Monday, February 28, 2011

Avoid rubbing the bread first experience - Continental bucolic

 If your home if you do not bother to steam oven
kneading by hand if you love rich
European chewy bread
have to try this method, the incredible beauty ~ ~
from Bangladesh teacher's blog know that this approach,
try to love ~ ~
because it is too easy, as long as the material mixed into the batter, and then after 18 hours of waiting on it ~   This is said to make bread, a baker in New York JimLahey creative,
eliminating the kneading step, known as even the 8-year-old children can operate quickly to try it ~ ~
 1, all the ingredients into a container, stir well, cover with plastic wrap and ferment at room temperature for 18 hours
(fermented paste to 18 hours after the bubble surface bulge, the volume of batter becomes large)
2, batter fermentation to 18 hours after the batter with a spatula to remove the case on a floured board,
way to fold the plastic, into the ceramic casserole (pot and sprinkle with flour first, to facilitate stripping), bathed flour, for the final 30 minutes of fermentation
(Originally this step first batter to put people on the canvas for the final fermentation, and then placed in heated containers, but the first face of the wet, sticky dough that I know a little bit how to do, simply put the container directly to the final fermentation, thought f ¥ ck, as unsuccessful as it went, the results of tests it may be a good look at Bangladesh after the epilogue, there are teachers in such a way that ~)
3, preheat oven to 220 degrees, bake with the first 25 minutes with the lid,
then remove the lid (be careful hot!), about 10 minutes to baking bread surface color
use of iron, casserole so thick stone replica of the container to the effect of high temperature,
cover and have a confined space at the same time, making the baking pan heating process produces water vapor, so that the bread has thin, crisp skin effect
no steam ovens can do at home with European bucolic bread crackers ~ ~
skin, internal soft and flexible, there are holes of different sizes, it is really good ~
small tip:
1, yeast powder dosage must be very few, or 18 hours after a long period of fermentation of bread will sour
2, the fermentation time under different temperature control in 14-18 hours
2, baked bread in the container can use the existing home thick pot, iron, stainless steel casserole are OK, but not with any plastic material
this is the first attempt in oil-flavor sugar-free formula has been beyond my imagination was delicious ~ ~   then want to try other recipes, see what new experiences, to the time to share again Oh ~ ~

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rainbow is the beginning of the main parties dominate the market

 Rainbow is the beginning of the main parties dominate the market
into 75 times the stock index futures trading. August Xianyihouyang main contract, eventually closing to bring out a small lower shadow Yang Xian, through such K-line, in fact, we have been able to imagine the intense game yesterday. volume compared with the positions of amplification was the day before, the main parties can be very nice to win this battle yesterday, well let us present the main market as a whole is still dominated by multi- , the next is still worth looking forward to more exciting.
disk, non-heavyweight is definitely the protagonist of the market yesterday, some varieties of contrarian trend of the outbreak, which greatly stimulated the sentiment. At the same time, some species groups stead situation is completely supported the energy to do more, eventually making up the heavyweight was excited. While market heavyweights are not the protagonist, but it is this follow makes a dramatic reversal of the market changes, and ultimately the market fell 1.2% from more than to the red plate to close, really wonderful.
Shanghai Composite Index, as expected, as, in 2600 triggered a strong offensive support position. Although the Shanghai Composite Index yesterday, with a long lower shadow is the Yang Xian, but it contains multi-energy has much to tell us, the long lower shadow yesterday, although in the course of the next wave of mass destruction is still too much, but overall, lower than the long shadow on Friday brought a lot of low lethality. it plainly , yesterday's low is likely to be this wave of the stage rapidly bring to market low volatility.
this day I described as turbulent thunderstorm, like yesterday, intraday volatility, as the final rise and then drop fast very rapidly. comes and goes fast are the characteristics of thunderstorm yesterday's the time is ripe, more spectacular Why not lighten the stock first, then buy it back after such adjustment in place? I said, the reason is very simple, Market adjustment does not mean that individual stocks also followed adjusted contrarian stocks likely to be breaking up the wave, the most fundamental is the tape the general pattern remains upward. Why now then toss? I said, no one can have a good grasp of each node, as long as the big bands eat, and can be satisfied. There should be a lot of people like the idea, saying that white is like buy low, sell high throw to do short post, a little money if you can do, slightly larger funds are basically impossible, so this is why eating is another key reason for the larger band.
Some people may throw low high suck won a few feel good, but how can you do the operation can last? It's like some people expect every one point looked like the simple but unrealistic, and ultimately the market must have been frustrating over quickly. just like this one up yesterday afternoon, the lowest point of the morning or out, and now very embarrassed, do not chase chase is not nor is not Ta is to mind the last ruined. Therefore, those who want to operate every day the end is certainly not earn any money. Of course, we must note that the stock index futures, the ultra-short-term occasional is so frustrating, so frustrating to be aiming at the stock market, but also not impossible, but only a small position play to large positions will remain operational thinking big band, this is my personal humble opinion.
mm text articles for the paper published in the media, this article from today's Morning Post August 5

