Thursday, February 24, 2011

Origin of Love

 The origin of love discussed in the previous
my sociological perspective and methodology. In this will be an example to elaborate on the specific articles of the view and method. Here I make a Disclaimer: I will not be so in the problems are to do a complete study, some will exist as the default, do not get to the bottom; to Phenomenology argument to mount up, as is the reason that of course; though not to say that those issues are not discussed , but not on this discussion; These issues include what I call the struggle between the feudal lords and slave owners, about why the struggle between them, the struggle between what they value and significance, what role for the community it; there;;; and so on; I will not do in-depth discussion, will give a point of view, without giving reasons; their reasons I will give or not give the other chapters.
society with humans as a carrier, to ensure the existence of society then it must ensure that human generation and propagation. If human beings do not exist then society would not exist. I do a proliferation of amendments to change it to continue. Other species can only be born to no future is smooth; care for the general fragmentation of their problems. even if some time to take care of, nor is it a problem, do not do a special discussion. But the opposite is the human descendants of the general human reproductive do not do a very strong research and care for future generations around the formation of a large number of system and other issues. This will also focus on this latter topic. sex as a very important aspect of reproductive, sexual pre-modern period always associated with reproduction, but in later times and the power of Foucault called this discussion is not related to the scope of it. So why sex is a continuation of the species to play such an important role? two reasons why I'm here to give . The first is the human as a biological one thing to have him to complete it after he finished, not to meet the pain. to the person to complete the biological sex, it must give its pleasure; to creatures who can not will to complete the act. The pleasure for the human race is very important. later will see their role. The second reason is the gene theory. a lot of theories to call it the selfish genes. selfish gene theory Each gene is selfish, they are for their own continued existence and make unremitting struggle. each gene are trying to make their own offspring to survive. a gene on the same or similar genes are of particular interest it will contribute at any time for that gene. Nature Genetics that they are not doing things, its behavior is through its biological performance out of the carrier. from here will be to understand what is the maternal. We will not be as to those who sacrificed their own next generation of animals was a surprise. do not why people are seeking for the blood, called the so-called own flesh and blood. The Selfish Gene, played in the social and cultural material of infinite importance to a certain species determines the extent the institution of marriage. which also take care of future generations later laid a solid foundation. I will start my discussion here.
frenzy of primitive society to society and moderation
primitive society, Each theorist has a different theoretical perspectives; but one thing is said to be recognized. that is what most social theorists have recognized the original production so total system. here's a general sense of production includes not only the production of information is also included, including the people themselves. But at some point if not a good man's own production is still a large consumer group. here, including the upbringing of future generations. In this a taboo not to discuss the primitive society and incest fear, just how they are going to produce offspring and it wants to raise large.
the importance of this out on the unexpected. sex brings pleasure only to give the primitive, the original will to complete sex , or is, then it would be impossible. Primitive man did not form the kind of feudal society, The driving force of the so-called I think I do not have to say, I am sure you clear than I am. Since the primitive nature of the driving forces in the sexual behavior, then there is no standardized. remind once again, This is not about the fear and sexual taboos Luanlun. no sexual intercourse in our standard today is called promiscuity, Danshi there has not this concept. Zhong sex with this production Gongyou compatible system. Primitive man does not need born offspring still worried about the care of the problem, because they are so original among collectives. the collective group will undertake this task for them. so commonly used in the original social group marriage. the so-called group marriage refers to the A group of men who marry a woman. which I think the relationship will not have to talk too well. Why take group marriage system? I have to be explained. This is called the selfish gene that is causing trouble. each Gene wants to survive into their own in the future there, but also many Ye Hao, then what is the best way? it is to try and more of the opposite sex sexual relations, then the probability of their genes survive into the greater. So The only corresponding with this request and to sign the original social mode of production approach is group marriage. We all know that in primitive society is taken as a total system of production, so everyone is on equal status. do not talk about this result because of their age inequality on a number of identity. Since the identity is equal, then everyone's power is equal. you can enjoy the things I will not be less divided. And sex is a great pleasure to another human who would not want to participate ? In this make a statement; I just went under the reasoning of modernity, but sex is not the primitive man's a great joy, I can not fully guarantee, then wait for archaeologists to complete; I was before I came out in the concluding would use it temporarily. So the best way is group marriage. group marriage so selfish gene in the production under the regime born.
