Sunday, October 17, 2010

After a period of cooling after

 The recent fine weather, the weather is sunny today, basking in the sun Oh, can not stand it, I feel a little bit.

Mimi guess we feel the morning sun warm, around 8 to sleep. 9 However, the three of us went out a walk.

little guy more and more restless, and see the fish must be prepared to climb the railings. The two feet are off the ground. 
and dad, looking far under the ~ ~ 
look at the sky blue, and nice Look.

millet are trying to see the fish, but estimated that she did not see what the fish are hiding in the bushes the next day secretly eat it. (This year the fish eat the grass and wheat and other food a) face is a mosquito bite envelopes, but has not itchy, not to scratch Mimi. 
stop picking on the railing missing the grass, dropped to feed the fish. 
to the playground to play basketball ~ ~ see the movement of the morning were fewer, the three of us walked down the pitch to Chimi Fen   ~ ~ 
adults control the direction of the small car wire finally experienced numerous times and Mimi after the contest, broke this morning. . . M waiting for Dad to fix it to continue and rice contest. 
yesterday evening walk on the basketball side of the sidelines of the ATM machine, m interested in front of the computer, each time to be visiting here looking to play basketball for a while. Dad always do a mouth talking about the rice: China Construction Bank, the world five hundred. . . . .

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