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Origin of Love

 The origin of love discussed in the previous
my sociological perspective and methodology. In this will be an example to elaborate on the specific articles of the view and method. Here I make a Disclaimer: I will not be so in the problems are to do a complete study, some will exist as the default, do not get to the bottom; to Phenomenology argument to mount up, as is the reason that of course; though not to say that those issues are not discussed , but not on this discussion; These issues include what I call the struggle between the feudal lords and slave owners, about why the struggle between them, the struggle between what they value and significance, what role for the community it; there;;; and so on; I will not do in-depth discussion, will give a point of view, without giving reasons; their reasons I will give or not give the other chapters.
society with humans as a carrier, to ensure the existence of society then it must ensure that human generation and propagation. If human beings do not exist then society would not exist. I do a proliferation of amendments to change it to continue. Other species can only be born to no future is smooth; care for the general fragmentation of their problems. even if some time to take care of, nor is it a problem, do not do a special discussion. But the opposite is the human descendants of the general human reproductive do not do a very strong research and care for future generations around the formation of a large number of system and other issues. This will also focus on this latter topic. sex as a very important aspect of reproductive, sexual pre-modern period always associated with reproduction, but in later times and the power of Foucault called this discussion is not related to the scope of it. So why sex is a continuation of the species to play such an important role? two reasons why I'm here to give . The first is the human as a biological one thing to have him to complete it after he finished, not to meet the pain. to the person to complete the biological sex, it must give its pleasure; to creatures who can not will to complete the act. The pleasure for the human race is very important. later will see their role. The second reason is the gene theory. a lot of theories to call it the selfish genes. selfish gene theory Each gene is selfish, they are for their own continued existence and make unremitting struggle. each gene are trying to make their own offspring to survive. a gene on the same or similar genes are of particular interest it will contribute at any time for that gene. Nature Genetics that they are not doing things, its behavior is through its biological performance out of the carrier. from here will be to understand what is the maternal. We will not be as to those who sacrificed their own next generation of animals was a surprise. do not why people are seeking for the blood, called the so-called own flesh and blood. The Selfish Gene, played in the social and cultural material of infinite importance to a certain species determines the extent the institution of marriage. which also take care of future generations later laid a solid foundation. I will start my discussion here.
frenzy of primitive society to society and moderation
primitive society, Each theorist has a different theoretical perspectives; but one thing is said to be recognized. that is what most social theorists have recognized the original production so total system. here's a general sense of production includes not only the production of information is also included, including the people themselves. But at some point if not a good man's own production is still a large consumer group. here, including the upbringing of future generations. In this a taboo not to discuss the primitive society and incest fear, just how they are going to produce offspring and it wants to raise large.
the importance of this out on the unexpected. sex brings pleasure only to give the primitive, the original will to complete sex , or is, then it would be impossible. Primitive man did not form the kind of feudal society, The driving force of the so-called I think I do not have to say, I am sure you clear than I am. Since the primitive nature of the driving forces in the sexual behavior, then there is no standardized. remind once again, This is not about the fear and sexual taboos Luanlun. no sexual intercourse in our standard today is called promiscuity, Danshi there has not this concept. Zhong sex with this production Gongyou compatible system. Primitive man does not need born offspring still worried about the care of the problem, because they are so original among collectives. the collective group will undertake this task for them. so commonly used in the original social group marriage. the so-called group marriage refers to the A group of men who marry a woman. which I think the relationship will not have to talk too well. Why take group marriage system? I have to be explained. This is called the selfish gene that is causing trouble. each Gene wants to survive into their own in the future there, but also many Ye Hao, then what is the best way? it is to try and more of the opposite sex sexual relations, then the probability of their genes survive into the greater. So The only corresponding with this request and to sign the original social mode of production approach is group marriage. We all know that in primitive society is taken as a total system of production, so everyone is on equal status. do not talk about this result because of their age inequality on a number of identity. Since the identity is equal, then everyone's power is equal. you can enjoy the things I will not be less divided. And sex is a great pleasure to another human who would not want to participate ? In this make a statement; I just went under the reasoning of modernity, but sex is not the primitive man's a great joy, I can not fully guarantee, then wait for archaeologists to complete; I was before I came out in the concluding would use it temporarily. So the best way is group marriage. group marriage so selfish gene in the production under the regime born.
With the development of productive forces, the remaining items of production, private ownership began to emerge. the birth of private ownership means the end of group marriage. group marriage as a basis for the existence of production lost mm total. that selfish genes are competitive with the private property. In the course of competition that are not private property or property is under the wind, The same genes that are not property, can not afford the upbringing of future generations. that nature, and those in the female to produce offspring of its consideration of the gene can not survive well under. then their careful consideration to those who had sexual intercourse . because that genes do not want to support other genes, otherwise it may make their own can not survive in the future. From this time on began to move toward the normalization of the road. women only and those with many or more of the property to good sex ensure that their genes in future generations who will continue. or just born that can not make a living, it would mean the white students that? resources are limited, can not afford to waste. that they can not mess sexual intercourse, or is busy for a white, no wisdom for results. This does not matter. the most important if it is promiscuous, then to tell that the gene is not the man. So the children born no one claimed the. Is it not worse. That is not the starvation. that to how to do? very simple, control of shellfish, the control shell. From now on, there are proprietary nature, especially for women. as only a woman only to ensure that this gene is not promiscuity can be determined that the gene is not their own copies. from a woman began to ring up of: the must be at a specific time under specific relations of a sexual relationship with a specific, not like before, arbitrary, and lying there can dry up; it was absolutely not allowed. From this point of the embarked on a standardized way. However, what specific measures at the time, I do not know exactly, or wait for archaeologists to solve it for us.
mm slave society of heaven
human society, there is a pure society, and that is slavery. I am going to so called forward, this call may be a lot of discontent. In my first define what slavery. in here may be other slave society theorists differ from the definition of slave society, but in order to better clarify the problem is not so much to get to the bottom. I mean in this slave society such a society. at that social kinds as long as the two populations: one So who is the complete master, and the other is complete by the owner of slaves. slaveholders hold all the production and includes slavery itself. and nothing slaves, even slave owners themselves are the entropy is. In short What words are slave owners, slaves, nothing.
Above we talked about the selfish gene. gene always want to continue in the offspring itself. The same applies here. But there are not as good as this applies to the primitive society Spirit so late, and its application is also a range of conditions. That is how it goes? slave owners under the selfish gene is the gene itself to hard copy out. But this will go to the story General. I said why do not reproduce the human society, the word used is because the future is the continued demand for care, or more students are white students, blind waste of energy. So going to copy his master not only of genes but also something to eat their next generation gene. slaveholder wealth has two parts: one is physical, the other part is the interior of the. slaveholders, of course a person can go to dry all the slaves and his genetic copy of his out. but the trouble is created. does not constitute an energy all day long stem that do not distracting it? two master copy gene that is a major event, but their presence is also important to you. please leave the so-called mountains there is hope is the truth. Foucault in the is not a person. theorists talk about slavery in most of the Greek and Roman slave owners in the lives of people that are and are not concerned with the thinking of the slaves included therein. that's not surprising, because there is no people think that slaves are people, including slaves themselves are so think. three, but also a more difficult question is since the end by a copy of their own are not all treated equally? If so, then the slave owners get bastard out of so many, how to take care of it? give each person the same time take care of obvious material conditions is not allowed. how a allow law? If you give the same treatment to very low. can not make future generations have a well-developed; that if not, then what is the law to decide that it was a good upbringing? the same token, since the only part of being a good upbringing, then the other part is not subject to bad treatment. but according to selfish principle, each offspring all have the same value; a copy of each gene out of the role of the same, regardless of what continuation of what light. But the reality also told them that was impossible. This fully shows the master three impossible to complete all of their sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse is not no standard. So how to solve this problem? them through the two roads to solve the problem. First, to regulate the sexual behavior of slave owners. here that the norm is not said slave owners to keep their sex slaves. It is not possible, because the slave master So the people are, and what is not so master it? where the level of specification is carried out to future generations specification. slaveholders and produced offspring of different objects with different grades get different care. should future generations like the way to rank the resulting offspring is that it wants to distinguish between people. From this time, the real begin to define the institution of marriage. in accordance with production down the marriage is legitimate children, with the greatest; to be that the only representative of The Selfish Gene. But this does not mean that can not be his slave master, but this time not for that The Selfish Gene, but for that pure sexual pleasure. so natural that it would not produce offspring down a copy of the list of selfish genes. They end by producing offspring down the list of slaves. but according to the principle of the selfish gene, it is should spend the greatest effort to make their own copies of that smooth continuation of that part. there according to their own principles and not focus too much energy, or may be emptied himself. And, you know now advocated eugenics society excellent education, so when the master is not excessive debauchery. They reflected on how the best energy to the production of good offspring that above. the contrary they put this task to their slaves. This is the second path of their choice: to let their slaves go all out to produce more of their slaves to whelp. here from time to mating carried out in The Selfish Gene, but because of slavery and the slave is his master's private bastard property. in order to increase their private property, a good way to produce more number of slaves whelp. slaves who assumed this responsibility, sexual intercourse has become one of their basic tasks. So from the perspective of, for slavery is a kind of paradise. It was a very free sex, not only condemned, but also to be encouraged. For them, what rules do not, as long as wanted to do to be dry. not limited by the object, As long as the same slave owners on it.
blockade of feudal society and the pace of history is confined
stop, gone. production changes. so that the slave mode of production was no longer compatible. society is human creation of a new feudal class mm. Here's to the feudal lords also make a definition. I mean the feudal lords that is all within its territory has a right to rule absolutely and completely the class. It can be as long as the is therefore all the property of their territories at its disposal, including land, human rights and the law. so-called society has reached a higher stage. biological human body began to play an important human started to decline that part of the community began its important role. and slowly replace the biological part of the leading role and become . This does not say that part of biology is not important, but its relative importance declined. can be said that the slave society of the late part of the community began to dominant. So, when feudal society in the discussion will not be as As discussed during the first two focus on organisms that part of it, but this part of the community as the main part of the discussion. But anyway, the subject of concern is the continuation of future generations are not changed. The references to a role in this small but still have to look at the theory involved in mm meme theory. This theory will be used in the comparison was more than a little of this to explain. Meme theory is put forward by a considerable genetic theory. their theories to gene theory called the sticking belt culture. They think that genetic theory to everything around the center to discuss the gene, as if the belt with a dog dog tied to culture such a pillar in the gene. and meme theory, culture is not a genetic tie him to the dog was but a free dog. He is there for their own sake rather than around the gene exists. It has its own operating rules. But its operating rules and the Selfish Gene Similar mm for its own existence, trying very hard to copy and spread out. so they will call it the theorists selfish meme. meme is the smallest unit of information.
feudal lords since the day to produce and the slave owners engaged in a fierce struggle. feudal interests in a way, is completely opposite. feudal tyranny and this is required by the requirements of slave owners is not compatible with democracy. slave requires each person should have the say sake, everyone is equal. This is when the trial of Socrates is the full performance. and this is absolutely intolerable feudal lords. Well Well, it would mean total chaos that? my lord, said the emperor who have not been refuted, then, otherwise the move to your head. feudal mainly dominate the field so he's everything. I can not do, I eat what slave owners, to play what ah; Hexibeifeng, play bird? < br> They did the battle begin. The first battleground is the treatment of the struggle the issue of slavery. feudal lords like all of them feudal lords and not for his services to the other, so the strong demand of the liberation of his slaves. The master is just the opposite, Why is my slave liberation of their private property; if the liberated them, how do I do? In this feudal lords have been slaves for their support. slaveholders as alone, coupled with changes in production methods. slaveholders lost the. slaves liberated, become a new class mm peasant class. slaveholders lost does not mean that they launched this stage of history, is not completely beaten. struggles in the second slave owners made a certain degree of success. That is not the feudal lords of the land so owned by the state, he personally owned, but they give a slave. from master classes to begin to differentiate into two classes. The first inherited the land of the old aristocracy and the feudal lords did not manage state land but for the new aristocracy of taxi class. then from the landlord class that evolved from the two classes, but the nature of the landlord class and the nature of their nature of political reform. struggle The third is the nature of the battlefield, that is, the more precise point of sexual norms. of life, but one of great joy. no one wants to have fun. but people have a natural feature of jealousy. Sometimes People would rather not get myself do not want others get. This is an evil man. In fact, it can not say that, because human nature does not matter. That is to meet the needs of the community's own creation. But, as I strong feelings, or so called a tendency. that the feudal lords as a human, too, like the feudal lords did in the field owned by a woman all his. He wants a relationship with each woman. He wants to do every woman . But this is impossible. In the struggle to master and the peasant class with hands. There are two things at work. First, the selfish gene. that the gene would like to copy itself out. but if if the feudal lords such a practice, then mixed with ass ah. are we going to end that? Thus, slave owners and the peasant class with hands against the invasion of feudal lords. Finally, the two sides reached a treaty: the Lord will not meddle in women without any of you are Any person, including feudalism, including; not feudal Lord woman can always take it, but others can also be a certain way. Speaking of the Lord is actually a standard mm polygamy. refers to the so-called polygamy A man can marry several wives. The feudal lords but can have numerous women, as long as he was willing to be, but there is a condition that must be a feudal lord woman you know, and live in a certain residence. generally Palace the. only after a woman is appointed by the feudal lords and rules. The same is for the slave that is not the ah. In the past he could have relations with numerous women, now in addition to several proprietary object to touch a not a woman play, and then what reason do it? how to do it? Then they came up with a solution that is a brothel. brothel is the beginning for these people run. in a way brothel is opened for them. China the literati, and the poet like to go kind of place. and these people is out of slave owners stratification.
now come to the right norms and marriage at the time to do a study and description of the system. From slavery to the feudal social evolution, the liberation of slaves, has become a subject of human rights, not the case with a personal entropy. As with the main body of it is sacred and inviolable human rights, as long as it is not something to be wrong. that is, from this point on, They were counted into the category of people. So the theory of selfish genes is the same for them effective. They also want to copy their genes out of them to continue. but they have something very clear. That is They know they only have a few belongings, they can not feed a lot of future generations. That naturally impossible to help others to raise offspring. The only way to do this is with some exclusive sex objects, and the object does not allow it and other people can not have sex. Otherwise, it is not recognizable by future generations. That may raise the other gene copy, not a result of their own could not continue. then this is required to regulate the sexual behavior. This specification is the most direct consequence of the generation of the couple system. couples the system how it is, when a two or a few established the relationship between husband and wife, then sexual relations can only between those who can not happen in other people themselves; and nor use any other means to a relationship with them, or to even be considered immoral is to be punished. On many occasions these penalties quite serious, and even death. is the only way to ensure that their support is their own offspring. in the slave society to feudal society over the process, slave owners and feudal lords are fighting took place. It is also used to ensure that their sexual objects not to be abducted at any time of feudal lords, the same newly freed slaves who hope to live a secure life. they are more vulnerable, more afraid of their sexual object is said to be kidnapped, or walk by myself. In the above has been gives the result of the struggle is the generation of polygamy. In this talk about polygamy. polygamy means that a husband can have a different wife. But it also later polygamy and concubinage is different. In Kazuo The wife of polygamy is to have the same rights, and in the system of monogamy and concubinage concubine wife and the difference between a hierarchy.
since the institution of marriage the true sense of a generation, the true norms begin to form. This is no longer the former Regime. but the real ban. These prohibitions are not arbitrary and human intercourse; can not be allowed in the case of sexual intercourse; Do not have sexual relations with a number of objects. These are Some type of ban is not allowed to force, but also tough. but always makes it difficult to accept. coupled with the nature of how people are so yearning for a thing ah. Who would not want to play his mother rushed in a play as if the ban is not able to rely on these do the same. Each sense of a social theorist known human role. In fact, this is not a sociologist to know each of the early theorists have long been known and is organized into books. They told us to do something to make a person the best way is to let them think they are doing something or doing things just a glorious thing; but if it does not do it It is, then it would be shameful and ugly. they tell them what is truth and what is the right thing; and what is false, is not worth something. This creation can not be stopped out of the truth has a tendency deep into everyone's heart. But the truth of how the role of the role of the various theorists have different opinions. Some people say that the depth of the spoilers so people who hate or do not want to do the things that go against the truth ; also some theorists believe that if something is not possible to do that they lose resources, leaving themselves in a disadvantaged state. In this not to be investigated how they have an effect, but one thing is for sure out. That is the logic that produced the extraordinary role can produce undeniable.
this reason is Chastity. Chastity I think many people are very clear. But I still say a few words. Chastity of the maximum stress is not a good thing, it is evil. If it was any sexual immorality, to be scolded by people sip. There is also the first sexual behavior is very important, very sacred, are not allowed to dispose of any ; or the consequences are unimaginable. Another point is that of the object must comply with the rules. can not not meet the rules of sexual relations. otherwise, is believed to be filthy dirty. to be a word to the Chinese people called

