigh. At present, Van Basten has been the head coach of the Dutch national team, two games have been pretty smooth with the Dutch team out of the Group of Death, has been the identity of the group advancing the quarter-finals, and the fate of France and Italy firmly in control of life and death in their own hands! this really a cake and eat it? I will wait and see! !!
Gullit (Ruud Gullit)
Gullit (Ruud Gullit, 1962 -) Gullit, the famous Gullit, 1962 September 1 was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands. mother is Dutch, Surinamese father. height of 1.85 meters, weight 89 kg, speed 11 seconds .8 meters concentrate fully age, first in Harlem team effectiveness, professional playing career started at age 16 was transferred to Feyenoord .1985 .1982 joined the Netherlands PSV Eindhoven for the 1986-1987 season the team won the national championship and three consecutive years rated as the best Dutch players. Gullit officially open the road to glory In 1987, Gullit to AC Milan of Italy, and gradually put the team into a Point was rated as the best players in Europe, was I become the No. 2 player in Europe, and won the champion. Gullit is a star with a modern romantic, very welcomed by the fans. Tall and large, in the field with a strong deterrent, there are shapely, chic demeanor, especially the one from the hundreds of elaborately woven pigtail formed long curly hair, a floating one swing, it is fascinating. his meticulous training, superior skills, capable of various locations in the football player is all-powerful , explosive strength, passing a good placement, activities range, header ruthless, left and right foot equally skilled, can fired, but also good break in the crowd. He is the core of the field, there is general demeanor, eye view of six road with ease. fans have called him the players, not systematic violations of each other. Field is versatile, proficient in English, Dutch, German, Italian conversation, but also personally organized bands, mastering labels. Gullit and Van Basten compatriots, Lijiekaer Germany formed the and 58 consecutive league games unbeaten to keep the Serie A record of Superman. Gullit has also participated in 1986, two 1990 World Cup and 1992 European Football Championship. infighting and the Netherlands there has been little success. joined England in 1995 Chelsea, side edge when the team coach to become Chelsea coach In 1996, very few appearances. under his tune, becoming England's Chelsea team super .1998 February, Gullit was suddenly Chelsea dismissal, was poor record last season, but one of the Galaxy led Gullit or have infinite hope.
Rijkaard (Rijkaard)
Rijkaard (Rijkaard, 1962 -) Frank Rijkaard, called the 1.90 m, weight 86 kilograms, the functional freedom defender. childhood practice play, 17-year-old joined the soccer club Ajax Amsterdam and became a professional player .1980, 1982, 1983, 1985, the Dutch team won the Class A League champion, won the Dutch Cup in 1983,1986,1987 In 1987 the team won the Cup Winners Cup, Zaragoza after the transfer Portugal In 1988 the club moved to the Italian team AC Milan. and compatriots, Gullit, Van Basten formed extremely strong In 1989, 1990, 1994 European Cup 3 times .1989, 1990, 1994 European Super Cup 3 times .1989, 1990 .1992 2nd Toyota Cup, 1993 European 2 Champions League runner-up. get off his personal honor, in 1988 and 1989 were respectively named the best player in Europe and the world's best players, and selected the best team In 1989 the world was Jieka de participated in 1986, 1990, three World Cup in 1994, doing well In 1988, the Dutch team won the European soccer championship, was selected the best team of 1992 and the 9th to win the European Cup No. 3 .1994, Rijkaard returned Ajax, thrive. won the league title 94 years In 1995 the Netherlands and the Netherlands as Ajax won the Champions League, European Champions Cup Champion, European Super Cup and Toyota Cup. Rijkaard stable solid and talented man, won the trust of teammates and fans. tall, at the foot of technology is also very good. comprehensive technology, skills, sits defense Kwan, Wan Fu Mo open, , quite long-range power. header and tackle two of his magic, but also the center of the box with a strong sense of .1995, the beautiful and charming, It is now coaching one of the outstanding representatives of the young group, the Dutch national team and FC Barcelona have left deep footprints of his!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


 Last night without incident, about the friends to learn from downstairs billiards room, from 7 pm to 1 am, until exhaustion just stop there. Go to work today without incident, the search for some information, and the king shared.
Billiard Sports nearly 600 years of history. According to writer Alex Hendry billiards historians to research, first in the world the emergence of a pool table in the year 1400, when the table is a no bag, only the arches, or wickets. then people Center opened on the table a round hole and then proceeded to open the four corners of the table holes, but also stimulated the increase in people interested in playing ball until a table opened in the six round hole, it evolved into today's pocket billiards tables in the prototype. On the origin of billiards there are several theories:
1, originated in France in American Humane .1904 Johnson said in his book, King Charles VII, he was already a pool exercise. Billiards The name comes from the French, early 15th century, France has a British poet. Coton written the book in 1674, describes the history of the relevant pool. The book is about the Crusades billiards, brought to Europe from the east is an old game, after the improvement of the Italian and Spanish made.
