Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bude Flat of the Cultural Revolution

 Bude Flat of the Cultural Revolution

nine Monkey

suddenly want the Cultural Revolution, which would mind all that guy, why I could not review the courses, simply put down what To write I met on the noisy, do not want the brothers to meet. I think I have to say too much, customary to not know how to say it casually in mind the next pass to Jay when to write the words.

I first met the guy in the 2006 summer, not the specific day cicada. That year we were reading the second year, this is not a group. I learn Russian, he learned English. Jinan, because we also attend a training before going to gather to one. I was going through another classmate who knew him in Jinan. The first impression was that his pair of bandy legs, may have seen, really seems to have seen one time, but just watch out from behind his legs, does not have any impression on me. That saw him, looked at him able to open the middle pair of legs of the bridge is to laugh. I smiled and said to him, you go to Jinan it? He embarrassed Enliaoyisheng, dark and a little round face and thrown two dimples, I looked at the inexplicable comfort, since the character that we were very much alike. To think that this guy from the future and I will probably become good friends.

We braved 37 degree heat to Jinan, the car, hot! I am extremely sorry to see he is covered with sweat, eyes infinite disappointment, but I somehow do not really regret it. We went into training quarters, but fortunately, there is a big fan, went to the classroom have air conditioning. Way be considered stable heart a little, but I'm still a little homesick. I never asked him if he wanted at home, you may think it will be losing of face, so he has been trying to persuade herself to look, get used to it. The first day we were not in class, go to department store market to buy daily necessities and sleeping mat, rest a little bit back on to the dinner time, dinner the day we were in a small restaurant to eat dumplings, can not remember who asked for a, to remember how we did not how to speak, always laughing. But I would like to meet his belief stronger. We had dinner the turn a little bit, it was my first time so far away from home for so long. Jinan Although busy, but not any relatives here, I feel like a homeless person wandering around here, the idea of homesickness is getting intense. Not the same as the Cultural Revolution, he was out the door far too many times. I'm embarrassed to ask him if he wanted at home, I want to watch from his face whether he is homesick, but that guy is always smiling, I can not see why, so I am very depressed.

night, we started on the first class, to know our teacher, I also know this love in my life have two teachers, which is something I do. After the end, though it is night, after a day of steam drying, Jinan is still hot breath. When two bare buttocks in the toilet bowl basin with cold water splash to the body, the, uh ... really makes a hearty ah! Then a week, some students do not adhere to some down home after another. I encourage each other in the absence of the Cultural Revolution under the situation of the habit of slowly down, real life began here. Now think about that when we both know that time may be the greatest encouragement. I do not know how he look at me, but I never saw his face homesick, always laughing and joking. I can not feel homesick, lost to him very well. So we became acquainted, as I previously said, we became good brothers. Class of all people, he is my only best friend, is the only thing I want to rival the competition. Because of this, we often will trouble some small conflicts that will be good for two days. I began to see that this guy does not look the look of a mature and stable, and sometimes the face and psychological entirely two ideas, but Siyaomianzai Bale, for which we also played a dispute, because he denied this fact. One time I asked him, why do you call the Cultural Revolution? He said that from a neighbor, and I thought he was lame, but really wronged him, the impression that all of our teachers asked him why that name, the teacher has the look can be the answer always let them down, He said it does not matter like always, after all, it is easy to think of reasons. I asked him, you name from day one that people ask you tired? This kid face frustration, but I look pleased with himself.