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Honglei generous response to rumors no longer escape the family, said Gong Li

 Honglei (Honglei image index Honglei)
According to the Oriental Morning Post reported that News Channel on Friday preparing to introduce by the Honglei (Honglei Honglei image index), and Cecilia Yip starring Kou Shixun TV series The two arrived at Shanghai from Hangzhou, the actor plays publicity. They attended the first hotel in the city at a news conference, and then, as the record straight on Honglei has been the focus of media attention. because Gong Li (pictures - news - web pages) for home filming, different, the Honglei become a great side, straight, said Gong Li is Love the news, Honglei has been replaced with silence or missing response. Yesterday publicity for the new play, his attitude has changed 180 degrees. He said he had figured out, not go to extremes, This is the work of journalists, we are all needed something to eat, no need to make things difficult for everyone, so I decided not to avoid any scandal. also a direct response when faced with scandal. He said: recently also got together for dinner. the end of the interview, a reporter described him simply implement the relationship between current and Gong Li, who used two consecutive Impossible alone in Hollywood was not easy. Then he began to Gong Li been done an injustice, he admitted that Gong Li's new work To see the film. The film Zhang Yimou Gong Li has returned to participate in the new film This year's program, Honglei Tsui Hark has promised, that a half-hour film is no need to pull into a 30-episode TV series.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Limitations of clinical otitis externa

 Limitations of otitis externa clinical
1. Wind heat external invasion
cult poison master card burning pain in the ears, mouth, chewing or pulling ears pain when Tragus intensified oppression. Examination showed the limitations of the ear canal swelling, uplift projects, such as pepper.
body card, see the evil wind, fever, headache, aches and discomfort, red tongue, white coating, floating pulse.
Syndrome analysis: wind-heat cult poison violations ear orifices, skin injuries, blocked meridians, blood pool, it is red red swollen ear canal skin, such as head or miliary-like protrusions pepper; ear, in turn, more than even the head, so the ear pain, mouth, chew, or involve the pain got worse when the pinna. < br> 2. Hepatobiliary
steaming hot and humid on the main card more drama ear pain, pain cited gills brain, ear sputum before or after the nuclear swelling of the ear pain, ear plugs, such as swelling, temporary hearing loss can occur. Check the ear canal see limitations of swelling, high conflict, such as hemispherical, yellow pus visible at the top point of the surrounding skin, redness, broken out after a little pus and blood.
body may have fever or cold and heat exchanges, bitter mouth, dry throat, short yellow urine, a large constipation, red tongue, yellow greasy moss, pulse a few strings.
Syndrome analysis: liver and gallbladder damp heat on the junction canal, smoked burning the skin, so the limitations of swelling, pain, more drama. swollen ear plug even awakened, there was temporary hearing loss, even the head, face, ears and more context, so the pain of the head with cheeks. If the cult poison block context, the nuclear swelling of the ear pain before and after sputum; if hot rot muscles, suppurative; Hepatobiliary Yu hot, so hot or cold and heat exchanges, mouth pain, dry throat, red tongue, greasy yellow tongue coating, etc.; pulse a few strings are also signs of liver heat.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why Wu caught a piece of land preservation times the appreciation of the Tour 3280

 Wu security post Why? Say he actually March 27, 2008 mm both provinces arrest he was a full month ago, has become part of the newspapers reported, is reproduced below (with part of the text has not yet found) :
Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, Kang Bashi District land acquisition survey ①
250 yuan / mu levy from farmers to the land by the local government auctions, the highest sold for 820,000 yuan / mu
3280 times a piece of land appreciation of the trip
newspaper reporter, chief reporter and Modem Yu Jie Hao into Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region photo coverage
from 250 yuan / mu to 82 yuan / mu, a piece of land in less than 5 years, the realization of this an amazing 28 people have been of the local government. farmers recall that in land acquisition, the relevant units and leaders to open the General Assembly: to ensure that the land will not be imposed to make money by reselling to ensure that land acquisition process will be open to legitimate leadership hh mm concrete commitments to farmers to ensure that those whose land hh
interests of each local government's commitment to eventually suffered a Villa has a well-known nickname:
3 in the leadership of cover 23, 45 villas in the new part of Ordos City, Kang Bashi is extraordinarily beautiful. The villa is targeted for senior civil servants to local developers to develop
a 250 yuan / mu of land
be imposed is 32 square kilometers of land and the Inner Mongolia Erdos Kang Bashi village, the village stockade tower. It was originally two villages under the Ordos City Yijinhuoluo County, land acquisition began, to be included within the city of Dongsheng District . Habagexi two villages where the rural district offices subsequently changed to Habagexi.
2002 the articles, 2003, 2004, the relocation of the large-scale land acquisition involving Kang Bashi village 431 village and stockade tower 1381 households of people.
Kang Bashi has now become a new area of Ordos City, located in Erdos City, central and southern land, located in the hinterland of the Ordos Plateau, where the East was passing through Ulan Moron River and the Xi Wulan Moron River around. Ordos has become the seat of city government.
recent years, Ulan Moron rivers in the East have become rare, but Xi Wulan Moron River where the flow of farmers and herdsmen been consistent praise mm on the river even in the century, the three-year drought during the sixties, it did not stop, the region is still important to rely on agricultural production. ten sheep, a dozen acres of land are common species. in the past to rely on the income of the land is not a problem well.
farmers and herdsmen living in this land who, before 2002, there is no thought of this question: this land worth? until the government The land requisition compensation standards departments appear levy to go. government staff as the villagers, large artificial grass closely Caragana high, the villagers planting Caragana is up.
while others are shrub land was belonging to compensation in the young forest type, also designated by the government into the 250 yuan / mu of natural grassland category. Land Bash the land where the new area as early as in 2000, has become a to the researchers.
is initially responsible for the original land Yijinhuoluo County, but in the fall of 2002, this place where the village is included in Habagexi Dongsheng District, land also went by the Dongsheng District charge. land area of 24 square kilometers from the initial expanded to 28 square kilometers, and later into 32 square kilometers.
strange that the land in 2003, the changed to to get the message: Youth Mountain project has not been renamed due to be approved by higher authorities mm.
New Area Administrative Committee at a press Kang Bashi, director of the Yang Weidong, interview, has gone through the whole process of land acquisition, he also admits that only the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government's approval. approval authority for all levels of government land and 32 square kilometers of such a levy if necessary the State Council, Yang said he did not know.
in the land acquisition process, the village has not allowed a hearing. Then they saw two were in the name of the village committee, wrote to Bureau of Land and Resources of Ordos City Dongsheng Kang Bashi District Branch of president of four clubs land and villagers did not see any hearings are reflected in this book, I do not know to give up the so-called decision of who is hearing, but also, and that the villagers were deliberated.
After a hearing on the incident, villagers were surprised to find that: in the previous notices, the only compensation, but not all levels of government approval or ratification of publicity does not regulate font size mm!
Then, the demolition is also a problem, as the Government in immigration Village only to the villagers built a 50 square meters per household a > But this time the Government out of a ;; the other hand, people who do not implement the demolition demolitions, and even demolition of violence. In the context of both hardware and software, the majority of immigrants who moved to New Village.
the demolition, demolition permit no one to produce, while the previous land, the village has not signed any land transfer agreement. holding the land contract agreement and land use permits which the villagers angrily said: > Kang Bashi Yang Weidong, director of the New Area Administrative Committee and the president claims to have signed a land transfer agreement, but asked that agreement is several, is a staff for each village, the Yang Weidong, said: But I do not remember.
for many villagers are not satisfied, Kang Bashi said Yang Weidong, director of New Area Administrative Committee, mainly from two reasons: First, the villagers would like to seek maximum benefits; the second is the land of farmers and other local mutual competition. not comparing ourselves to others, we are, and their standard of living comparisons in the past, national policies are also clearly defined to ensure that landless peasants income. to say that maximum benefits, we are now a requirement which is not to them (the local government and land officials) to honor promised before? 3280 times the value-added benefits to vested
Kang Bashi New from Dongsheng District of the way, you can see the mixing plant stands in the prairie, looks fairly strange. but the concrete mixing plant, were quickly sent to one large construction sites, to map those effects will be one magnificent and unique design of the large building into a reality.
can not wait to emotions, may be the earnest desire of future development, but it was circled around a large land seemed better able to explain, and the mood of the white component.
is a one-time levy to land, but in that both What you want to hide.
pm to March 2008, Kang Bashi new areas, large enterprises were sold to the government levy land is still just being surrounded them, there is no building.
in May 2006 16 ;, and journalists visited also proved this point in the real estate exception mm hot new area, commodity floor, less than 4,500 yuan per square meter, are extremely rare.
In addition, by the local media hailed the Huatai Automobile City stationed in large tracts of land from the ring after the addition, the real use of it only a few, and most are barren, the other real estate companies are also generally the case. villager views this quite.
the Government so profit, the villagers took out Yijinhuoluo County Deputy banners Baiguang Bin on June 27, 2002 Economic and Technological Development Zone in the Mountain Youth mobilization meeting on construction of a section of his speech: urban construction and public facilities, land acquisition and relocation process of the Government and the interests of farmers and herdsmen are consistent and will not resell reselling the land requisition back, get money from hh How much points here, we are trying and we got to our Government's commitment to achieve is like. a new area in the real estate license; promised discount New employment experience; three production sites has yet to implement; reservoir was used for watering, been built next to the street vegetable greenhouses leadership of the Office sublet to others hh
Finally, in 3280 the land times the appreciation of the trip, originally intended to use the land to feed their families and well-off farmers in the received 250 yuan / mu of compensation, became helpless, some officials began to be dismissed as br> These villas to be built in the levy to those farmers in the grass.
Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, Kang Bashi District land acquisition survey ②
cheap luxury villa on a sought-after ranch
changes from the ranch to the villa
newspaper reporter, chief reporter and Modem as Yu Jie Hao photo coverage of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at the State Department has repeatedly limited
luxury villa was built against the backdrop of repeated orders at all levels of government asking for protection of the environment in the interests of landless peasants, there are so a place defiantly and openly to 250 yuan / mu levy to farmers Ranch, built for senior civil servants to 394 square meters of luxury villa living.
Thus, the immediate past pastures and villas in the distance is 0 , 5 years apart in time. but the 0 and 5 years away, in the heart of landless peasants, but it is an indelible scar.
this beautiful villa, is no longer Kang Bashi District landscape.
3 23, in his former ground, the talk in favor Liu landless peasants of the land through the process of their own, can not help but burst into tears.