3, originated in Britain. British people love this sport, in December 1836, the first billiard table set in London, first opened in London, followed by billiards hall, billiards association is the first in the UK spontaneously formed.
rise of snooker can be traced back to AD 1875, stationed in India by a British officer Neville. Bowes. Chamberlain (Neville Bowes Chamberlain) and his comrades are the first to invent a bunch of The
before the birth of the snooker, billiards games already exist, and a variety of games are played. Among them, there is something called Bowes. Chamberlain's army which is very popular. these games are played with a white ball, 15 red balls and one black ball. One day, Neville. Bowes. Chamberlain and his comrades that into the bag, 22 has been popular around the world of snooker balls.
said, also naming snooker Neville. Bowes. Chamberlain related. One time, Neville. Bowes. Chamberlain, playing with a partner This new invention by their 22 ball billiards, a very easy goal, the other missed. he joking the other is difficult to talk about snooker (snooker is the courtyard of a local military time freshmen the prevalence of known method). he was so easy to read a call to remind everyone, so that we realize that, for this new pool play, we are all novices, are snooker. So, snooker, it is called will beginning of the epidemic and fixed.
Snow ball billiards pool quickly passed back to the home ---- UK. However, when the traditional BILLIARDS pool in the UK dominated, is considered orthodox and scientific games are played. snooker moment can only be a folk entertainment, difficult Appears on the Stage.
snooker fans in the unremitting efforts, in 1916, held its first English Amateur Snooker Championship. However, there have been 20 years of snooker star Joe. Davis (Joe Davis), snooker really popular in the UK.
Joe. Davis control of the first recognized the importance of the white ball back to the position of the snooker player. He used the white ball back to the position control to create a continuous goal and have scored several times to refresh a single record of legs. Prior to this, playing snooker The general concept is to clear the ball into the can into the bag, and then hit a safe ball, waiting for the next scoring opportunity. So, when the single rod 20 degrees or 30 degrees goals have been considered quite good. However, Joe . Davis puts this level to greatly improve the standard step. Joe. Davis's superb skills to attract a large audience .1926, at the Joe. Davis and the efforts of his friends, the Billiards Association and Management Club (BA & CC) has finally agreed and successfully held in London in the history of the first World Professional Snooker Championship, laid a snooker billiards industry position. After six months of hard work, but also fully in our expected, Joe. Davis, overwhelmingly won the first World Professional Championship. In the midst of the cheers of victory, the birth of the first snooker a dazzling star. Joe. Davis in the subsequent year organized by the World Professional Championships, has been sit tight in the top spot until he retired in 1946. In all the race, Joe. Davis never lost a. And every time the final result, the gap between all finals and the poor. Now, the world among the top 100 professional players. There is no longer so obvious disparity. Joe. Davis, snooker history really can be called a genius.
Joe. After retirement Davis , his brother Fred. Davis (Fred Davis) and Walter. Donaldson (Walter Donaldson) control of the World Professional Championships. until 1957, John, Pullman (John Pulman) boarded the Champion, and maintained until 1969. Unfortunately, in John. Pullman era, but not his own fault, the public lost interest in snooker, snooker professional players on stage almost disappeared from the public entertainment .
until 1969, with the birth of color television, snooker again a new life and to flourish. At that time, BBC television is being developed to meet the color TV broadcast of sports programs, and Snow made grams of billiards to it has rich colors, is the most obvious advantages of color television to play sports, of course, was BBC TV's table Lai, and soon, BBC TV introduced a game of snooker column, and the number of live snooker live games. snooker star quickly became a household name. followed, but also the birth of a new generation of professional snooker player.
1969, John. Spencer (John Spencer) won his three times World Professional Championship in the first .1970, Ray. Reardon (Ray Reardon) won his sixth world championship for the first time. snooker the 70's, can be said to Ray. Reardon age . Alex. Higgin (Alex Higgins) won the 1972 World Professional Championship, and Terry. Griffiths (Terry Griffiths) were given in 1979 this competition in the world championship title .1980 Professional Championship for the Cliff. SANG (Cliff Thornburn) is obtained. Since 1981, the highest level on behalf of World Snooker Championships, they often become the Steve. Davis (Steve Davis ) is a foregone conclusion, in the 80's, he won six times winner of the contest to become overlord of a new generation of snooker.
