Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bude Flat of the Cultural Revolution

 Bude Flat of the Cultural Revolution

nine Monkey

suddenly want the Cultural Revolution, which would mind all that guy, why I could not review the courses, simply put down what To write I met on the noisy, do not want the brothers to meet. I think I have to say too much, customary to not know how to say it casually in mind the next pass to Jay when to write the words.

I first met the guy in the 2006 summer, not the specific day cicada. That year we were reading the second year, this is not a group. I learn Russian, he learned English. Jinan, because we also attend a training before going to gather to one. I was going through another classmate who knew him in Jinan. The first impression was that his pair of bandy legs, may have seen, really seems to have seen one time, but just watch out from behind his legs, does not have any impression on me. That saw him, looked at him able to open the middle pair of legs of the bridge is to laugh. I smiled and said to him, you go to Jinan it? He embarrassed Enliaoyisheng, dark and a little round face and thrown two dimples, I looked at the inexplicable comfort, since the character that we were very much alike. To think that this guy from the future and I will probably become good friends.

We braved 37 degree heat to Jinan, the car, hot! I am extremely sorry to see he is covered with sweat, eyes infinite disappointment, but I somehow do not really regret it. We went into training quarters, but fortunately, there is a big fan, went to the classroom have air conditioning. Way be considered stable heart a little, but I'm still a little homesick. I never asked him if he wanted at home, you may think it will be losing of face, so he has been trying to persuade herself to look, get used to it. The first day we were not in class, go to department store market to buy daily necessities and sleeping mat, rest a little bit back on to the dinner time, dinner the day we were in a small restaurant to eat dumplings, can not remember who asked for a, to remember how we did not how to speak, always laughing. But I would like to meet his belief stronger. We had dinner the turn a little bit, it was my first time so far away from home for so long. Jinan Although busy, but not any relatives here, I feel like a homeless person wandering around here, the idea of homesickness is getting intense. Not the same as the Cultural Revolution, he was out the door far too many times. I'm embarrassed to ask him if he wanted at home, I want to watch from his face whether he is homesick, but that guy is always smiling, I can not see why, so I am very depressed.

night, we started on the first class, to know our teacher, I also know this love in my life have two teachers, which is something I do. After the end, though it is night, after a day of steam drying, Jinan is still hot breath. When two bare buttocks in the toilet bowl basin with cold water splash to the body, the, uh ... really makes a hearty ah! Then a week, some students do not adhere to some down home after another. I encourage each other in the absence of the Cultural Revolution under the situation of the habit of slowly down, real life began here. Now think about that when we both know that time may be the greatest encouragement. I do not know how he look at me, but I never saw his face homesick, always laughing and joking. I can not feel homesick, lost to him very well. So we became acquainted, as I previously said, we became good brothers. Class of all people, he is my only best friend, is the only thing I want to rival the competition. Because of this, we often will trouble some small conflicts that will be good for two days. I began to see that this guy does not look the look of a mature and stable, and sometimes the face and psychological entirely two ideas, but Siyaomianzai Bale, for which we also played a dispute, because he denied this fact. One time I asked him, why do you call the Cultural Revolution? He said that from a neighbor, and I thought he was lame, but really wronged him, the impression that all of our teachers asked him why that name, the teacher has the look can be the answer always let them down, He said it does not matter like always, after all, it is easy to think of reasons. I asked him, you name from day one that people ask you tired? This kid face frustration, but I look pleased with himself.

training is over half the time, we come to love this life, not those scary high school homework pressure on the body, where learning is not bad so easy, even in the summer, I had the rest . In addition to the Cultural Revolution, I have come to realize a lot of friends, including many teachers, they are very good, but also very personal, indeed, of our group of adolescent kid actor in the fiercely to attract a handful. Canteen in which the rice sucks, I dropped out of meal tickets and the Cultural Revolution, to the outside of a specialized buy lunch to eat a small alley. Although there are many people poor health, but on the whole fairly tasty. I and the Cultural Revolution, I ask you please meal meal meal, very fair, huh, huh. Jinan small hotel is very stingy in the summer to sell beer, they do not have water for guests. The beginning do not know, every time I point the Cultural Revolution more food, we do not drink, boss to see so many dishes we asked we do not drink. We have to ask people bitterly, have water? He did not hesitate to say, no. Later, a long period of time, the alley will have two boys, carrying two bottles of mineral water, crowded population, and then leaped into a small hotel, until the end of our training. I think that the boss that day will surely ask how two small man is not coming?