approached the embarrassment of losing by Kang Bashi immigrants and looked at quite a distance but not the premises neat and tidy: roadway lying scattered everywhere fodder, livestock and manure smells floated from time to time. not to mention the more. Meanwhile, poultry, livestock is also extremely tight space, so often forage on the roadway, the use of inconvenient also left exposed to security risks mm forage in the public space more accessible to the fire. raising livestock, then Shangna Zhao life income? but to raise cattle, then, two acres of property out of the things people eat or allow animals to eat? leased to a company, distributed to each household two acres are government interference, from the irrigated land into dry land. which for many landless farmers, in addition to lack of expertise in agriculture and animal husbandry of their body to become embarrassed.
more embarrassing fact is that neither their current status mm non-rural residents in urban residents. In this newly issued notice to pay down the pension insurance, the immigrants were in accordance with the new village lost much and the different age sub-pay approach, in almost every case has a Income not guaranteed, this is the greatest embarrassment, we used to have sheep there, the income of at least stable, there is no real estate license, two acres of land and there is no plausible legal documents, at any time to lose. The villagers believe that is the biggest embarrassment is not enough sense of stability and decent income.
now contrast the lives of villagers living on the land before the memories become active, in one sentence, prompt, the chat has become a lively again. But when a reporter wants everyone to look at the past with the land, the site of many all become silent.
villa, want to looking wow, That was a beautiful. many buildings, located in the northwest Ordos City Hall 45 mm three eye-catching luxury villas each 394 square meters of area and the gorgeous European-style appearance, people can not help but want to go to enjoy some.
these Luxury villas built in the open there were many buyers shortly after the military, was even willing to buy 1 million per square meter, but most buyers have been rejected with the words: This is built to government officials, is direct marketing.
March 22, 2008 afternoon, the reporter went to this villa, villa in the fourth, is a renovation of Anhui workers told reporters: These villas have been distributed to the senior leadership in Erdos City, they are fitting a Deputy Mayor of the villa.
worker. his statement is also given on the 17th sanitation workers and the decoration of the relatives also came to see the leadership of the house, but also look at the leadership himself, waiting for a turn-key. these days to call out several renovation, wants the leaders to find a renovated house. Yang Weidong, deputy director of Bash New Area Administrative Committee, told reporters that the villa was developed by the Pearl River Development Corporation, the orientation of government officials to sell. supervision and supervision of the company's Zhang million workers also told reporters: These villas will be submitted to leaders at the hands of the next month.
16:00, in these luxurious villas on the east side of the slope, water sanitation workers are to pine . one from the header of them are told reporters, many of this piece of green belt is to spend millions of trees bought from overseas, many varieties for many college students graduate Coban can not say names. can afford such a luxury villa with a. Reporter: thousand to set townhouse is distributed to the division level and section-level cadres, the way the two House districts, North South Road, 22 million square meters. , is said to have been handled a real estate license. Construction of the three, I heard but also to build. can be submitted immediately call it a day. and said: claimed that they did not know what state the provisions for the construction of the villa. She said: functions. The Planning Bureau TRANSMITTANCE claimed that he and no matter what land use planning in terms of attributes, and then they said to go to a meeting, hastily left the office.
commercial residential 4500-5000 yuan per square meter of the sales price, these two direct marketing to the villas of government officials, but cheaper too bizarre, and therefore for many non-civil service started to play idea here.
Yi Jinhuo LIU Luo flag, and do not intend to use these houses make a small fortune, but her friend surnamed Ding told her: to the level cadres built 珠江国际城 B10 area housing developers mm Ordos City Sun real estate development limited liability company is financing the B10 area and there is no government funding, so the house will not be built given to civil servants.
Subsequently, the news spread around the relatives and friends in April .2006, Liu Li and the crowd immediately 3 5-5 points of interest, ranging from loans to 368 million yuan, investment to the Sun, this real estate company, the other after the completion of the promised house, sold at cost to her, both parties The signing of the agreement.
Liu Li said: key to start decorating the house, when strange things happened: New Security Office Wei Kang Bashi country level (tone) with a dozen people came to stop renovation, said the house is given to civil servants in Ordos City. friends, we pulled the two woman had their clothes were torn, and decorators who have been expelled, and also scolded me a good meal. become civil servants.
but then most of those who have encountered financing such a thing. you say that you have the key, they said no, but they gave the city pay to the previous year. But the money has not arrived yet, the city is now working on solving them that 280 Liu Li said that if so, that you are going into these two years and lose almost 200 million loan interest, their own just last year laid off, lose the money if I'm afraid in this life very difficult. unreasonable, if they had to, it would give developers much is that they are not civil servants have received the money yet? now forcibly grab our villa, but also we have lost out ah. themselves and many people are waiting for a solution down in April.
Liu Li also told reporters that now the B10 area of many civil servants can not wait for the withdrawal of shareholders, it will bring people to resell the house, she knows exactly, at least under the name of a shareholder being a civil servant to the house to resell, and that civil servants said that the cottage he had sent money, is his.
Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, Kang Bashi District land acquisition survey ③
houses by bulldozers flatteners shelter toilets were scolded, Kang Bashi in Erdos City, New
land within the original stockade tower village, the villagers and local authorities want to sign the land requisition compensation contract, want proper compensation, I hope to come to their own cadres of land to produce the relevant documents and hh demolition permit, but they did not get the
forced removal.
3 on 3, the housing being forcibly evicted peasants after the meager compensation for the ruins of
dissatisfaction became a nearly a hundred square meters of mud brick, a few Duanmu Xiecha in the middle, fold the edge of the pen has been washed collapse, some not had time to move out of agricultural equipment and furniture to be under pressure in the mud, there are less than half outside the circle soil walls. This is the original stockade Li Ta Village 6 Community villagers outside, He Cuilian a forced demolition of houses, the couple lost their homes in the neighborhood the past few days has been the site of the simple room.
3 月 23 , at the ruins of their own before being pulled down the house, with two decades of teaching experience, a retired teacher Lee accepted the foreign reporters.
farming. The annual income of tens of thousands.
reporter from the original six other villagers at the community learned, graduated from Lee in Iraq a foreign flag was one of the few high school students, and living conditions are quite good in the township. . immigration to the little people in there to a small room, 250 yuan / mu of land and 1.75 million in relocation compensation can not meet the needs of landless peasants. Measuring the size of the house staff, and not to fulfill their responsibilities seriously, > the morning of March 19 this year, Li alien, He Cuilian both at home, the township government, the Public Security Bureau and court staff and workers were dozens of people came to Lee to his home, to force the demolition of houses. scolded my wife, dragged her outside a few people, arms were twisted behind his back against. is in turn pushed into the ruins but could do nothing.
two children studying Li Yanlong flag in Iraq, had to be home every weekend, this weekend was the father received the phone, place. that refused to accept the meager compensation and relocation, the final result that he was dismantling, but the situation as other villagers, however, the final remains firmly outside Lee told reporters: you can swallow? > Liu busy then, standing on the ruins of his house, holding a one room brick broke down in tears: house found the door had been smashed open and the staff of the township government is directing workers moving things out from the room. br> Since then, Liu has begun a busy 2 months of the displaced in recent journey.
introduced, according to villagers, at first is to seek explanation Liu busy living in the corridors of the township government, two weeks after being placed in the Kham even sub-district offices, Department of Public Health between.
eat, or buckle on the table for the rice I eat, and that I was begging for food wife children l r (ie old beggar woman). The villagers are busy in the Mingbu Ping Lau.
evicted two months later, she saw no results to come out with their husbands, Before the demolition of a home, raising pigs, 20 chickens, 23 sheep have disappeared, at this point, Liu busy then cried again.
Today, Liqing Zhi, Liu busy with the husband and wife by taking water from a reservoir earn a living, soon after the interview when the reporter, Liu saw the busy is far from the reservoir water harvesting is the husband's face was a rare depression showing a hint of a smile.
forced demolitions smashed 85 years old woman Casket
different from the previous situation of villagers, farmers Joe to lock a process of land acquisition and resettlement of people in the unexpected problems encountered.
2006 in the spring, have been living in immigrants and Joe to lock, the king told by a neighbor couple and three women, site of the houses were bulldozed ruins. Joe to lock Getting shocked at the room side is also placed 85-year-old mother who bought the life of wood (ie a coffin, according to local customs older age, the child will be prepared in advance for the elderly Casket and carried home standby select an auspicious date).
has been smashed and can not be reused. pay attention to the custom of the elderly to know more about this, mood swings all day, saying the matter resolved not to go to live in the township government.
end, to lock the couple Joe old sister were placed to his sister's house, and it was not until the winter of 2007, after a year of hard negotiations, the township government was reluctant to give his family 3,000 yuan compensation.
to lock one by Joe happened to immigrants and some of the villagers also made to reporters such a problem, br> After several days of visiting journalists learned that the demolition of existing home placement Kang Bashi District because the majority of new homes and caused the dissatisfaction of farmers whose land was expropriated, the previously mentioned three families only one relatively more representative number, the actual The problem here is much more than the simple.
Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, Kang Bashi District land acquisition survey ④
Dongsheng District of the promises and lies
newspaper reporter, chief reporter and Modem as Yu Jie Hao photography Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region New reports
Huatai Automobile City planning area, drove through the 5 minutes has not been land of farmers and herdsmen told reporters that Thailand occupies a total area of 5,000 acres, while the New Party claimed that only the Office of Director of the Office of Guo Jun 2000 acres. Reporter Kang Bashi District Planning Bureau in the planning area to see the city map shows an area of Huatai Automobile far more than more than seventy hectares of land (approximately 1050 acres) of 32 square kilometers, and has not been approved by the State Council, but In 2002, Erdos City (formerly known as Ih Ju League) government intends to impose on the 83 square kilometers of land to build (Back in 2000 ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Haoyue scenery overlooking the garden - Xiamen Travel (7)