training is over half the time, we come to love this life, not those scary high school homework pressure on the body, where learning is not bad so easy, even in the summer, I had the rest . In addition to the Cultural Revolution, I have come to realize a lot of friends, including many teachers, they are very good, but also very personal, indeed, of our group of adolescent kid actor in the fiercely to attract a handful. Canteen in which the rice sucks, I dropped out of meal tickets and the Cultural Revolution, to the outside of a specialized buy lunch to eat a small alley. Although there are many people poor health, but on the whole fairly tasty. I and the Cultural Revolution, I ask you please meal meal meal, very fair, huh, huh. Jinan small hotel is very stingy in the summer to sell beer, they do not have water for guests. The beginning do not know, every time I point the Cultural Revolution more food, we do not drink, boss to see so many dishes we asked we do not drink. We have to ask people bitterly, have water? He did not hesitate to say, no. Later, a long period of time, the alley will have two boys, carrying two bottles of mineral water, crowded population, and then leaped into a small hotel, until the end of our training. I think that the boss that day will surely ask how two small man is not coming?

once asked him, bend your legs so how? He said one embarrassed, grow too fast. A teacher learned body, to teach him some ways to correct his leg type, this guy insisted on a couple of days, nothing was. In this way, I had not finished first at home over the summer, but felt very full, understanding of the Cultural Revolution and those students. Although where you can eat, but after all away from home, home stepmother was distressed to say I lost the Cultural Revolution not have to say, I was like, he should get home and his mother spoiled you, my heart do not feel proud of smile. I remember that day back home from Jinan, 4:30 morning train, my classmates and I played a whole night, I trapped to death, we like the same flight, rolled mat and teachers, respectively. The first time I ride the train, because of the summer, the top and smelly and dirty, selling things back and forth on the toilet is always crowded, depressed me that no longer take the train. We are standing tickets to the middle of some stations coming out of the car was only a seat. I'm Leia, and soon fell asleep, woke up to see the Cultural Revolution for a while also lying on his knees to sleep, several other students in his back playing poker, I suddenly to the spirit, this kid when there are so embarrassed . They play vigorously, the Cultural Revolution but then I do not know cents, not when shaking about, which makes them several girls happier. In this way, a few hours later, we're home.

remember that time our school, the Cultural Revolution to the podium speech, his hand holding a manuscript has been shaking, I laugh ah that he later said it was not tense, is hereditary, his father so, I believe you said that downright genius. Then later I realized that he did not lie to me, and we later see him smoking a cigarette shake hands. This little boy problems, but all of them have rare earth. Then we started a real high school life, and that the pressure of natural Needless to say. I assigned a class during the Cultural Revolution, when only separated on the Russian. With the Cultural Revolution, his former classmates, there are Russian and English to work together with the points, we are inevitably alienated some. I found this guy and former students can be in an even more trouble, and totally like a high school senior students. I sometimes take the fun of, I have to admit, I was a bit narrow-minded, and sometimes very angry,cheap UGG boots, to ignore him, and did not think this guy is also in high spirits. We are playing the Cold War, this war is not a question of two or three days, persist for a long period of time each pay any attention. I and several other friends, too, beginning when the mutual understanding of each other will stop trouble, but in the end only the result of a no then do not say a good brother, I am a bit eccentric character, not like too many naughty place. High school when they are busy learning a lot of good friends and no, of course, except during the Cultural Revolution. How successful he is not struggling to open my Ayutthaya, become my most cherished brother.

until near the winter holidays, we participated in the training of these students will be faced with an exam, and is running around the country. I did not speak during the Cultural Revolution for a long time, and I do not know how he intended. There are times Ganqiao, and I do something the Office of the Cultural Revolution and pushed open the door, we both a little embarrassed, he spoke to the teacher that he wanted to leave, and another student to go to Beijing exam. I was surprised and asked him, really? He surprised a moment, I realize that I panicked. He smiled again hee hee, I no longer speak. This is the first time we were talking a long time, even though he just smiled, I am on the morning reading the next day, he called me say want to go. I advised him to go, there can be admitted to good universities. I said I want to go, but there do not accept Russian students. Finally he went to, we have been text messaging contact. He went to a teacher in Beijing, has also been showing off to me, I was very wanted to hit him. Confused I can not stay in school. The examination, the Cultural Revolution only after a first test. I think he is the first I said, I am very happy to him to move, but not too bad to play second interview, I looked at the message he sent me to imagine the look on his face, should also look indifference it. He came back, we went to Jinan to attend training, and then test. Clinical examination, I finally chose to give up, not because do not want to, do not like it, but suddenly feel rotten. Examination of the Cultural Revolution that year are less than ideal, I do not know the impact by not by me. Delay of the mess we are back for the college entrance examination, that time of confusion, but very happy, it seems that the college entrance examination did not affect us much. Since then we have never uttered contradictory opinions are sometimes surprisingly consistent. This was not what it feels like, and now they can not help but think of some surprise.

