Friday, February 11, 2011

How the implementation of Buddhism in life

 Once in a lifetime, Buddhism bad! In our world, born of man is very large, rich and powerful but also very large, but can come into contact with Buddhism is just one small part of Buddhism and later heard to learn to know how to repair even less, that is, Buddhist devotees are not many people really study Buddhism.
Buddhist and Buddhism, there are actually different. a lot of people, a Buddhist just pray to Buddha, just pray to Buddha blessing, this belief is the surface, very utilitarian. true Buddhist practice, what does not intentionally pursue. Broadly speaking, the practice is a kind of life, and is a very plain life! we can study Buddhism said to be mysterious thing, that Buddhism is to become a Buddha, listening to very far away. But we have to know that Buddhist practice can also be a very common thing.
usual to what extent? as they are Good say: hungry to eat, sleep on sleep. This tells us what rationale? Buddhism is the common road, as hungry to eat, sleep sleepy as nature. When we speak of cultivation, when often only think of bowing, chanting classics, Buddha and so on. These count as practice? of course, is practice. Some people chanting, reciting a roll every day, To read the thousands, tens of thousands chanted sound; still others, a day sooner or later spend a lot of time to do homework. It is certainly worthy of praise, but our prayers What is the purpose? recite what is the purpose? is not recite the Classic or bank deposits chanting chanting the same as the piled up, our work will more and more practice? is not the case!
chanting Ye Hao, Buddha Ye Hao, primarily to improve and purify our body , word, and industry. Each person has a lot of worry and delusion, so restless. the trouble come from? are their own land to the East to the West to come! delusional little less trouble to; delusional and more trouble to more. all from greed, hatred, and delusion starting behavior, will form a bad karma. Therefore, the ordinary person's who have decided are in manufacturing. When we have an idea when the greedy, the inner corruption of power to enhance one point; When we have a thought Chen Xin, the inner power of hatred and a sub-enhanced; when we play a slow or jealousy when I read, my heart, I slowly followed also enhanced the power of jealousy.
the same token, when we Buddha, the sound of the chanted every read, that is our life planted the seeds of goodness; When we chant, the is in our hearts the seeds of Buddhism planted. So, we want the inner Results out of compassion, the fruit of wisdom, or ignorance, then fruit trouble? key is usually how Xunxiu our hearts. If we continue to greed, hatred, envy, trouble will gradually form a powerful force, or even about Our body and mind. If we continue to hear the Dharma, such as management thinking, compassion, wisdom, Bodhi seed will one day bear fruit. study Buddhism, not only to enrich our leisure life. Some people are busy every day household chores , busy working in business, then two hours to occasionally have to listen to some Buddhist temple, there is no use? of course be useful, but this effect is negligible. because we are a long period of greed, hatred and ignorance of the state in just two hours, the purification obtained, far can not offset our long-standing in society by the pollution! and Bono possess greed, hatred and ignorance, is the habit from beginningless time, the so-called diehard. So We can not simply be interspersed in Buddhism as a living, but to implement it at the real life!
often hear people say: Oh, I also want to study Buddhism, you can not have that much time to the temple, the No time to listen through, no time to recite. As a laymen, it does have a lot to deal with secular matters, including family, children, work, relationships and so on.
What is time? What is not time? time everyone is equal, who would not count on or curbing. but everyone will spend time on his view, the most important thing, if that work the most important, we can not not have time to work; If you think that money the most important, we can not have no time to make money; If you think the most important entertainment, we can not have no time entertainment; If you think the most important relationships, relationships can not be no time to socialize; If you think the most important Buddhist, but also Buddhism can not be no time.
