Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ah Yi, there are two women left a pretty ugly II

 Ah Yi: There are two women left a pretty ugly two
every woman want to marry a wishful Musical, but wishful easy to write the word, that's comfortable, really it is hard. Each mature Xiangjia Ren woman, married to a conditional, not asking for looks, is to ask the other conditions of rich, money is not married, no manners are not married, not married no house, no car is not married, no cultural or less educated did not marry. money to marry, but a lot of money are beautiful clouds, are Playboy, even if men do not bother to spend will be chasing a woman, beautiful things to which man can bear ah? no money must be inept, incompetent white men to marry is to marry, should marry a fix. no grace of lead does not go out, lead out of shame and gentlemanly guy out of the sky, like rain forests sister, is not reassuring. no culture men vulgar, more educated man effort. qualifications do not want a mismatch, a good fit for they do not like. left women are the conditions of high, said to be no conditions, people Haojiu Xing, what is the actual difference between good guys and bad guys? bad man but more difficult to find, because bad men are in hot demand a woman, bad man spent the pus, a woman is more like it, is like a man share of wild enthusiasm.
why men do not like the lady love Mature? The reason is familiar Mature Woman way to understand what men need and how to seduce men, how to make man docile themselves. Older women and men million games played among men in the shares of the palm. Older women want is reality, ladies want is a dream. Older women also want to marry, marry Who does not, many men passed through his hands, the Cougar men's misdeeds to know virtue, so the Mature men only look good, whether he is a third party or the third, smaller IV, as long as they like, and what is not important, even if the top a bad name does not matter that he can comfortable.
married woman said no conditions, no conditions, a higher actual conditions, no conditions is the condition itself. Women are always the same choice as the selection of cosmetics man have a final total that suit their actually used to spent every satisfaction. woman's greatest misunderstanding is that the emotion of love is a myth, not the conditions of the exchange of love as their own not to love, how would there be love story? always rely on the myth of imagination to meet their own and, finally, disappointment and full of grievances and hidden bitterness. women marry over again to find their own reasons do not always hate no man, no good man good man in the eyes will not come. love is the biggest and most fundamental foundation is installed confused, compatibility on the line, as long as they feel good on it, do not pray for Romeo and Juliet kind of love, can not aspire to Butterfly Lovers in love, because love is never ending. love you want outcome must be a plain will have a better outcome, the so-called Love in old age is the sunset hand in hand, the bald stud shows the vicissitudes of love.
woman's condition more than one, himself a gum tree, that is their own can not do anything themselves. women themselves make life difficult for himself will marry, marry the mother to vent grievances and resentment. The women generally get the mother to vent their own can not find anything against his mother not to marry. no matter how bad the mother is to her daughter early married, a girl, are unhappy, how many women marry a psychological barrier, even a beautiful beautiful girl, is to take Lianpan when the capital threshold to get educated when she married for love does not go out. left one of two women ugly, the second is beautiful.

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