 Haoyue Park overlooking the beautiful
mm Xiamen Travel (7)
Haoyue Park is where? At first I did not know. Was later heard from the tour guides there, where the statue of Zheng Chenggong is the bright moon garden. I then understood why . Every time we travel, most from the coast road or bridge in the past, the statue of Zheng Chenggong across the Straits and the sea, always involuntarily glances wait more than eyebrows. where the original or Haoyue Park ah! Unfortunately, I was far away looked at a lot, but no where close to sightseeing. Now is this a is Gulangyu one of the main tourist scenic spots. It is said that nearly the entire park covers an area of about twenty thousand square meters, was built in August 1985. Haoyue Park from Zheng poem . Haitian mountains with each other, constitute a beautiful and spectacular natural picture.
waterfront complex on the Zheng Ding stone like a rock garden in the main building, 15.7 meters high and weighs 16.17 tons, with 625 carved granite composition, is the greatest historical figure of the statue. statues towering majesty, I saw wearing Tiekui Zheng, dressed in shirt, holding a sword, cape flying, high up one tower in the rock, he eyed staring the vast sea, such as the Mirs wishing wings, showing the hero apprenticeship before the confidence and win the victory, the commander of the Wei Wu Gangqiang demeanor.
standing on a rock overlooking the whole complex Ding park, park in the beautiful panoramic view, the Ming Dynasty architectural features of the gull and the waterfront, trees, sea, mountains hue shine, constitute a natural picture. looked up I looked across the Channel is S-Yanwu Xiamen Bridge, around the coast road leading to the famous island. to the side Looking at sea is a cruise travel visit Little Kinmen, the distance is a series of islands. as well as engineering ship operations, maritime law enforcement patrol boats hanging the national flag, from time to time over the past.
I took to leave the Piano Museum a little regret, from Shu Zhuang Garden out of the Garden to get down the car battery, driving while obliquely little girl walking through the side after a brief introduction to our attractions, or place a little sense, or have the characteristics of trees and flowers. When to turn uphill again, she said, one finger to the right: the right not far from the bright moon garden, there is a statue of Zheng Chenggong is located in the place. Since the completion of Xiamen Zheng Chenggong statue, facing the sea, Jing Sui party, and even typhoons are not to visit Xiamen, and elsewhere Guaixiang mischief!
hearing this, I immediately looked in that direction, thought, the original coastal road in the sea or a statue of Zheng Chenggong see here it! although it is not involved in this Park, however, also a distance, and also near passing, and also listen to the person, and also should be considered to before. Rather, I view the bright moon in the distance park scenery, more of a Overlooking the mighty and majestic statue of Zheng Chenggong.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fresh and elegant,

 Yesterday, the Beijing rain the next day the ox hair, thick autumn, and during the day and fortunately, more and more of that cold night, my clothes and wear some thin.
Way home from watching the film has been irrepressible sad , an umbrella, I listen to Personnel and easy points, fireworks and easy cold, love goes by, my heart is breakable hh
lacrimal gland developed and sensitive, so, see sentiment has been extended to today.
a style
the biggest bright spot is that this movie fresh style, the screen clean, elegant work is rare in recent years, the film revealing the green, awkward, restraint and good will to can not help but to recall their own first.
If you say Chinese film only people.
Jingqiu First love, her passive introverted, shy and simple, when the third child she secretly look carefully when receiving hugs, hidden feelings of the time, it is very cute.
fast-paced today, to see emotional expression of slow rise in my heart there will be another round of taste, it is too fast to live too much too impetuous a wonderful, romantic, really do not need to use the material to create.
love naturally do not need the test, not need to deliberate expression, do not pay lip service to love.
three youngest characters and actors and static
fall too good, better a little envy.
I did not read the novel, so , viewing the process is often stunning to the quiet autumn and the third child, a sunshine, a soft and subtle, how to look how I feel on the Chinese men and women like this.
weeks of winter rain performing very well, too shy, and shy that even I could not help but think this woman to protect her, take care of her;
sinus Xiao youngest played very light hearted, especially his smile looks like, is really very insecure, his daughter entrusted to this The man should be very assured.
Zhang Yimou selected actor good taste, complimenting.
Hsu sister read the novel, these two characters and some out of her mind, the film appears to fall in the age of static a bit smaller, the third of the physique is not enough robust, geological exploration Members should not so thin.
four stories and the details of the film is a look at this movie
sense, the story is not very innovative, the 80's TV series
Alas, no matter how reluctant their own, are reluctant to go, but the destiny has already been arranged.
movie deal with a lot of time together the details of the lens, a look, a gesture, a smile, a tear hh
movie scene is the most river, the third point of view Jingqiu boat, the third pulled the quiet autumn across the river, the youngest to swim in the river with a quiet fall, the third across the river to embrace Jingqiu hh < br> It is both a real river, the river is the separation of lovers, this side of you, I on the other side, the fate of doomed that there is a loud noise to wade the river it is not in the past?
this movie good, great feeling to They even Jingqiu dance dance revolution, are very liked that part, too young too good too energetic.
Zhang Yimou shot this movie very well hey, very carefully, through the vanity of this world, he can shoot This feeling of the film is very rare, it is obvious skills, but also the director of a breakthrough in their own style, very successful.
with lines like
you live, I will not die; but if you die hh , I really hh hh died.
I can not wait for you one year and one month, and I can not wait for you to twenty-five years old, but I will wait for you forever hh
hear the name Even me a foot in the grave, I will pull back to the feet to see if you
Jingqiu, quiet autumn, you probably have not loved, so you do not believe in this world there is always love. etc. Who you love, you will know a person in the world so you would rather die himself would not have gone back on her.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Colour Sense Fantasy series refers to the color, let your fingers get beautiful beautiful

 Six fantastic colors as you mix, apply this means shining like a pearl-like color, bright fingers and charming.
Bright colorful nail
Colour Sense fantasy series refers to the six color species as you match the color of dreams, painted this means shining like a pearl-like color, bright fingers and charming.
Colour Sense fantasy series refers to the color
bottle content: 8 ml < br> Beautiful nails are always bright spots
beautiful nails are always bright spots. think about when wore a thin clothes, the nail is bleak, beautiful sister whining Holothuria real estate broker to recover is not, nor is it to start, very embarrassing. Some people say, nail shop or a shop, embroidery slowly getting the general to nail the United States, real estate broker and thus also glamorous Holothuria. Or else, it-yourself DIY, We are proud to raise your hands, feet cocked it!
nails painted pink color for skin less healthy people, the proposed fair-skinned people, can be used with fresh? W sense of clothing, extra points will make the overall shape , the use of circles of different sizes can make nail painting is full of pop sixties style.
pink color of the nail can be used with any of the clothing, the use of white paint elegant French nail polish, beginners can silver lines using the line to cover imperfections, and general water?? discharge flower shape, and instantly become so elegant and sweet and playful.
purple painted nails can lead people to have an elegant feel, but you can use sequins increase in the lively nail painting, make sense of the overall shape is very active, the use of glitter nail polish can be very quick to paint a sense of depth but not so wrong, in a very short time, let the hands become beautiful. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So, next year, you still love me.