Therefore, the problem is not that there is no time, and then not seriously. When we do not have time to think or do not have time to Buddhist monasteries, it shows we do not have to Buddhism on the most important position in life! said earlier, practice is a plain life, is a healthy life, is a wisdom of life. If we can really implement in Buddhist life, can not emerge there is no time, because we do not no time to live. among the Buddhists, there are two quite common one is busy every day but no time to Buddhist secular entertainment, and another altogether to give up secular life to give up worldly responsibilities, just their chanting, chanting. In fact, these two methods are wrong. As a laymen, it should not be confrontation between Buddhism and the worldly life should not be abandoned to the secular Buddhism responsibility.
in life, the wife to the wife's duty to do; husband, the husband's duty to do; as parents to make the responsibility to educate their children; man will do to the filial sons and daughters of elderly. In Good Health by the Buddha ; also consistent, Buddhism also advocates filial piety, filial piety to support the merit behind Sambo of merit. If there is no Buddha was alive, filial piety is the greatest merit. If a person does not remain devoted to the heart of parents, how it may be merciful to all beings?
in interpersonal relationships, we must be based on love and compassion to with people, this is a Buddhist attitude of life criteria. When we have love and compassion to others, when not only give to others bring warmth, more inner life in order to overcome our hatred. on the treatment relationship, the Buddha Dharma put forward a four camera. What is the fourth photo? is the method of four Sheshou others, if we Yijiaofengxing to love will be the joy of others.
four photo Dharma, the first is charity, including financial and legal alms giving. the so-called financial giving, is that when people encounter difficulties, wealth and economic means to help others; the so-called Law of Giving is the information we have learned survival skills, or Buddhism to help others. We are, after Buddhism, Buddhism more or less will get some experience, get some good enough. derive the benefit of our own, have the responsibility to enlighten, to help others, so that people around have access to Buddhism, this is the greatest giving. because of worldly wealth to help others only temporarily solve some problems of living, while Buddhism is to help all sentient beings escape trouble, and even the liberation of life and death. Therefore, Yin vows goods us with love and compassion with people, away from the Liangshe, evil mouth, lying, poorly Words and Flowery Expressions of these four languages. Liangshe is to sow discord; bad mouth foul language is to harm others; lie is lies to deceive; Words and Flowery Expressions is the darkest color of the language gives rise to trouble. Dharma, to foster a frank attitude. When we say real words, the plot set in life is the true seed, which also the development of the fundamental wisdom. If lie that much, we certainly will be more hypocritical. So, on the one hand say the real words, on the one hand say that altruistic language, if not helpful to others if you do not have that.
s Third, Lee Hong. everything we do, should be beneficial for others, there is help; all things that will hurt the interests of others do not.
Fourth, co-workers. if someone engaged in some healthy career, We should try to participate in or rejoice in, not because of jealousy to the exclusion of others. Meanwhile, we should put ourselves in others shoes. Bono because of the relationship between the ego, always like to stand on our own point of view, to impose their own ideas; or stand on their own point of view, ask others to obedience to himself. even in the family, both parents are their children, or the wife of her husband, always wishful thinking to hope that the other party how to, and not the actual situation of the other mutual understanding, mutual understanding. so often such a phenomenon, the parents love their children more deeply, the heavier the burden on children, the more painful, and even some children love their parents live, by the great destruction of the mind. colleagues Dharma tells us that when we help others, to know what the other side, according to the actual situation of the other party to help him, not take it for granted that good things will impose his own.
four taken if we are able to Dharma Life, that wherever , will be the most popular person! Buddhist, is to love and compassion bring joy to others, to bring confidence and bring benefits.
Fourth, we have a kind heart, will produce on the environment What kind of reflect.
hatred because of our heart, so the abuse will hear the troubles of others will be angry, will feel deeply hurt. and a practitioner, will be setbacks in life as a practice of helping edge. Sutra records, for shame because of the Buddha in the immortal, he was cut amputation solution Godline king body, but can not afford the slightest Chen Xin, the final card was Buddhahood.
because we have greedy, even with a lot of wealth, but still has more to worry about is, the time will never meet. On the contrary, Shao Yu contented person, even though most live a simple life, but also the material conditions in the simple pleasures of life were found. As the Yen Hui, Confucius praised it: mentality, is what we use the concept to life. If there is no healthy state of mind, there is no concept of right of life, want to be happy these few years is really not easy.