once asked him, bend your legs so how? He said one embarrassed, grow too fast. A teacher learned body, to teach him some ways to correct his leg type, this guy insisted on a couple of days, nothing was. In this way, I had not finished first at home over the summer, but felt very full, understanding of the Cultural Revolution and those students. Although where you can eat, but after all away from home, home stepmother was distressed to say I lost the Cultural Revolution not have to say, I was like, he should get home and his mother spoiled you, my heart do not feel proud of smile. I remember that day back home from Jinan, 4:30 morning train, my classmates and I played a whole night, I trapped to death, we like the same flight, rolled mat and teachers, respectively. The first time I ride the train, because of the summer, the top and smelly and dirty, selling things back and forth on the toilet is always crowded, depressed me that no longer take the train. We are standing tickets to the middle of some stations coming out of the car was only a seat. I'm Leia, and soon fell asleep, woke up to see the Cultural Revolution for a while also lying on his knees to sleep, several other students in his back playing poker, I suddenly to the spirit, this kid when there are so embarrassed . They play vigorously, the Cultural Revolution but then I do not know cents, not when shaking about, which makes them several girls happier. In this way, a few hours later, we're home.

remember that time our school, the Cultural Revolution to the podium speech, his hand holding a manuscript has been shaking, I laugh ah that he later said it was not tense, is hereditary, his father so, I believe you said that downright genius. Then later I realized that he did not lie to me, and we later see him smoking a cigarette shake hands. This little boy problems, but all of them have rare earth. Then we started a real high school life, and that the pressure of natural Needless to say. I assigned a class during the Cultural Revolution, when only separated on the Russian. With the Cultural Revolution, his former classmates, there are Russian and English to work together with the points, we are inevitably alienated some. I found this guy and former students can be in an even more trouble, and totally like a high school senior students. I sometimes take the fun of, I have to admit, I was a bit narrow-minded, and sometimes very angry,cheap UGG boots, to ignore him, and did not think this guy is also in high spirits. We are playing the Cold War, this war is not a question of two or three days, persist for a long period of time each pay any attention. I and several other friends, too, beginning when the mutual understanding of each other will stop trouble, but in the end only the result of a no then do not say a good brother, I am a bit eccentric character, not like too many naughty place. High school when they are busy learning a lot of good friends and no, of course, except during the Cultural Revolution. How successful he is not struggling to open my Ayutthaya, become my most cherished brother.

until near the winter holidays, we participated in the training of these students will be faced with an exam, and is running around the country. I did not speak during the Cultural Revolution for a long time, and I do not know how he intended. There are times Ganqiao, and I do something the Office of the Cultural Revolution and pushed open the door, we both a little embarrassed, he spoke to the teacher that he wanted to leave, and another student to go to Beijing exam. I was surprised and asked him, really? He surprised a moment, I realize that I panicked. He smiled again hee hee, I no longer speak. This is the first time we were talking a long time, even though he just smiled, I am on the morning reading the next day, he called me say want to go. I advised him to go, there can be admitted to good universities. I said I want to go, but there do not accept Russian students. Finally he went to, we have been text messaging contact. He went to a teacher in Beijing, has also been showing off to me, I was very wanted to hit him. Confused I can not stay in school. The examination, the Cultural Revolution only after a first test. I think he is the first I said, I am very happy to him to move, but not too bad to play second interview, I looked at the message he sent me to imagine the look on his face, should also look indifference it. He came back, we went to Jinan to attend training, and then test. Clinical examination, I finally chose to give up, not because do not want to, do not like it, but suddenly feel rotten. Examination of the Cultural Revolution that year are less than ideal, I do not know the impact by not by me. Delay of the mess we are back for the college entrance examination, that time of confusion, but very happy, it seems that the college entrance examination did not affect us much. Since then we have never uttered contradictory opinions are sometimes surprisingly consistent. This was not what it feels like, and now they can not help but think of some surprise.