 Kyung Ho as said, Xie Na and Liu Ye did not break up, have long been seen
met one day at the Beijing airport,
Liu Ye said, baby, do not you hug me? And Xie Na cry of the dying. Xie Na
looked in part autobiography, said she and Liu Ye.
6 year relationship so that they grow a lot of each other.
Xie Na said they were optimistic about the time we are not strong in the together.
but we are all blessed when they separated.
6 years!
who says, do not marry non-Li Qi Zhou Xun, but also single out.
do not know why.
only know that their 5 year relationship,
will become their life's most exciting each time.
5 years!
Winnie at a concert before, once again sing the song
cry so sad that broke our hearts.
Winnie did not end and loved ones,
must have really comprehend.
we have always been in the lost time. < br> So, these days, what allows us to be tempted, let us believe it.
Bobby Chen has done a very sensational pieces of things.
he was a year ahead of his concert pre-sale tickets.
only couple to buy.
the price one can get two seats.
a couple coupons divided into boys and girls voucher coupons.
each of the parties lovers save their own goes coupons,
year later, two coupons can be effective together.
tickets sell very quickly of course.
two lovers might prove this is the way love it.
We want to do with my life. questions,
stark reality to implement but was defeated.
the second year.
Chen Sheng dedicated couple seats.
Sure enough, a lot of empty seats.
the one he faced empty bench, his face with a weird apology,
sang the last song: the grief for themselves.
Last year we walked hand in hand in many places, embraced at the station.
to the movies , to each other's mouth Bali Se snacks and drinks.
fantasy together this time next year,
or even many, many years later,
we are doing, to be doing.
feelings of vulnerability, but None of us can not imagine.
the second well, the next second you can crash.
crash together, tend to be too caught off guard.
no amount of sweet talk, no match for breaking up the two cumulative words.
a person today.
feel a sudden there alone.
next year, you still love me.
...... who said that now, but also to accompany the other one side of the.
there are too many sad world.
how proud to have a lifetime of happiness together,
but in the end fell in love with the rest of their years of people ..
shaped so separate ways, living with each other.
perhaps, they do not do not love each other,
but not to each other their lives to.
should believe, they may still love each other.
does not know how to love, a love, but could do nothing.
Such is life, life and death is ultimately the people,
may not be the man who promised vows,
commitment to life together, secretly vowed to love her in this life of a person.
after all, time will eventually take away everything.
in the end is it that we let go of each other's hands?
in the end is what makes us give up ourselves, to give up the other side?
will always say that nothing really,
front of other people's stories and then silence.
surface eventually to settle, just inside the rough is unknown.
only you know ,
who is their true love that person, who is his own man injured.
so in the end of the last,
when we have the ownership of each other,
you can only be I remember only vaguely silhouette.
suddenly pull off a woman's boyfriend of five years with the love parted,
lightning married to others.
She said she wanted to get married, so she can not afford it a,
and although he loved her, but this did not mean that.
over the years, the men are married.
fact that the bride may not be much better than her well,
or is this time how deep his love,
but she is really great time there,
just tired but his initiation, when to settle down.
So, what better reason to not ,
she was just in time, then, is her.
In fact, we sought for so long,
Bianchang sweet love with each hard,
the final choice of lover,
However, in our mind is moving, the after side of that one.
what childhood, what the heart have,
what love at first sight, nothing but an excuse for some icing on the cake,
all the time is somewhere the master.
look back when,
think of those as a meteor-like across the life of love,
we often will miss the blame for the fate of each other.
fact, after all, fate is so unreal abstract a concept,
really affect us,
is often met with the love that the time overnight.
exchanges between men and women, full of hesitation, uncertainty and apprehension freely their opinion and only the reserved,
a small variable, we can totally change the direction of choice.
If you appear a little earlier, maybe she would not and another person fingers intertwined;
Or meet again later, two men in their late experience
love slowly learned tolerance and understanding, treat and compromise,
the most beautiful in you when you met who?
you love a person, whom she accompanied in the side?
in your heart the most vulnerable time, who is in love with her counterparts
much in the end gives you time to meet and separation , to choose and regret?
Review of stay in the heart of that tear, but has lost the right to choose.
every time I saw him sneak into the body of another person, to repay the previous life sentence due to her commitment,
see him alone in the sunset to run away, always can not help but want to cry.
not without heart, is not to regret,
but have no time to go to embrace.
If you love someone and not be together, br> love, but they can not be met at the appropriate time,
if you love, but love right time,
treasure a drop of tear from our heart,
silent run away, you can have What are the alternatives?
until the snow sky, Love is no longer,
in a time after the sad laments to finally understand.
even if sincere, even intimate, even if two people have is ahead of the game,
our love, still need time to come to temper.
this world has so many constraints such as taboo and secret,
there are too many unpredictable turn of events, and beyond our control away from the clutch together,
a turn, maybe have missed a lifetime.
years later, the fight will be penetrated and efforts of all have arrived, but the fate of a joke.
God in the clouds just a blink of an eye blink, All of the outcome, to have been completely changed .......< br> feelings:
heard you got married, I heard you have a child, I heard you have been very happy ...
We set for herself a circle, around their own around the A's, the total can not get the ring.
not seen in many years, I still remember you,
many years have passed, but you are still in my heart.
So, next year, you still love me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Discovering white