Dennis. Taylor (Dennis Tayler) in the 1985 World Professional Championships beat Steve. Davis Airport Express event that attracted thousands of spectators, setting a British BBC television more than eighteen million viewers watched sports records. Joe. Johnson (Joe Johnson) won the 1986 champion, 1986 winner, 1989, Steve. Davis once again won the championship of the competition, get a bonus of up to 105,000 pounds.
Now, snooker has been widely carried out all corners of the earth. Asia and Europe is the fastest growing regions, 1988m1989 year, the two first world ranking tournament held in Canada and France, respectively. Then, they have some of the world ranking event in Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai organized. 1988 Asian Games gold medal pool will be listed. Today, snooker has become an international peoples favorite sport.
billiards was introduced into China in the 19th century. Opium War, foreign overseas activities of the first pool in China, and then the upper class in China, spread of .20 in the beginning of the century, coastal cities in China on a , Beijing and other cities, has emerged Billiards Association. to 30 years, Shanghai and other billiard games are held every year, there have been some billiards player. After the liberation, our country held in 1960 1 in the national competition .1985 Tianjin and Shanghai have organized the 2nd National Competition held in 1986 and Beijing 1. This game several times, the emergence of a group of players, such as Shanghai, Sun Bolin, Ren-Jun, Jiang Shaoguo, Beijing, Du Xiaoming, Shenzhen Zhong Shen Min Wen and Tianjin will be Britain, and other.
reform and opening up, billiards sports seriously by the relevant departments, have formed around the Billiards Association and held a variety of billiard games In 1986, China Billiards Association was formally established, it held a lot of national competitions, the organization of the domestic players master technical exchanges with the world. That year, Shanghai hosted the 1st world standard of the game, Singapore, World Champion and three forest officials off the national championship, the Chinese national champion Sun Bolin, etc..
1987 年 3 held in Beijing on 5 September the and eight Chinese athletes took part in the competition. This 8 who was ranked No. 1 player in the history. Davis, Dennis 3. Taylor, Jimmy 5. White, Willie 7. Thorne, Terry 8. Griffith, Tony 10. Miao, Neil 13. Faulds, 16 Rex. Williams, finally, Willie. Thorne won the championship. about 1 million viewers watched the game through television broadcasting, the audience of their performances mesmerizing feast for the eyes. the competition to set off a wave pool of heat. Since then, the pool in our wide spread. each year There are many games, our players are constantly improving the level and began to take part in some World Series.
many different types of billiards, snooker in addition to the familiar, there are a lot of play are popular in the country and the world and have their own World Series competition in a number of comprehensive, the pool project has also set up many small items. the world is divided into the popular types of billiards snooker, American pool, French billiards pool and open-lun, origin of the name suggests this is in accordance with the billiards division.
English billiards and snooker, including the proportion of English and two types of snooker. mainly popular in the UK and continental Europe. English billiards, also known as the proportion of three balls to bag Billiards, is based on the type of billiards, snooker competitions in the world one of the official. English billiards proportion appeared earlier, requires a more comprehensive technical play, at present, many of the world famous snooker player, billiards proportional basic skills are quite solid. while the other types of English billiards snooker is popular the world one of the main pool. English ; transliteration of the name. snooker is not only a ball he can score, you can consciously play to the other display technology can not be an obstacle to the ball, so that the other party blocked being punished. Therefore, snooker competition, fun infinite, the world billiards competition project.
American billiards, also known as American Pool (also known as the Ruhr ball), is an important genre desktop billiards, billiards in the French and British and later the formation of a pool new style. it French and English billiards and snooker in parallel, widely popular in the Western Hemisphere and eastern Asia. But American billiards and snooker and English billiards French than if they are still not known. Some people think that, just belong to the American Bar Billiards the streets of the 8-ball system billiards, 9 ball pool system, Chicago Billiards, Pool and other types of billiards billiards and bowling.
French billiards originated in France, also known as Ka Luomu billiards, its meaning hit two balls in a row, which uses cue ball hit two consecutive balls, which is the basic requirement of French billiards. and English billiards, American pool tables in the main difference is that there is no net bags. Kaluo Mu variety of style of play billiards, which is the three main Edge Ka Luomu billiards.
open London billiards originated in France, and later is very popular in Japan, the pocketless table, which is based on a billiard cue ball scoring play. In some of our rarely seen such a billiard hall pool play. open pool play into stars open Lun Lun, Samsung to open London, London four-ball open, linear open-lun, Taiwan line to open Lun, etc., but the most popular four-ball starts to count the London play.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Lu teaches seventh grade version of the moral case study on the second unit volume

 The second unit into the new learning environment
1.4 Content Standard
correct understanding of the three individual and the collective relationship between the experience of understand the importance of self-evaluation, objective understanding, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses to form a clearer image of the self as a whole. II 3.2 that citizens have the right and obligation to receive education, learn how to use the law to protect their right to education and consciously fulfill by education obligations.