With the development of productive forces, the remaining items of production, private ownership began to emerge. the birth of private ownership means the end of group marriage. group marriage as a basis for the existence of production lost mm total. that selfish genes are competitive with the private property. In the course of competition that are not private property or property is under the wind, The same genes that are not property, can not afford the upbringing of future generations. that nature, and those in the female to produce offspring of its consideration of the gene can not survive well under. then their careful consideration to those who had sexual intercourse . because that genes do not want to support other genes, otherwise it may make their own can not survive in the future. From this time on began to move toward the normalization of the road. women only and those with many or more of the property to good sex ensure that their genes in future generations who will continue. or just born that can not make a living, it would mean the white students that? resources are limited, can not afford to waste. that they can not mess sexual intercourse, or is busy for a white, no wisdom for results. This does not matter. the most important if it is promiscuous, then to tell that the gene is not the man. So the children born no one claimed the. Is it not worse. That is not the starvation. that to how to do? very simple, control of shellfish, the control shell. From now on, there are proprietary nature, especially for women. as only a woman only to ensure that this gene is not promiscuity can be determined that the gene is not their own copies. from a woman began to ring up of: the must be at a specific time under specific relations of a sexual relationship with a specific, not like before, arbitrary, and lying there can dry up; it was absolutely not allowed. From this point of the embarked on a standardized way. However, what specific measures at the time, I do not know exactly, or wait for archaeologists to solve it for us.
mm slave society of heaven
human society, there is a pure society, and that is slavery. I am going to so called forward, this call may be a lot of discontent. In my first define what slavery. in here may be other slave society theorists differ from the definition of slave society, but in order to better clarify the problem is not so much to get to the bottom. I mean in this slave society such a society. at that social kinds as long as the two populations: one So who is the complete master, and the other is complete by the owner of slaves. slaveholders hold all the production and includes slavery itself. and nothing slaves, even slave owners themselves are the entropy is. In short What words are slave owners, slaves, nothing.
Above we talked about the selfish gene. gene always want to continue in the offspring itself. The same applies here. But there are not as good as this applies to the primitive society Spirit so late, and its application is also a range of conditions. That is how it goes? slave owners under the selfish gene is the gene itself to hard copy out. But this will go to the story General. I said why do not reproduce the human society, the word used is because the future is the continued demand for care, or more students are white students, blind waste of energy. So going to copy his master not only of genes but also something to eat their next generation gene. slaveholder wealth has two parts: one is physical, the other part is the interior of the. slaveholders, of course a person can go to dry all the slaves and his genetic copy of his out. but the trouble is created. does not constitute an energy all day long stem that do not distracting it? two master copy gene that is a major event, but their presence is also important to you. please leave the so-called mountains there is hope is the truth. Foucault in the is not a person. theorists talk about slavery in most of the Greek and Roman slave owners in the lives of people that are and are not concerned with the thinking of the slaves included therein. that's not surprising, because there is no people think that slaves are people, including slaves themselves are so think. three, but also a more difficult question is since the end by a copy of their own are not all treated equally? If so, then the slave owners get bastard out of so many, how to take care of it? give each person the same time take care of obvious material conditions is not allowed. how a allow law? If you give the same treatment to very low. can not make future generations have a well-developed; that if not, then what is the law to decide that it was a good upbringing? the same token, since the only part of being a good upbringing, then the other part is not subject to bad treatment. but according to selfish principle, each offspring all have the same value; a copy of each gene out of the role of the same, regardless of what continuation of what light. But the reality also told them that was impossible. This fully shows the master three impossible to complete all of their sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse is not no standard. So how to solve this problem? them through the two roads to solve the problem. First, to regulate the sexual behavior of slave owners. here that the norm is not said slave owners to keep their sex slaves. It is not possible, because the slave master So the people are, and what is not so master it? where the level of specification is carried out to future generations specification. slaveholders and produced offspring of different objects with different grades get different care. should future generations like the way to rank the resulting offspring is that it wants to distinguish between people. From this time, the real begin to define the institution of marriage. in accordance with production down the marriage is legitimate children, with the greatest; to be that the only representative of The Selfish Gene. But this does not mean that can not be his slave master, but this time not for that The Selfish Gene, but for that pure sexual pleasure. so natural that it would not produce offspring down a copy of the list of selfish genes. They end by producing offspring down the list of slaves. but according to the principle of the selfish gene, it is should spend the greatest effort to make their own copies of that smooth continuation of that part. there according to their own principles and not focus too much energy, or may be emptied himself. And, you know now advocated eugenics society excellent education, so when the master is not excessive debauchery. They reflected on how the best energy to the production of good offspring that above. the contrary they put this task to their slaves. This is the second path of their choice: to let their slaves go all out to produce more of their slaves to whelp. here from time to mating carried out in The Selfish Gene, but because of slavery and the slave is his master's private bastard property. in order to increase their private property, a good way to produce more number of slaves whelp. slaves who assumed this responsibility, sexual intercourse has become one of their basic tasks. So from the perspective of, for slavery is a kind of paradise. It was a very free sex, not only condemned, but also to be encouraged. For them, what rules do not, as long as wanted to do to be dry. not limited by the object, As long as the same slave owners on it.
