Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bamboo clothes I wear

 Gua bamboo stalls were put up, she said the answer to these questions will give others the following analysis of psychological (euphemistically called undress) the results of the title of Ban Xian got a bamboo, which is just great, N people want to put the Ban Xian clothes off, and anxious Ban Xian Zhu wrote the following text, are attached:
underworld rivers and lakes to prevent slander, bamboo fight it today, first put forward a question and answer, so read the answer, and you will found that such a truth: Bamboo is really a abide by the Women, motherhood, wife Road, humanity, taekwondo, completely detached from the bestiality of the noble man. If you did not even come to this truth, that there is only one possible: Unfortunately, remnants of the bestiality you need for your bamboo splash of cold water baptism, Amen!
or those topics, not cheating.
1, please describe the spring.
Spring: After the winter,bailey UGG boots, before the summer season once a year, two years twice. recovery of all things, pink Liulv, the plowing for crops sown a wasteland. (to answer that is typical of the mind of the woman the world, aid to the common people of the peasant woman and Road Women.)
2, what you eat this morning?
morning, bought a piece of fried dough sticks, a bowl, an egg. All to supply the good dad that he did not have that. (to answer that: The woman, hard-working good, bite the bullet is a good wife.)
3, please describe the last night.
last night, last night, last night, sports no limits. (answer that: the woman an open mind, heart and selfless, straightforward and above-board, willing to share , called the Companion)
4, mouth came a poem is a mm?
I'll give, I and motions disorder (answer that: the woman can sing and dance, versatile, she is none other than non-nonsense go-getters )
6, you have on your body (female), physical (male) satisfied? please describe.
satisfied. the least bit of bad mistakes. weight loss progress. (to answer that: the woman does not succeed tongue fast. thrift, food and clothing is a fortune twat.)
5, you climb the stairs or elevator?
we lived on the 12th floor will have 24 flights of stairs, you climb a try? (answer that: the women within their means, not an undisputed loyalty to brute force, smart wit)
7, that, several times a week? please describe. (A free kid actor)
three times. the latest research results, do not perform not. ( answer that: the woman has a scientific spirit)
8, the most memorable a loving word is mm?
mm and I kiss all of your fingers (do not remember anybody actually in the.) (reply to that: the Women are about health)
9, you feel the most like what kind of animal? (rabbits, foxes or snakes, or other?)
like nothing. is a person. (The answer to that, the woman completely out of bestiality)
10, please choose which you love most tempted? (Bridge The woman as the money as nothing is simply too clean a.)
12, look in the mirror this morning, the real feeling of a lump mm
long, broken dishes (answer that: Who is the rapid swelling of the prescription to ?)
13, was walking on the road to see you (your wife) do?
there, because I always stare at others. (to answer that: after the attention point.)
14, wiping the body cream do? (female A) perfume it? (M A)
for the answer, just hard to wipe the bath, did not stay a little nook nook. (to answer that: I love a lot of bubble bath will sing this song hh )
15, please describe the mountain to give you the feeling of a bamboo. (do not point out the privileges of doing strenuous questions?)
what sunshine, beautiful, refreshing ah, humor, ah, ah, what ** I do not , and returned to you all. as long as you take me as human beings, not to Pozhu, I thank you. bow, for the love of my people; sweeping legs, to gloat over those who see him fail. hum! haha!
I generally do not like clothes off a woman, of course, women do not like another woman to her undress. people get goose bumps,UGG boots cheap, but also easy to misunderstand, and that so far two of the Onion Men who are sad ah? (bamboo who may not have light blue, but I may never get that thing) but the dress is not the same, this is called bamboo, for fear of gang Fall on soldiers and old Father who easily off of her naked, and give us light female gang envy, amazing, scream, and jealousy. She's deft resolutely children's children's neatly off his clothes, and then also blinked a few times with her wide eyes said
: l I'm not beautiful? I do not glamorous? I people are not out of saliva? anyone who dares not out of this conclusion, the long with the beasts who TNND eyes. do not dig in your eyes I would not call bamboo. r
bamboo, easily catch cold with no clothes on, let me you wear it. one by one to wear, wear to match exactly, let men were stripped of light
First of all, the way you walk in the Women's very hard, very hard not to refute, rebut does not work, do not wear You keep the Women clothes, put on clothes just do not keep, women and girls are such nonsense. caught me a chance to belittle you, who you Nana worse than me, smarter than me, than I am talented, articulate than I, educated than me, I only have his head low to the dust to the top of you, sad, ah, sad. I will go first, and then cry for you to wear ah.
cry over, continue to wear, if you just wear the underwear, we come to the following coat, you warm? which I do not know, anyway you look to the Men are like warm, not cute is profound philosophical good, or good cause is the philosophy of water Take poetry mixed with the dead, then you, bamboo is a good plus you get philosophical and awesomeness or to attractiveness of the voices mixed rivers and lakes, after all, who is not wrapped in the coat out, the key is that we have to get that valuable piece coat Or take the Han wrapped ah? only with a laugh as Anjiu fur hats, fitted hip-hop out of the whole body was Joseph. So, bamboo comrades, to wrapped, some wrapped in order to wrap, right?
Finally, I give you a hat, some people say to you I've been wearing a hat, wearing a tall hat, in fact, high? simply is not high, I give you is to cap the amount of genres it, for how much wear a hat on a hat bamboo in how much we heart to wear a hat? a doctoral hat is always with the small di thinkers argue that the scheme of things, with the Old North that I pull the old slick on stunned, and I read, I read that entertainment book, you can read, you read that philosophy is thinking. from time to time either find a name book, clearly and logically. and then wearing a wool cap, the taste of many piles of life, this hat is for a good story when the special , that looks lovely. In fact, you must keep a cap, to wear the kind of crooked, your heart is not proud of in general, of course, you have the pride of the capital, put on cap,cheap UGG boots, big black glasses area, your pride make you very long to meet, over time, they feel lonely, sometimes, sometimes, you take off the hat sun drying.
Well, now wear a hat, wear clothes, to times enough to allow men to light their tugging back and forth some of the more violent it
fact,Bailey UGG boots, I simply could not write my mind the feeling of bamboo, I have my doubts about the language of organizational skills, understanding of bamboo you will understand it, Anyway, you know that you are the most broken part of my heart on the line.

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