1.2 correctly deal with the three academic pressure, overcome test anxiety, develop the correct concept of learning and do further studies and career choices prepared.
1.5 active exercise of a personal psychological quality, sharpen the will, and character cultivation to form good learning, work habits and lifestyles. II 3.1 understand the relationship between rights and obligations, learn to respect the rights of others to fulfill their obligations.

an educational goal, emotions, attitudes, values
1. love the new learning environment, integration into the new collective consciousness, learning to adapt to new life.
2. can objectively understand, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, create a more clear and complete self-image.
3. able to correctly exercise the right to education, conscientiously fulfill the obligations of education.
4. to establish a correct attitude towards learning and lifelong learning awareness.
Second, the ability to
1. enhance self-management, self-adjustment, self-control capacity, enhance the adaptability of life.
2. initial grasp of self-evaluation methods to improve self-awareness, self-evaluation capacity.
3. learn to use legal weapons to protect their right to education.
4 . Changing learning to master for their own learning, develop good study habits.
Third, knowledge 1. to understand changes in their learning environment, understanding the relationship between individual and collective.
2. understand the self-evaluation importance.
3. that citizens have the right and obligation to education.
not the same as the third class environment is not the same as is for students to understand the new learning environment,UGG shoes, feel the new life changes, so a positive attitude to face, to the scientific method to adapt and learn to incorporate new class of collective, self-correct understanding and evaluation of comprehensive, quickly adapt to new learning experience. This lesson from the three items constitutes the introduction.
, so that students in thinking and perception in reading, and encourage students to explore one of the answers, causing the interest of students.
the content of this course set up three projects mmm ;, the self-awareness and evaluation, etc. to start.
focus Difficulties
1. . hours (total 5 hours)
teaching content: the first box lesson taught Lesson mm , into new courses
consider: (1) ask someone to think about when you first day of school after registration of the first feel? (I am a middle school student was!)
(2 ) Then, you rolled on campus, in the face all around, then what is it you feel?
(new school, new environment, new classmates, new group, new courses, new tasks, the surrounding gave us all a new experience, gives us a new vision.)
2, writing on the blackboard: the third course not the same environment is not the same as new life, if we can actively adapt to the changed environment? whether to integrate into a new class group? whether the correct self-understanding and development? This is placed in front of each student papers of life, it requires us to use the mind and actions to answer.
a new starting point, let us work together, to grow up happily together through this wonderful school time, right!
(b) teach new courses
Blackboard issues: new life
a new starting point, high school life, new feelings
1, enter the new environment of excitement, an excitement
activities: filling a fill in, do a do:
(1) fill out a new school, new life the situation
(2) read the material on page P27 first.
(3) do a do: Tell me about your environment, life changes, often affect a person feel the change in mentality.
students in the face of the new environment, new joy for life the excitement, more or less still have some concerns about it!
2 the face of new environmental concerns
talk about: the new life of their own learning what confused and worried? (P27 page with the middle of teaching materials.)
blackboard Keywords: student teachers mm friendly? pressure to adapt quickly?
teachers about:
the face of such confusion concerns, how can we do? shrink to escape, does not matter, or rose to the challenge? ask someone to look under .
Links: (see textbook page P28)
to adapting to new learning life
1, is the attitude adjustment, adaptation to the environment
into a new learning environment, we will encounter as are not suited, in fact, this is normal.
Activity Two: read (see Materials P28 page):
think about: your new life is not suited to study place? if , how do you adjust?
teachers about:
the face of these suited, if we do not adjust in time, improve their ability to adapt, it will affect future learning and life. So, how to adjust it ?
think about: the new environment, some are not suited to the time when we should be how to adjust it?
(P28 teaching students to read the text page, thinking the discussion to answer.)
teachers about:
face of the new environment, we first of all from the psychological acceptance. When you feel Mouxie not meet, it is necessary timely analysis of the causes, attitude adjustment, and to take appropriate measure to adjust itself to adapt to new environment.
2, is to establish a new goal to pursue
read, talk about: (see textbook pages of material P29)
world champion from the secret of the success of what we get inspiration? (teachers, students discuss the summary of answers)
Teacher Summary:
materials in Japan in the famous marathon world champion Yamada constantly set new goals in this one, stories and constantly create new results.
biggest revelation to us is To set goals, and to learn to break off the target, step by step to achieve.
writing on the blackboard: the goal is the direction, but also power. to establish a new goal is to grow in the new environment we need.
life is like travel, the goal is travel route, lost the line, had halted. see goal-setting on the first day we just go to high school students is very important! how to advance the objectives set it?
we should be targeting Note: The objectives established to meet their practical, not too high or too low; goals set must be comprehensive and should make their own moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic all-round development; goals also need to establish levels of implementation process should be gradual and so on.