blockade of feudal society and the pace of history is confined
stop, gone. production changes. so that the slave mode of production was no longer compatible. society is human creation of a new feudal class mm. Here's to the feudal lords also make a definition. I mean the feudal lords that is all within its territory has a right to rule absolutely and completely the class. It can be as long as the is therefore all the property of their territories at its disposal, including land, human rights and the law. so-called society has reached a higher stage. biological human body began to play an important human started to decline that part of the community began its important role. and slowly replace the biological part of the leading role and become . This does not say that part of biology is not important, but its relative importance declined. can be said that the slave society of the late part of the community began to dominant. So, when feudal society in the discussion will not be as As discussed during the first two focus on organisms that part of it, but this part of the community as the main part of the discussion. But anyway, the subject of concern is the continuation of future generations are not changed. The references to a role in this small but still have to look at the theory involved in mm meme theory. This theory will be used in the comparison was more than a little of this to explain. Meme theory is put forward by a considerable genetic theory. their theories to gene theory called the sticking belt culture. They think that genetic theory to everything around the center to discuss the gene, as if the belt with a dog dog tied to culture such a pillar in the gene. and meme theory, culture is not a genetic tie him to the dog was but a free dog. He is there for their own sake rather than around the gene exists. It has its own operating rules. But its operating rules and the Selfish Gene Similar mm for its own existence, trying very hard to copy and spread out. so they will call it the theorists selfish meme. meme is the smallest unit of information.
feudal lords since the day to produce and the slave owners engaged in a fierce struggle. feudal interests in a way, is completely opposite. feudal tyranny and this is required by the requirements of slave owners is not compatible with democracy. slave requires each person should have the say sake, everyone is equal. This is when the trial of Socrates is the full performance. and this is absolutely intolerable feudal lords. Well Well, it would mean total chaos that? my lord, said the emperor who have not been refuted, then, otherwise the move to your head. feudal mainly dominate the field so he's everything. I can not do, I eat what slave owners, to play what ah; Hexibeifeng, play bird? < br> They did the battle begin. The first battleground is the treatment of the struggle the issue of slavery. feudal lords like all of them feudal lords and not for his services to the other, so the strong demand of the liberation of his slaves. The master is just the opposite, Why is my slave liberation of their private property; if the liberated them, how do I do? In this feudal lords have been slaves for their support. slaveholders as alone, coupled with changes in production methods. slaveholders lost the. slaves liberated, become a new class mm peasant class. slaveholders lost does not mean that they launched this stage of history, is not completely beaten. struggles in the second slave owners made a certain degree of success. That is not the feudal lords of the land so owned by the state, he personally owned, but they give a slave. from master classes to begin to differentiate into two classes. The first inherited the land of the old aristocracy and the feudal lords did not manage state land but for the new aristocracy of taxi class. then from the landlord class that evolved from the two classes, but the nature of the landlord class and the nature of their nature of political reform. struggle The third is the nature of the battlefield, that is, the more precise point of sexual norms. of life, but one of great joy. no one wants to have fun. but people have a natural feature of jealousy. Sometimes People would rather not get myself do not want others get. This is an evil man. In fact, it can not say that, because human nature does not matter. That is to meet the needs of the community's own creation. But, as I strong feelings, or so called a tendency. that the feudal lords as a human, too, like the feudal lords did in the field owned by a woman all his. He wants a relationship with each woman. He wants to do every woman . But this is impossible. In the struggle to master and the peasant class with hands. There are two things at work. First, the selfish gene. that the gene would like to copy itself out. but if if the feudal lords such a practice, then mixed with ass ah. are we going to end that? Thus, slave owners and the peasant class with hands against the invasion of feudal lords. Finally, the two sides reached a treaty: the Lord will not meddle in women without any of you are Any person, including feudalism, including; not feudal Lord woman can always take it, but others can also be a certain way. Speaking of the Lord is actually a standard mm polygamy. refers to the so-called polygamy A man can marry several wives. The feudal lords but can have numerous women, as long as he was willing to be, but there is a condition that must be a feudal lord woman you know, and live in a certain residence. generally Palace the. only after a woman is appointed by the feudal lords and rules. The same is for the slave that is not the ah. In the past he could have relations with numerous women, now in addition to several proprietary object to touch a not a woman play, and then what reason do it? how to do it? Then they came up with a solution that is a brothel. brothel is the beginning for these people run. in a way brothel is opened for them. China the literati, and the poet like to go kind of place. and these people is out of slave owners stratification.