later, I went to college, chose to repeat the Cultural Revolution. For both of us considered it the worst case. I know him, his heart will certainly be uncomfortable. Either we all go to college, you have to repeat, no one went to college there will be invisible to another pressure. Repeat the Cultural Revolution, the state that year has been bad, this is my anticipated. Although I am not far away from home to college, but still quite like that guy. He has been in the class and his class against, it makes me headache, I know his temper, really made me worried to sweat. End of freshman National Day military training, we almost all new home. I went to the barber, he just called me to come to barber shops to find me. Actually surprising that I matured. I stared, this kid, but not actually brag about for some time I came. Unprecedented. He and I joked that met Shige to be more respectful! He is above the cut a cry, and I than you, I am your brother. Cultural Revolution, only three months older than me, it makes me so depressed, I always refused to admit him than me about it. When we are on the third year, often in a lot of people have asked us not twins. I'm wondering, obviously not very like, but my heart is still happy. Do not know how he could, or foolish cavity Han Xiao's. Until now almost graduated from college, I gave the students the pictures that we see, there are people that we like. I quibble, and my heart glad, that at least shows that both of us still have not changed. National Day two of us played together for two days, and I advised him to learn that he is still a little disdain,UGG bailey button, I do not bother to say it. The back to school right away until the end of the first semester. I call him that to kill him, and this guy actually say that I nauseating, and I threatened to go home, he said wait. After examination I hurried back home, because I got a family thing, and he is training, how we did not have time to play. I advised him to study hard because to tell the truth, I was not very optimistic about his status.

Cultural Revolution, the second entrance, be welcomed, he was admitted to a university in Tianjin. I'm glad for the little wonder. Although he disdained, or hard work. This kid Zhongyu Ao coming. He said to me, he went to receive admission notice, he despised class swept away the previous look, the thousands of pet to his one. I think he was awkward, right, after all, is the class number of the Cultural Revolution more than a few people who get college admission notice, but the fight was almost up his nail households. I am glad, even a little jealous, because the Cultural Revolution to learn that professional I do like. Out a little later episode, the Cultural Revolution was discouraged, and good safe and well. He finally stabilize the step of the way I am most worried about. Entering freshman that year he got his wish, and I read in another university sophomore. After his second college entrance examination that year, and we drank the first time in a field of wine. That kid did a spit bottle beers, I was annoyed and said he was too good for nothing.

years if the life experiences and events are accumulated, then the friend is both the regulator, so life is not monotonous, and I have really grown up during the Cultural Revolution, awareness is not a long time , there are four or five years. We never uttered contradictory, this is my Third Eye is worth showing off. University of the end face,Bailey UGG boots, we face a fork in the road of life. How to get is not important, what is our value out of. I know experienced the Cultural Revolution, many for the first time, a journey, a drink, a separate life .... I think this is growing it, if fear of loneliness, that there will always be people learning together with you, and then grow ... able to work independently grown trees. Although I have many friends, is different, but the Cultural Revolution, who considered rare, is not why, as his pair of bandy legs, uh ....

University I want to go home every holiday, the first one say that the parents,UGG boots cheap, the second is that the Cultural Revolution, and sometimes even food do not eat to look for him, and then a drink. Life and then twitched again, playing Noisy. Each meeting I think he has changed, but will never run away before the shadow.

his junior year, my senior year. The first two days to contact us, I wrote a poem to him, this guy actually encouraged me to write him a pass, I can not that ability, to write about these clutter Daohai can. I suddenly asked him, what thoughts do you graduate? He said, want to open restaurants. I Huileyiju plain, well, we two have in mind a go. Bude La

my close-up over, then I think, or do you most want to see kid, right? The future, for those of us who is still very, very long, but the Cultural Revolution will not be a second, I'm not in the sensational, but to tell myself, do not forget that. Good start, eventually there will be a good ending. Like this article, my words, but also my life. 

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