Here we have to try to give themselves a new target to develop junior now!
do a do: (See textbook page P29)
3, to strengthen the self-management
primary school, because we are young, many things are done by parents to help us. For example, the parents told us the morning to get up, go to school by parents, school supplies, supplies are made parents worry about us. Now we are entering the secondary level, secondary school life began, then the school gives us life, what new requirements?
Three activities: take a look at, think about: (students read textbooks in the two cartoons, discuss the answers )
school life which presents us with new requirements? (students answer the discussion)
(secondary school life requires us to manage your own learning and life.)
teachers about:
these two We introduce students to the comic self-management scenario, an aspect of life, one is learning. We should learn from these two students, learn self-management.
secondary school life requires that we be able to manage your own learning and life. self-management, that is, to overcome psychological dependence, learning to achieve autonomy, strict requirements on the behavior of their own lives.
think about it, talk about: How can we achieve self-management do?
( self-management, requires us to: be independent in learning, improve study ways and means to enhance self-learning ability; in life to do self-care, self-reliance, behavioral strict with themselves. the only way to grasp the rhythm of school life to experience the joy of them.)
do a do: self-management plans and actions mm
in life: to do their own thing, so take care of themselves, self-reliance and overcome psychological dependence, as little as possible so that parents We worry about;
in learning: self, self, learning brain, hands, exploring, learning and mastering the learning method, time, work independently, etc.;
other areas: consciously observe the school rules and regulations, compliance classroom discipline, be strict with themselves and other.
(c) of lesson knowledge points (students in the book to draw the following knowledge points)
(1) face of the new learning environment, the first recognition and from the psychological accepted. If you feel some of the suited, it is necessary and timely analysis of the reasons, attitude adjustment, and to take appropriate measures to adjust themselves to adapt to the new learning environment.
(2) goal orientation, but also power. establish new The goal is to grow in the new environment we need.
(3) high school life require us to strengthen self-management, to overcome psychological dependence, independence in learning to do, ways and means to improve learning, improve self-learning ability; do take care of themselves in life, independence, behavioral strict with themselves.
(d) Homework
1, transcription course knowledge points. 2, the development stage of my new goals in junior high school. 3, how active adapt to the new learning environment?
(e) extra-curricular activities
1, the second box read the second lesson mm The class body is like? (2) a good class of people growing body of antiphonal singing What is the role?
(3) how to integrate into the new collective, the collective good owner?
second class (total 6 hours)
Contents: Lesson the second box lesson taught mm
new semester begins a new lesson, we went into the new class, which we have a new (b) the new face of the new collective
(b) of the teaching activities of a process
: Picture stories (Textbook P30 pages): This four pictures from different angles reflect the class group to bring personal happiness, warmth, strength, etc. .
1, class group is a paradise
think our growth: the ideal class group in your mind what? (teachers, students discuss the answer summary)
(good class body, have a common the goal, there is strict discipline and harmonious relationship between students, there are positive atmosphere for public opinion.)
proposed a discussion: a good body on personal growth classes do? (students answer teacher summed up the discussion)
(Good form a huge physical education class power, is conducive to the formation of our good qualities, will help us increase the knowledge, capacities and development expertise, strive to promote our physical and mental health.)
read: ( See page P31 textbooks)
material we present is a new life in the collective warmth of a true case of secondary school students Huangxiao Man, with live examples tell us the collective on the role of personal growth. As Marx said: Only in the collective, the individual to get a comprehensive means of their talents. words and deeds right? (guide students to discuss answers)
② as a member of a new class group, how to integrate into the new collective, the collective owners do it?
(P32m33 page teaching guide students to read the contents of the discussion answer.)
(1) we deal well with the relationship between students (student reading materials (P32 pages)
think about: how to build simple, harmonious relationship between students? (guiding students to discuss answer m)
do a do: (See textbook page P32)
(2) to observe the class and the relevant provisions of the disciplinary body
discipline is a reliable guarantee for the collective interest. Therefore, to comply with the discipline and class collective is the integration of the relevant provisions of the importance of the collective performance.
(3) the attitude of masters to maintain the honor and interests of the collective efforts to add luster to
body for the class to read: mm readme
think: you text manifestation of consciousness; he did, adding luster to the collective.)