 Nothing like the holidays this year, the desire,
fact, I quite long for family holiday atmosphere,
very lively, very lively, not how long our family had a busy?
Forgotten, like my mother and I have accustomed to the quiet life of ~
Chinese New Year this year, intends to thirty children dumplings,
Yes, this will do the custom of every family in our home is more than a decade the first time ~
recent illness a, attached to two cold, just take a variety of drugs ... is completely filled ~
recently bean soup, organic raisins and trotters love children no recent increase ~
shopping desire, just at the point of skin care products store years ago and recently wanted to buy some colored mask
New Year to see the suspense novel, delays in delivery of less than ~
recently watched the movie version of a pyramid mummy desert heat ...
Ming is my impression that the post-speech Gongzaigeer star star (how to tell the truth I have not seen ...)< br> Until yesterday, he saw a very old chair Programme - Adventure King.
just looked at the four-episode adventure in Egypt,
feel good with his oh-depth kinds of pyramids, explore the tomb of Pharaoh, raw goat liver, designated in the Nile boat has sunk. ..
think that Egypt is fascinating ~
want to go to Egypt ~
became aware of the pyramid and had not a ladder of a ladder, but a smooth triangular connecting joints are not only weathering a ~
became aware of the Sphinx carved from a block of stone before worship ~ to visit the pyramids into ~
he know that the three famous pyramids are not a mummy inside,
to know all the mummies found so far are from Valley of the Kings.
watching the film into the pyramid interior is simply fantastic,
beams which not only failed to even supports are not, in disorder, and house many of the channels, how could he not fall in it?
said to be inside the Pyramid of Khufu has five rooms, there are still 2 not found,
stone walls inside the pyramid is so smooth, they match exactly between the rocks and stones, and even paper are said to not fit into these pyramid ~
which in addition to the sarcophagus consequently, should have stolen away?
three thousand years ago, so the slope of the building, are used in several tons of stone piled , there is no gap there is no support, four or five storeys ...
Oh, I really believe ... there are aliens ~ ~
Tutankhamun Pharaoh, died at the age of 18, there is no What great achievements, but it is the most famous Pharaoh,
grave because he is the best preserved, mining was also equipped with more advanced technology,
many well preserved grave goods (because most of them are pure gold).
The most famous mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, also seen in many movies ~
gold, hollow, really can be worn on the head, terror it ~ I think the wear and pour it directly ... too heavy!
film shooting is inside the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in color, not even at the top of the paintings are children of color ~
emperor In fact, there are many Pharaonic tomb valley, most of them stolen, and with such beautiful murals are sold directly to shatter, too crazy too bad ~
saying those colors are too rich, but also to maintain the color of thousands of years ago so gorgeous with the Han Dyed ah?
The Mummy, I dared not look, it is too weird ~
reportedly lost a lot of mummies is that grave robbers stole the early ground into a powder to eat, you can never remains young ~
youth are not young I do not know, that's mummy ground into a powder ... also ... how can you eat eat in?!
there is a curse phrase: who disturb the rest of Pharaoh , death to come in who like him ....> Ming said that they finished filming the day inside the pyramid, all the staff of diarrhea and sick ... weird, right ~
But if I stand in front of the pyramid, then ...
even curses, sickness, anything good will definitely go, it must go in.
New Year everyone ... Well ~
years ago do not intend to buy Han clothes, because there are many skin care products list weeding ~
the most urgent need is Cream did not, did not the soothing water,
had never liked foundation products like sunscreen,
lead to drying out after so many years isolated from sun spots is very important to know,
recently Biotherm Spring has finally running out of isolation (super super resistant to wow!),
saying this is my first use of isolation, so the choice of insurance,
feeling, then I mixed the skin, winter degree of moisture a lot worse ah,
performance had a reactive non-isolation, the role of color brighten a little.
to this election to election, first MACCHIALE's clear esther veil,
Though this is the foundation However, it is soothing, but the search for a long time, very few sellers, known as the flagship store and no monopoly in the number of color I want.
then spotted RMK, Silk Creme isolation and that what is fresh now thunder ,
finally struggled a bit AMANI ... Although not used not pushing, but unfortunately the price is too cute ah ~
last in RMK and LAURA hesitated for a long time between, one is a US-Japanese Department of products are super good word of mouth,
LAURA MERCIER decisions or to vote for the polish with a modified color separation ~
also with the sun, is my choice for this lazy ah ~
I also do not run the original skin of water, began only in recent years,
old chant, only to find the importance of moisture ah ~
head are crazy in the pursuit of these whitening products and ignore moisture, and now regret forever ~
MM who are young, as long as you're not too dark and Kazakhstan, we must do a good job moisturizing, on this basis can be combined with whitening,
if their skin is too dark, then ... trust me, you're the thousands of Whitening paste the whole block does not make you want to face the white ~
moisture, moisture is king, the others were clouds ~
Toner generally I do not choose, there are some cool toner alcoholic ingredients,
more you use the more dry skin will feel ... but very suitable for acne skin ~
I have in a more emollient moisturizer water, or condensation, the essence of a series of water ,
used the best or the worst of Shiseido's
is being used by God blowing the snow (Sekkisei), an alcohol or the alcohol!
there is still half a bottle of Kiehl rose water in use,
but to be honest, I really did not think his family how amazing the water, can only be reactive not have it ~
now want to start with witch hazel rose water, is said to cost Oh ~
still high to buy a cleanser, this not ready yet,
recently fell in love with foam mousse, it may also buy the same type,
cleansing of my words jelly, milk, cream, liquid, powder, mousse ... have used the basic,
most do not like is the bubble can not afford the emulsion, the total feeling of not wash clean,
but like some say well ... moderate ... Anyway, I do not love ~
I am particularly looking for a cleansing effect remover plus put together, well ~ I really was lazy ah ~
2011 �� like weeding is Jolie and ORIGINS Origins,
essential oil is said to be headed Jolie,
Origins of the moisture is said to be a force,
good moisturizing cream is said to add a drop of oil used is invincible ~
all waiting for me to verify it ~ ~
recently is lazy blogging microblogging summary about it ~ ~
to the current standards, does the line, really OK! / / @ Na - Na - Liu: / / @ South Campus King Xiao Feng: Forward microblogging.
Na - Na - Liu: her husband a man so honest, why such a beautiful wife to marry Bai Suzhen? --- A: 1 doctor, prescription rights, high-income group; 2, there is room, no father did not your mother; 3, brother is a sergeant, public security system, people.
my God, are most afraid of punishment beatings abuse fancy play, This gave me a scrape flesh wounds, no ... no anesthesia ... hastened to change the channel!!
Faye Wong I can remember to run into a signature, so I guess I like a direct hit Takeshi Kaneshiro passed out !
hwahus:? addition Takeshi Kaneshiro, and Faye Wong, the other is cold clouds attached
cough twice ... seriously ... the only advantage is home finally have an excuse to escape: the erase to ah ... Aiyo ... how big a move I have to breathe ... breathe it to a coughing my lungs ah ... Aiyo! ha ha, try this method to fulfill bad mood! success
I am the happy? or unhappy?
Film Factory: on the fat are good points, one day they may save your life.
(continued) desperate, she Xiaohe He asked me: to innuendo can not solve the problem, I had to pull off: can move out from home, I can exclusively computer? However, whether the selected style or too fat, the length from the point of view are very out of touch! sweater is not too short, too thin, two are non-buying denim fabric pencil pants, even strongly opposed, and she turned a deaf ear, I Meizhe: ; you buy it, wear out do not say you are my mother ah! Even though the child is big yards, the problem is that you can wear the same thing with that model? her legs more than fine, you put an entire Michelin! < br> bought a new two boxes ... to the power ah!
college entrance exam that tests the night before ... it is very important! At first, I test the day before the international financial ... the book clean, as good as new!!
You Meng Ying viva: Look at my French school, and now wanted to read the sight oi wa ... are watching the English version of the international financial, exam tomorrow, pressure ah! estimated to stay up late again tonight.
Ah ... ah ... 2012 years what can I expect?
heat Cyrus: ���� hot stills set (the set) stills set! actor said: films, very fast paced, a lot of action scenes, schools, hospitals full of injured students resting on the ground are the bodies blown into Hogwarts in ruins. ten years, to a close. [@ hot Cyrus]
mother with my QQ account every day to play games, I have to delete every few days a lot of friends in the game plus information about her, really from 18 to ah ~ 80-year-old pass to kill people and many of Zaozhuang, Zaozhuang people ah ~ not even let you add friends even do not want to really play the game that is not even mad I love ah ~
week black duck duck wings, but do not ah ... dare to eat to finish the cups from the bag ... ah ...!
This child will be open, listening to the report, my mind is stewed pork leg, eel, beef and seafood hot pot rice Kamameshi ... If Tomorrow is the end of the world, I have to eat all over!
still looking like a plum ... Wallace tied his hair combed up a simple bun shape, how can such a fresh clean it ...! so elegant ah ...
Today, my mother broke the microwave oven has gas ... I do not know repent ... I do not eat pork elbow she bought, and do not eat her cooking dumpling ... Come on, toon smell filling the ah ... I'm afraid, are not do not know if I fear them! God, what reasoning go? She also sulking ...
if it does not explain it, really can be that is his mother, this man too hard won ...!
IN bib: Tony Leung Ka Fai standards of beauty of a young wife, was said to be afflicted with disease, eat hormone-containing drugs cause serious distortion figure. Tony Leung Ka Fai, when the most bitter, his wife who are still with him at the night market stall. Tony Leung Ka Fai fame once again, the never scandal broke, every street is holding her hand all, do not care what others say.
mother too bad! in four fifty stuffed mushrooms, fried eggs, I bowl, I support the move now can not ...!
This will put the old movies to see ... cable Lodge 2, said this is a man's movie ... I have never seen it. ... This time Stallone looks still quite handsome young man (than rush Death Team) ... and oh ... that body ... wow nice theme determined to see
well ... last night ... read Crayon New Year Movies Pleasant morning of New Year to see the film advertising! ha ha, Xi Yang Yang The Year of the Rabbit tiptop! my state has improved, said ... to see you?
live in the rich five-star hotel suite, a suite at the five-star hotel is rich ...
desert camel riding I stroll : ���� difference between the rich and the rich: a posh hotel who is rich lobster; eating lobster stayed in five-star hotels are rich ...
home sick benefits ... There have red fish soup ... do not rinse the bowl of fruit after a meal do not wipe! there new album to see children, laughed about the dead, really nice to see Na, the very nature of small Shenyang speech can be a laugh! also watched a film called love for you, sigh ... turned the young actor so cool, do not know Jiaosha children ... and his name one ratio, with the dawn of the play is really old ... Oh, I remember when that was how many people ah dreams ... the years he was in!
Shangsui Shu was marked by the words of people like silk in summer, and winter, like cashmere, and like the flat than high-heeled, and comfortable than fashionable. just a mom today and they have bought cashmere pants, like I've never been through the winter Maoku people, and finally in the tiers of the ... illness is quite good to hear my favorite phrase: What would you like it? haha ...!
I almost fainted ... now how could all! just out of CCB Fund Center, ah ... the man burst! estimates are now burning, still have to stick to the contract also went to the airport ... thanks There are vehicles to take them, or
easy for me to do! to now run around the outside and still a little poor ... ah, stuffy nose, throat irritation, dizziness, brain up!!
flu outbreak, rhinitis also hook up, flowing stream of nose moment! ... they said it can not take medicine to eat, good resistance to their own. I mean: fast, giving medicine to come together ... there is consequently on the ...! results, did not see Qing weight, anti-inflammatory medicine to take more, cold medicine to take the wrong point, the next medication is the middle of the night half past one, a mother of gas!
gave the grandmother at home buy a lot of things, but also take the opportunity to buy food ... This cold serious outbreak of ... ah! all medicines on the right ...
cloudy early ... ah you today? last night to my little niece bought a Nike sportswear twelve year old ... ... to fight half of the amount I also spent nearly four ... come back later to die ... a sore throat, cold uncomfortable! Mom said you are too chicken thief, and not to four hundred, and will not so angry ... not even say it ... occasionally even now only a few dozen dollars to play sports wear ...! children now, ah, really happy!
death a few days to eat ... eat a lot of snacks! weight gain was normal to eat in the ...!
... the fall of the mother completely redemption activity in the supermarket ... ... I hold two large shopping bags worn out ah! Han ah breaking activities!
last chance to see Jerry's happy home, to be honest I few know that he, in addition to Dao Ming Si. actually I can not be seen, a handsome young man who set millions of people who loved how it was an insecure, not any self-confidence, even a little self-esteem, feel that this is not good enough and No ... In fact, more courage and confidence he can get more, ah ... very distressed and helpless people ...
strawberry cheese cake early in the morning ... on a really happy holiday ah ...!
was the old New Year's Day Mom pulled the elderly happy shopping burning ... and the purse is worth bleeding Ha ...! just too High noon, and red wine do not know how much money the last card ... Mom brush too thief!!
today is too cold ... too lazy to go out ah ... ...
2010 Cup the last two hours ... is the mother occupied with all the TV channels!! New Year's Eve party ... ah ... can only be broadcast tomorrow, see Fang, Miao Happy New Year!! happy forever ...!
I intend to eleven, the toilet and then directly after and hard to eat you ... ... and then consumed the evening shopping and then eat again ... haha
Xi Xiao Ya: I want to sleep until tomorrow Tianhundian!
Well ... 2010, the last day ... the feeling is so cold ah!! morning sleep nine, get up there is red bean porridge to drink, holding the delicious fried rice at noon ... lying in bed watching Journey to the West ... Yes! Journey to the West ... ah ... did something really comfortable to go out, listening to the wind do not want to move out ah! so be it ... forget the past year, New Year, New Year's Eve party at night to see!!
this Christmas to joke opening ...
White mother: I tell you a joke, can be a laugh ...
white: you say ~
white mother: Will the DPRK which Mu Gui Ying of?
white: Song!
white mother: (surprised )..... No, not right ~ ~
White: Yes, ah, that is the Song!
white mother: Tang, right?
white: white Mom Song ~
: This joke can not speak, you do not match! say the Tang Dynasty ~
white: (reluctantly ING) take, over again ~
white mother: (Mei Mei) Mu Guiying which the DPRK ah?
white: Tang ~
White Mom: No it ~
White: Oh? what you say North Korea's?
white mother: a Nestle bar!! ha ha ha ~~ a group of crows flying over the cold ~ ~ ~ straight down the freezing point)
white next time we say :...... consider my IQ joke it really?
Christmas break even on annual 4,
did not expect to become the hourly workers, and cleaning work that place ah ~
addition to the mother the day running errands,
then there are to eat a pot, drink a couple of days bean soup!
not a Christmas movie file down,
bullets and non-2,
saw two bullets, is still laugh out of control,
even have to not too many head round after round,
first impression is Sanya Yalong Bay, just any hotel near the sea should the United States ~
mother so that I can go without?
I said, Sure, but you think it over, usually near the sea is a 5 star hotel, would probably since 1000 ~
mother said: Nazan or not the mother of the second ~ ~
praise is: or not, exposure is not high, the end of each year to shoot a New Year film, how can such a fire? how men and women will love it? it Shuashuai Baiku star who, like the people around us ~
mother Summary: Yes, he a good human nature, always modest, will be more and more red ah ~
2 King children of non-good Some lines are classic:
best not to each other, can not fall in love. better not to know each other, can not miss. better not stay, then you may not owe. better not Xiangxi, then you may not memories. best not to fall in love , then you may not give up. better not relative, can not meet. you should not wrong, then you may not negative. you should not promise, then you may not continue. but who will know each other meet, meet Ru is missing. Andrew and the king of the phase pull off, free education for Acacia death .-- Even bus drivers do not see that we passed, he says: you are so good, why do not find the object?
Yes, all this said,
comrades often blind date single question is: I was not too much to have scared off others.
I really innocent, I did not Barbara is a little temper, and very mild, and that good attitude, that kind of ....< br> also have that disappeared a month or two and look back,
mom is always happy, I consider,
to what is there to consider it?
them back not because I was good, but I like the tasteless, tasteless, nothing more wasteful to discard.
turn around because they could not find chicken thighs only,
such a person, not only were willing to suffer the same.
Well four years ago, really I was too headstrong,
However, what is wrong should be forgiven, right?
I'm really too lazy in December, was sent to patronize a micro-blog, blog overgrown with weeds, br> best not to fall in love, then you may not abandon ...
Classic - Film - lines: best not to each other, can not fall in love. better not to know each other, can not miss. better not stay, then you may not owe. better not Xiang Xi, then you may not memories. better not love, then you may not give up. better not relative, can not meet. you should not wrong, then you may not negative. you should not promise, then you may not continue. but with the phase see they know each other, meet Ru is missing. outrightly Andhra phase and the king, free education for Acacia death .-- immediately to their door looking for the reason that can not ha ha ... just a plate of fried eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers potatoes ... do not ask me which is valid and cuisine ... I just put in the fridge and some were all added into the ha ... short half-eaten plate Now I feel so ... great! seems I was hungry, not the ill na!
lame the foot got to work today, ah ... really poor Christmas! can only drink red bean soup was also ordered to beef ... because yesterday eat a lot of
afternoon stroll out for dinner three hours they are all right, and now she lay in bed that foot pain ... a look that a swollen ankle pain according to the circumstances ... it is? posted plaster, no way to go so much pain, lie down and die instead.
moment to see Interpol, Felix Wong played it ... ... really good, Kazakhstan, and Miao Wei, the bridge is the ta ... you? very pretty.
and the mother came back to eat hot pot ... Today I had an innovation, the first time point of the beef they eat (even mom does not eat meat ha ...) results at the moment to fly over head ... ... Chengsi beef ah ah! just six countries half have been blocked out to die, to see the whole Christmas atmosphere of the ... out of it ... I eat while watching American TV haha
Hawthorn warm bowl of red bean porridge at noon today ... so the mother about good night and ... hot pot or hot pot to the power of the holidays ... Ha ...!!
Christmas is the occasional pink or red pieces of it ...? favorite red wine and chocolate gift ... However, if your Christmas if the husband works too busy to give me the words ... a like a good boyfriend ha ha ha ... Merry Christmas
really cold today, ah, all the cold out ... too lazy to go out na. my mom got up early to cook the bean soup ... actually put a cereal!! Today occasion to wear pink or children Rose? I was to go out or go out feeling atmosphere? saw last night 2 see my non-sick, how turned into a tragedy? still feel the bullet to the force! see a small theater ads, placed first in love drama The rhinoceros, would like to see ...
Who says 2 is a comedy to a non-, which would see my child is living a terrible ... how can there be a memorial ceremony, which was not even worse ah!
This children of non-2, the movies today, ah ... so nice hall to four people, including the Office of the Tianjin Ha ...
the first snow, then tomorrow, the next like a white Christmas ... Oh, I did not go out cold , Pazaichuangkou shot, really cold tomorrow, ah ...
days annual leave, plus the weekend is four days. mother said to find a friend with you for Christmas, right, or looks too lonely ... I said no Fang too far, you have not let go. Think you can not blame other people, four years ago, after waiting the end of that market seems to love a love I never more than three months. God did not open another door for me, maybe he forget, maybe I was too headstrong to punish.
neck mother two days after another set of freshly baked 2 ~ the complete success ha ha, love cards very badly!
today want to buy holiday cards, went before found that one of my palm-sized cards asking sixteen five!! This is crazy, What?? ... ...
DJ CHANG Jun: Every time there to buy things, and more expensive, too material, too ignorant, and hey let bullets fly
just finished, really smile to die, like Jiang Wen's domineering mother said, I said, you can change of heart soon enough ah? also love Honglei of it before ! some principles to not? movie is to start looking forward to the following non-power of 2, the mobile terminal
I finally installed the new phone I had to prove that not even completely stupid, there is a half-day to save time-consuming though it ha ... ... ... < br> PINK's new song The Great God really raise your glass to the power of worship ING ~ ~ ah ~ GAGA limelight despite very strong, I still love PINK ~ ~
temporarily not had time to buy a cell phone, turned out 05 years old machine used, which actually there in February 2006 prime makeup, I really ... just finished face tender ah ~ ~ dare to photograph almost 5 years now, when I am quite pretty, too slim, and now Zhuangnen the only makeup to open Court ~ Today, when my mom called and said, summed up what I marry the reason, hardware is poor, need to self-enhancement, and she pay me to have this cosmetic surgery to ~ Mom did not
Unfortunately, my cell phone this morning who died heroically during the ~ it hard in the post, although in the final days of the battery tend to strike, but after the owner (that I) replacement after the sudden a supernatural threat, creating record up to 3 days of standby, this time it finally did not survive the water hard, heroic death in the bathroom ... (Do not ask me, do not ask ha ~) from this disaster we have learned is - Do not carry your cell phone the toilet!
swear every time I vowed to never bring snacks to the unit today not to eat snacks when the tire iron to about three in the afternoon on the first floor vending machines that report, alas ~ to no vending machines, I to how to live ah ~ Today's most exasperating, originally wanted to buy a bag of beef jerky a hawthorn cake, the result of a hawthorn cake bags tightly stuck in the spiral angle edges, the body has come out three-quarters is not down, and had to press a piece, the piece to the top of my mom saw it
cosmetic marvel reported death, I feel pity, I complacency and said: multi-point, but at least not on the plastic surgery hospital ~ ~ The package ah, I'm desperate for a goal you do ~ ~ I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I should not eat a dozen in one breath that day a few chocolate truffles ~ ~ bag ah forgive me, next time I am not a ~ ~ (bag angry: there is next time ???!!!)< br> the morning, I'm starving to see eat anything home to eat lunch calculate a Taro sent a total of a spicy chicken wings, soy sauce, a piece of chocolate truffles two three pieces of boiled octopus fried rice combinations that are Han ah
also hold half to death early today, started up lunch money, just put our breakfast surprise, and rose a dollar, but still eating to beans Shaqie cakes, biscuits are also twice as big, but also into salted duck egg, black soy milk actually upgrade the ~ ~ This is just too .... this lunch up 4 million, it was rich Chengsha Yang ah ~ ~
life, ah, always changing,
people do, are changing and changing,
but we are not aware of the changes to their only ...
Well, sensibility that I really do not fit ~
ITFOO embarrassing thing you can say that my book was out,
comedian line seems to go right for me,
ah ~ ~ ~ ~
this could be considered was that look at my article on the br> I'll then remember correctly, I have seen only a stay, next year will be the last one, but I could not find him.
ah ah ~ this is not funny, it can pinch the Gulu!
part one to see Dumbledore not much to cry when I die, to die this episode to see more than I actually cried, I cried point of this is also hard to grasp ah ~ ~
recent review in order to meet even the accompanying two-day feast,
14 degrees, 38 degrees, 50 degrees, light fragrant aroma, together with white wine,
drowsily sitting on the bus made my mother complained to the short interest:
uncomfortable it, confusion, and if not home at 8, you quickly reported missing, can not say I fell into the river ~ ~ , did not expect someone replies:

recent hot ah lit every night, sore throat dry from the packet ~
why face it, good heating this year, so they must be complaints ....!
Why? previous years were so bad for an average of 15 degrees allows us to adapt to the cold of life,
IS good, say hello let us not fight directly to the subtropical, who by the, ah!!
time section, which days of children at night to sleep window, first time I really ah ah ~ ~
recent Christmas travel plans,
exciting half-day, but finally could not make the trip,
sometimes ah, I did not then the single freedom,
many restrictions, poor mobility, it is no backbone!
ah can not help but talk about a recent blind date,
This also can write the novel,
his brother actually said this:
awkward ~ ~
recently ah, really frustrating enough to choke the skin,
reason began to take acne and vacancy waterlines,
scared I quickly becoming a one-pass,
bought L'Occitane olive and snail cream, also received a bottle of Clinique's butter,
saying I have not been on the butter cold, with acne before the show its effectiveness, no loss is three seconds to sell a bottle of Na ~ ~
now finally calm down some, the years this thing is terrible.
PS: Kang Yong-out of the book, has been to buy soon see action ~ ~ ~
heard the line to film a movie six version, and super excited, this drama but my medicine extract, saw no less than 10 six times
not take advantage of it to 50 before the bar quickly, early in the shot!
looking forward to the end films > In fact, that she remained a small woven scarf ~
test blanket?
exam ah ... the Han,
finished ... because ... I see that a formula of calculation problems, ah, stupid ~
not I do not mind ah, mathematical foundation is very bad,
marked university since I found my test operation to run out ~
, however, are not hard, so do children do not fly children, yet efforts must be UNGELIVABLE a ~ ~
not sleep the day before yesterday saw the movie What the Wall Street Part II,
sigh, Douglas, the older the more gracious,
there is ... the second almost better than the first Ministry of Kazakhstan ~
called yesterday the beginning of winter wind comes up,
nest day large tracts of children at home watching,
saw three domestic, to remember one,
love first aid station which some lines:
Also, we can not but copy the Party A Party B ah ~ ~
a dark and stormy night, wearing a black long hair to go to the father burning paper,
who hit me, .. .