Maybe some people will ask: study Oh Buddha What are the benefits? can we get out of a TV coming? can we get out of a house coming? the improvement of material conditions is important for us, but without a good attitude, even with the re- more, it is impossible to solve life's hardships and troubles.
many modern psychological problems, how to solve these psychological problems? Some people turn to a psychiatrist, but the psychological treatment can only play a doctor's guidance and mitigation effect, does not fundamentally solve the problem. If not eliminated, the root causes of the problem, then, was to divert the issue today, get a temporary solution, tomorrow will continue to create new problems, psychological and rehabilitation can not be completely .
human psychological illnesses that? is beginningless time with our ignorance, and the resulting variety of unhealthy factors: such as greed, hatred, heart, ignorance, and I slowly and so on. So we look at Buddhism start by Qin-xiu Jieding Hui, to extinguish Six Primary Afflictions, fundamentally eradicate the root causes of all mental illnesses. Six Primary Afflictions in Buddhism is called the three poisons that harm our spiritual health of the three drugs, it is all the time damage to our minds, our lives around.
a lot of people are now drug addicts, we know the harm drugs pose a major in physical, but the body and the spirit of a very close relationship, in physical harm We will follow the spirit of hurt. We already have the dangers of drugs profound understanding of it, the whole world to human health and resistance to drugs.
but harmful to our mental health drugs invisible, it is hidden in our lives is reflected in every aspect of our lives, it is closely related to themselves that we are difficult to detect. We often can not help be it driving, making all kinds of evil deeds under the impact not only on this life Well, will affect the future life forms. when the only mercy is not enough, but also wise guidance. not to blindly the principles of compassion, often have a negative impact.
Buddhist compassion and wisdom has two connotations, The so-called two books, is the treasure of wisdom. Every day we read of the learn, wisdom will be as endless as the sea and void.
study Buddhism is not just chanting, chanting, but also highlights thinking repair. we have a saying The lack of faith in the wisdom of one side will make people paranoid, more stubborn, more fanaticism. So, faith requires wisdom to guide, the only way to improve the level of faith to raise the standard of faith. as a scholar, choose a proper The work is also a key practice. the so-called legitimate career, is the Noble Eightfold Path of right livelihood, including the double standard. The first is not contrary to law, norms, law is based on safeguarding the interests of public safety and for the purpose of good if we do not even citizens can not do from the standard Buddhist farther backward. because the Buddhist must follow the higher moral standards, that laymen should Shouchi's not killing, no stealing, no adultery, no lying, no alcohol. only with law and the precepts of double standards of professional, such as the law is.
why the commandment to constrain our behavior? In addition to the constraints on behavior, discipline, what is more important? In our human nature, greed, hatred and ignorance is harmful to our lives of the three toxins, when they attack, it will bring killing, stealing, lust, and lying behavior. and these acts will not only condoned by our troubles, publicity humanity in the power of evil, harm to our spiritual health, it will infringe on the interests of others. we kill, the object must have been killed; we steal, the object must have been stolen; we adultery, must have been the object of prostitution; We lie, the object must have been deceived. Meanwhile, bring retribution for committing evil will affect the future of life, such as the killing will lead to short-lived and the sick retribution; lying is would we have been deceived or unable to gain the trust of people . As long as we planted the seeds of evil because, finally, must by their own to taste the bitter fruit it bears.
Shouchi precepts, mainly to help us to overcome the troubles Six Primary Afflictions habits to help us stop the bad behavior. We are in this world and only a few years time, if not see the future of life, it may be profit-oriented, all starting from the immediate interests and do whatever they want. As a Buddhist, it lives for the sake of longer-term, in front of dozens of years, which is short, the life of the future is limitless. If immediate and bring disaster to the future, does that mean forest for the trees? six how to safeguard our future happiness? must strictly follow the precepts of the norms of life. healthy life is life itself is a very good practice. We do a lot of things, and practice seem irrelevant. But if the wisdom of Buddhism to implement in life to Buddhist concepts to guide our words and deeds, then, who live as you can sit in the practice.