We are a member of the collective is the owner of the collective, we should to earnestly fulfill the tasks assigned by the class body, the body actively involved in class activities. consciously safeguard the honor and interests of the collective efforts to add luster to the collective.
proposed a discussion: (see textbook page P33) (guide students discuss the answer.)
(c) of lesson knowledge points (students in the book to draw the following knowledge points)
(1) a good class is the growing body of paradise.
(2) good class body, have a common goal, strict discipline and rapport with students, and there are positive atmosphere for public opinion.
(3) a good class body, is conducive to the formation of our good qualities, the knowledge will help us grow improve the ability to develop talent, strive to promote our physical and mental health.
(4) into a collective demand that we deal well with the relationship between students; to abide by the discipline of the class and the relevant provisions of the body; should the attitude of masters to maintain the honor and interests of the collective efforts to add luster to class group.
(5) along with the students, if we can take the initiative, enthusiasm, sincerity, to equal treatment, respect for others, correctly understand and deal with competition and cooperation among students, we can establish a simple, harmonious relationship between students and create a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere of the class, and students happily together in the collective growth.
(6) discipline is a collective interest a reliable guarantee. to comply with class discipline and the relevant provisions of the collective is an important expression of collective integration.
(7) establish a sense of ownership, and consciously safeguard the honor and interests of the collective efforts to add luster to the collective.
(d) Homework
1, transcription course knowledge points:
2, do you think a good body is what class? (see textbook page P31)
3, a good growth of the class body of what individual role? (see textbook page P31)
4, we are all seconds cents on how the body into the new class, do 5, how to build simple, harmonious relationship between students? (see textbook page P32)
(e) extra-curricular activities
(1) how to understand and evaluate their own?
(2) understand and evaluate their importance and necessity of what?
(3) proper evaluation of their basic approach What are?
(4) self-awareness and evaluation of the way to what?
good collective owners? (see textbook page P32) The third class (total 7 hours)
teaching content: the first lecture Three classes of new self-mm third frame new understanding of class.
teaching process:
(a) the scenario default
(1) writing on the blackboard issue: (c) new understanding of the new self-
(2) Import Scenario: (teacher reading the famous American basketball player Michael Jordan's perfect in real life does not exist. because a person can not do better in every aspect; people are developing and changing, you look like today is perfect, but tomorrow you may significantly a disadvantage to.
one can correctly understand that they are not easy, so the ancients said,
1, lack of a wise man is unknown. answer the questions discussed:
Li double success stories tell us? (Li Xiaoshuang was able to knock on the door of success, is that he can fully and correctly understand their own.)
2, understand and evaluate the importance of their own Consideration and discussion of the need
① how to understand and evaluate yourself? (Even great men, celebrities are no exception. Everyone has both advantages and disadvantages, both strengths and weaknesses also.)
② Why should correctly understand themselves and yourself? (see page text materials P35)
Related links: Students read fables mm describe clear and complete look, the two students talk about mm understanding of their own right? Why? (teaching students to read the first paragraph on page P36)
(the dialogue that the two students can not reflect the correct understanding of their two forms: First, ego, and second, low self-esteem. before a student can only see their own strengths do not see the shortcomings of rice machines. This will be complacent and arrogant, not four enterprising; then hungry students only see their own shortcomings and deficiencies, so that will be discouraged, resulting in inferiority complex, lack of confidence, or even give up on themselves. To make a correct understanding of their own and evaluation, we must face up to their realistic, comprehensive and objective look at themselves.)
(2) to learn to develop vision to see problems (teaching students to read the second paragraph on page P36)
talk about: their own consent paragraph and answer questions)
(point of view is the basic method. things are developing and changing, to the point of view of development issues.)
2, self-awareness and evaluation of the way
we truly comprehensive and objective understanding of their own, know themselves, but also know the way of self-awareness and evaluation.
Three activities: reading scene dialogue mm
talk about: the ways in which these students through the understanding and evaluation of their own?
(The three students Through self-observation, respectively, compared with others, and the evaluation of others ways, come to a correct understanding of their own.)
① self-observation
writing on the blackboard: the way of self-evaluation compared with others
③ ② others teachers about the evaluation
and evaluation of the attitudes of others should be calm, objective analysis, so not only respect the facts, but also good at listening to and accept other people's opinions and suggestions. Emperor Li Shimin of summing up historical, obtained cautionary famous mm positioning and so on.
Activity Four: do mm do a self-evaluation test (see page P37 materials, guiding students to materials required to complete.)
(c) of lesson knowledge points (to enable students to draw in the book The following knowledge points)
(1) and necessity (why should correctly understand and evaluate their own what?):
objectives; to tap their own potential, and constantly improve themselves, gain greater self-development, thereby shaping a new self.