now come to the right norms and marriage at the time to do a study and description of the system. From slavery to the feudal social evolution, the liberation of slaves, has become a subject of human rights, not the case with a personal entropy. As with the main body of it is sacred and inviolable human rights, as long as it is not something to be wrong. that is, from this point on, They were counted into the category of people. So the theory of selfish genes is the same for them effective. They also want to copy their genes out of them to continue. but they have something very clear. That is They know they only have a few belongings, they can not feed a lot of future generations. That naturally impossible to help others to raise offspring. The only way to do this is with some exclusive sex objects, and the object does not allow it and other people can not have sex. Otherwise, it is not recognizable by future generations. That may raise the other gene copy, not a result of their own could not continue. then this is required to regulate the sexual behavior. This specification is the most direct consequence of the generation of the couple system. couples the system how it is, when a two or a few established the relationship between husband and wife, then sexual relations can only between those who can not happen in other people themselves; and nor use any other means to a relationship with them, or to even be considered immoral is to be punished. On many occasions these penalties quite serious, and even death. is the only way to ensure that their support is their own offspring. in the slave society to feudal society over the process, slave owners and feudal lords are fighting took place. It is also used to ensure that their sexual objects not to be abducted at any time of feudal lords, the same newly freed slaves who hope to live a secure life. they are more vulnerable, more afraid of their sexual object is said to be kidnapped, or walk by myself. In the above has been gives the result of the struggle is the generation of polygamy. In this talk about polygamy. polygamy means that a husband can have a different wife. But it also later polygamy and concubinage is different. In Kazuo The wife of polygamy is to have the same rights, and in the system of monogamy and concubinage concubine wife and the difference between a hierarchy.
since the institution of marriage the true sense of a generation, the true norms begin to form. This is no longer the former Regime. but the real ban. These prohibitions are not arbitrary and human intercourse; can not be allowed in the case of sexual intercourse; Do not have sexual relations with a number of objects. These are Some type of ban is not allowed to force, but also tough. but always makes it difficult to accept. coupled with the nature of how people are so yearning for a thing ah. Who would not want to play his mother rushed in a play as if the ban is not able to rely on these do the same. Each sense of a social theorist known human role. In fact, this is not a sociologist to know each of the early theorists have long been known and is organized into books. They told us to do something to make a person the best way is to let them think they are doing something or doing things just a glorious thing; but if it does not do it It is, then it would be shameful and ugly. they tell them what is truth and what is the right thing; and what is false, is not worth something. This creation can not be stopped out of the truth has a tendency deep into everyone's heart. But the truth of how the role of the role of the various theorists have different opinions. Some people say that the depth of the spoilers so people who hate or do not want to do the things that go against the truth ; also some theorists believe that if something is not possible to do that they lose resources, leaving themselves in a disadvantaged state. In this not to be investigated how they have an effect, but one thing is for sure out. That is the logic that produced the extraordinary role can produce undeniable.
this reason is Chastity. Chastity I think many people are very clear. But I still say a few words. Chastity of the maximum stress is not a good thing, it is evil. If it was any sexual immorality, to be scolded by people sip. There is also the first sexual behavior is very important, very sacred, are not allowed to dispose of any ; or the consequences are unimaginable. Another point is that of the object must comply with the rules. can not not meet the rules of sexual relations. otherwise, is believed to be filthy dirty. to be a word to the Chinese people called

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