ordinary people can not properly eat a meal; can not be good, long sleep; in the family can not properly live in harmony; in society can not make good politics matter. So when we eat Check also their mentality: It is with a greedy eating? or eat with a heart of hatred? eat the most original purpose is simply to survive is to our body are maintained. but many people already eat more than this limit, Sometimes for the sake of creating a big appetite and kill the industry; sometimes and face the big bucks for vanity. So, if we can not just normal to eat delicious food will be met from the greedy; the contrary is from the heart of hatred. to eat to anyone, it is vanity and my slow heart trouble; see other people eat well, eat well themselves, unbalanced mind, but also generate jealousy. we do not eat well, it will bring Six Primary Afflictions so much trouble.
color body in order to maintain basic survival, but also pay attention to the appropriate nutrition, nutrition do not have too many, but not enough. because our body is the Origin of the need to rely on material conditions can be maintained. engorgement of course not, hungry to Ziku the body is also undesirable. We should pursue the principle of the Middle Path, away from the extremes of indulgence and asceticism. So, eating itself is a good the practice to contains wisdom. There was once a founder of the question , sleep? founder said: emotions from the original style of life, change is intelligent, healthy life.
everyone in life has more or less of the bad habits. or as a meal, for example, the person must have some alcohol glass of wine before eating enjoyably; addicted people but also a bit of meat Hunxing only feel at ease, so he took it a simple matter to eat more and more complicated. Therefore, we should just normal to dinner, several of which are key factors: First, go hungry before, this is an important prerequisite, otherwise no matter how good the taste of things to eat; the second is to have a good mood, Gould says: is the human good time. flavor, far less like the clear light of two or three more appropriate. dinner is so, sleep well. especially those who have their own career, vulgar things to day, the evening still numerous non-delusion, the result much insomnia torture. If we meditate every day, chanting will calm down, there would be such a disturbance. Of course, such training should be a process, chanting and meditation are all good ways. delusion ordinary person does not always must like branches, flowing like a thought of an idea and then, when meals to the problem, sleep problems was thinking, but also a dream to want to fall asleep. to really want to think when they are unable to concentrate. VII how to make keep our hearts pure state? we can recite the heart settled in Beige, either walk or work, are so obsessed with this phase soon as the chanting continued. If the delusions are too many, the heart will become complicated, trouble also will increase. If you can recite every day, always chanting, the heart will become pure and psychological burden will be less and less. why a man not quite happy? is because the mind too much, the soul and commitment by many things oppressed. We should have had experience, when the depressed state, the want to be happy are not happy together. Conversely, if there is no burden on our hearts, you can feel comfortable to relax.
Therefore, we must learn to contemplation own mind. rosary in our hands what role is it? is to help us look after their own thoughts. Zen has a story, a child to cattle, at the beginning, the buffalo cow, so every day with children In the back of cattle, cattle from time to time holding the rope, it runs without a trace the slightest negligence. children to training every day, the bull, blow the whistle about to pull the rope, over time, becoming more docile cattle , in the end, children can even ride in the back of the bull go, when he went to bed, the cow will not run away. our mind, but also the same as this bison. there is a word called , that our hearts as restless as the apes, our intention as they run around like a wild horse. We are lost in the five desires Chenlao often, I heard nice to see good-looking, and went rigid, go greed angry crazy. And when we craving the time, have long lost their heart in the side, long lost in their favorite environment, like the cow, like to run groups of non-accidentally trace. The rosary is like a rope tied cows, our cows run faster than your mind, more wild, so we must always Perspective for it.
We always have to reflect, look at the moment is to some What? look at their idea of what they think? we need to look to live their own thoughts, whether good or bad idea idea appears, had a clear mind to be. particularly since we are greedy, hatred, heart, do not blindly follow it to run. a no Buddhists, when greedy is desperately in front of greed; hatred when the heart is desperately in front of anger; love, when love was a very tough battle; a time to hate and hate is not a total Dai days, the results of psychological troubles into these master control our lives. And Buddha is to cultivate our mindfulness, so that we grasp their own mind, a good grasp of their present and future, rather than those of the five desires Chenlao worry about our body and mind, so always keep our hearts pure sense is.
All in all, practice is a good habit. So, in our lives, sit in their daily lives in the line, they all contain practice. Buddhism is to start from our words and deeds, from the start with all aspects of life. As long as we have a healthy and wise life, and that is the best self!

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