(3) basic methods of correct evaluation of their own:
① Learn to read full problem; ② learn perspective of comprehensive development issues.
(4) understand the ways of self-awareness and evaluation:
① ② self-observation comparison method with others, of being judged ③
(5) Why should correctly understand themselves and yourself? (the importance and necessity)
objectives; to tap their own potential, and constantly improve themselves, gain greater self-development, thereby shaping a new self.
(d) Homework
1, reciting the knowledge of the available points. < br> 2, a correct understanding of what their own and evaluate their importance and necessity?
3, understand and evaluate their own methods and means what each is?
(e) extra-curricular activities
1, read Teaching the first box, the contents of the fourth class.
2, learning survival and development of a person What is the significance?
fourth lesson, make life beautiful
This course content and level of analysis:
The main content of this course is to enable students to understand the importance of learning to treasure the right to education, to fulfill obligations to education, changes in learning styles, master of science learning, develop good study habits and to foster a correct attitude towards learning, adapt to the new study life, creating a more meaningful life. This lesson from the three items constitutes the introduction. Read the thoughts and insights.
three projects set to lesson content mmm projects to the importance and necessity of education as the central element, in order to enhance understanding of student learning, learning to be acquired by learning correct ways and methods to better adapt to the new life as the basic objective of the study.
key and difficult Analysis:
1. into action, not only need guidance on methods, but also on the need for policy advice. such as how to maintain the right to education, others how to do so on infringement. In short, to really cherish the right to education, to fulfill the obligations of education into reality the action is the most important.
2. poor, the Constitution, fundamental rights, the basic obligations of the more unfamiliar concepts, it is difficult to accept; the first day the students are weak in abstract thinking, for education and personal and national relations, the relationship between rights and obligations, but also take up more great difficulty. teaching, we must work closely with practice, using vivid examples of popular materials, and easy to achieve teaching objectives.
teaching methods: course content analysis discuss the method used, reading, self-study learning and teaching law.
hours arrangements: lesson plans to use granted After three hours, each box with a class.
first class (total eight hours)
teaching content: the first lesson taught in the fourth frame mm ; m-taught learning ladder social development to adapt to society in a highly competitive survival, development, the value of life is also the only segment in the personal development of the non-realization. As mentioned in the introduction, spectrum singing; life like a book, only to learn to brilliant achievements. Learning is the only way to realize the value of life, learning is taught step.
writing on the blackboard: a learning ladder mm taught
(b) teach new Course
the title tells us that a person learn the importance of survival and development.)
activity one: in conjunction with their learning experience and the reality of social development, discussion of a person to learn the importance of survival and development of students based on
their own experience, understanding and awareness about the importance of learning.
shallow understanding of students without the full and timely guidance teachers should pay attention.
think about it, talk about:
learning of a human survival and development What is the significance? (free discussion guide students to speak)
teachers: the students based on their experience and understanding about the importance of learning to talk about the good. induction from
to learn The importance of performance in the following three aspects:
1, learning can improve the moral character; 2, learning can increase their abilities; 3 learning to adapt to the requirements of social development.
below for further discussion we learn in these three importance.
1, learning activities can improve the moral character
one: (See textbook page P38) (discussing the students to answer after reading Questions)
material displayed is a Biography . ; me. living and studying in the acquired gradually nurtured. young mind is like a piece of carved jade has not been required to use the knowledge of the knife carefully crafted. The study allows us to distinguish right from wrong, pretty and ugly shape the health of the personality, culture noble moral character.
, of course, reading is a form of learning, learning not just reading, reading-to help are many. This tells us that the materials, learning can improve the person's moral character . from one side about the importance of learning. is also reflected in the importance of learning: exchanges (teachers guide students to complete the discussion)
do a do: by studying, I gained knowledge.
a credit note: Bacon is wise, intelligent people read poetry, make precise calculations, make a profound philosophical, ethical people have very good logic and rhetoric able to contend
Teachers: Learning is a wealth of knowledge, the main way to increase their abilities (Blackboard) < br> read: (Textbook P39 pages of material) and links (Textbook P40 page).
think: value)
3, learning to adapt to the requirements of social development activities in three
: background, how can we meet the requirements of social development?
Related Links: (Textbook P41 page)
(c) Summary
classroom learning through this lesson, we defined the life of a person and learning development of great significance. learning can improve the moral character; learning can increase their abilities; learning to adapt to the requirements of social development. In short, learning is taught step.
(d) This course knowledge points
(1) person of noble character is not innate, but acquired learning and life gradually nurtured.
(2) learning allows us to distinguish right from wrong beauty and ugliness, shaping a healthy personality, cultivate noble character.
(3 ) Learning is a wealth of knowledge, the main way to increase their abilities.
(e) Homework
1, transcription course knowledge points
(1) noble character who is not born, but the day after tomorrow gradually develop learning and life together.
(2) allows us to learn right from wrong beauty and ugliness, shaping a healthy personality, culture noble character.
(3) learning is a wealth of knowledge, the main way to increase their abilities.
2, why requirements?
(f) extra-curricular activities
1, how to understand obligations requirements, to talk about their plans, and to plan their future academic discussions
the right to education from the positive awareness of the importance of the individual, but also inspire students to think from the negative side: if the rights are not implementation and protection of the individual will have any effect? to enhance the students awareness of the importance of the right to education.
second class (class IX total)
teaching content: teaching second frame Lesson Lesson mm materials, thinking discussion)
think the discussion:
with examples of Chen Liang, talk about the enjoyment of the right to education on the importance of personal development.
(Chen Liang was able to make such countries significant contribution to Chen Liang is the right to education have been achieved this premise; if Chen Liang's right to education can not be achieved, he will not receive good education, he is a thought to make a greater contribution to the country, can only be beyond their grasp. shows the development of the individual right to education has a role of crucial importance.)
Teacher: Because education in the state, nation and the individual has such an important role in development, so countries attached great importance to the realization of citizens the right to education.
writing on the blackboard: Second, education mmm rights and obligations under the law
(b) teach new courses
1, education is both the fundamental rights of citizens, but also basic obligations of citizens
teachers about:
forty-sixth article of the Constitution, citizens of the PRC have the right to education and duties. That form of the fundamental law of the state, confirmed both by the education of our citizens a fundamental right, but sometimes a fundamental obligation of our citizens.
Links: (see textbook page P42: Students read the linked material)
how to understand basic obligations of citizens

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Understanding Python naming scheme - Wisdom + perseverance = omnipotent

If you have already guessed, you can not see me this blog. If you have not guessed, or heart, of doubt, this blog that I had prepared it for you.
why all the Output \When the variable name is bound to an object, the variable name to refer to this object, as human societies, is not it? When the variable name appears in the code block, then it is a local variable; when the variable name appears in the module , it is a global variable. Module I believe we have a good understanding, but the block may be more confusing. Here explain:
block unit is available as a Python executable program text; module body of the function and class definitions are blocks of code. Not only that, each is an interactive script command block; a script file is a block of code; a command line script is a code block.
next turn to the visible variables , we introduce a range of concepts. the scope is the variable name in the code block visibility. If a block of code defined in the local variable, and that the scope to include this block of code. If the variable is defined in a function code block, that the scope of extended to the function block in any block of code, unless one of the other variables are defined with the same name. But the variables defined in the scope of the class is limited to blocks of code in the class, but does not extend to the method code block.
According to the theory of the previous section, we can put the code into three blocks: the definition of class A, class B definition and the definition of the variable b. according to class definition, we know that the code defines a class A three member variables (Python functions are objects, so the members is known as member variables also work.); Class B defines two member variables. This can be verified by the following code:>>> print '\ n '. join (dir (A)) _A__private__init__public>>> print' \ n '. join (dir (B)) _A__private_B__private__init__public
Hey, why there is a class A _A__private the Attribute named it? and _ _private disappeared! This would be to talk about Python rolled a private variable.
understand Python Python's friends all know the order of two or more underscore characters and not to under two or more marking the end of the variable as private variables. private variables in the code generated before being converted to long form (become public.) conversion mechanism is this: in the variable front-end into the class name, then add an underscore character in front of . This is called the private variables rolled (Private name mangling). such as class A in the __private identifier will be converted to _A__private, this is the last one there _A__private and __private reason behind the disappearance.
revisit the two digression:
rolled first, because the identifier will longer, when more than 255 times, Python will be cut off, pay attention to naming conflicts resulting therefrom.
The second is when the class name all of the following program line when named, Python no longer perform rolled. If:
Now we come back to see why the output \believe that intelligent readers have guessed the answer, right? If you did not think, I'll give you a hint: the truth with the C macro language similar pretreatment.
because the class A defines a private member function (variable) Therefore, prior to the implementation of the code generation rolled private variables (noted in the previous section that the red lines mark is not?). rolling pressure, the class A, so the code becomes:
code class A (object ): def __init__ (self): self._A__private () # this line changed self.public () def _A__private (self): # this line has changed print 'A.__private ()' def public (self): print 'A.public ()'
is not a bit like a C language macro expansion ah?
defined as the time in class B does not cover the __init__ method, so the call is still A.__init__, that the implementation of the self._A__private (), the natural output \evaluation)
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