later, I went to college, chose to repeat the Cultural Revolution. For both of us considered it the worst case. I know him, his heart will certainly be uncomfortable. Either we all go to college, you have to repeat, no one went to college there will be invisible to another pressure. Repeat the Cultural Revolution, the state that year has been bad, this is my anticipated. Although I am not far away from home to college, but still quite like that guy. He has been in the class and his class against, it makes me headache, I know his temper, really made me worried to sweat. End of freshman National Day military training, we almost all new home. I went to the barber, he just called me to come to barber shops to find me. Actually surprising that I matured. I stared, this kid, but not actually brag about for some time I came. Unprecedented. He and I joked that met Shige to be more respectful! He is above the cut a cry, and I than you, I am your brother. Cultural Revolution, only three months older than me, it makes me so depressed, I always refused to admit him than me about it. When we are on the third year, often in a lot of people have asked us not twins. I'm wondering, obviously not very like, but my heart is still happy. Do not know how he could, or foolish cavity Han Xiao's. Until now almost graduated from college, I gave the students the pictures that we see, there are people that we like. I quibble, and my heart glad, that at least shows that both of us still have not changed. National Day two of us played together for two days, and I advised him to learn that he is still a little disdain,UGG bailey button, I do not bother to say it. The back to school right away until the end of the first semester. I call him that to kill him, and this guy actually say that I nauseating, and I threatened to go home, he said wait. After examination I hurried back home, because I got a family thing, and he is training, how we did not have time to play. I advised him to study hard because to tell the truth, I was not very optimistic about his status.

Cultural Revolution, the second entrance, be welcomed, he was admitted to a university in Tianjin. I'm glad for the little wonder. Although he disdained, or hard work. This kid Zhongyu Ao coming. He said to me, he went to receive admission notice, he despised class swept away the previous look, the thousands of pet to his one. I think he was awkward, right, after all, is the class number of the Cultural Revolution more than a few people who get college admission notice, but the fight was almost up his nail households. I am glad, even a little jealous, because the Cultural Revolution to learn that professional I do like. Out a little later episode, the Cultural Revolution was discouraged, and good safe and well. He finally stabilize the step of the way I am most worried about. Entering freshman that year he got his wish, and I read in another university sophomore. After his second college entrance examination that year, and we drank the first time in a field of wine. That kid did a spit bottle beers, I was annoyed and said he was too good for nothing.

years if the life experiences and events are accumulated, then the friend is both the regulator, so life is not monotonous, and I have really grown up during the Cultural Revolution, awareness is not a long time , there are four or five years. We never uttered contradictory, this is my Third Eye is worth showing off. University of the end face,Bailey UGG boots, we face a fork in the road of life. How to get is not important, what is our value out of. I know experienced the Cultural Revolution, many for the first time, a journey, a drink, a separate life .... I think this is growing it, if fear of loneliness, that there will always be people learning together with you, and then grow ... able to work independently grown trees. Although I have many friends, is different, but the Cultural Revolution, who considered rare, is not why, as his pair of bandy legs, uh ....

University I want to go home every holiday, the first one say that the parents,UGG boots cheap, the second is that the Cultural Revolution, and sometimes even food do not eat to look for him, and then a drink. Life and then twitched again, playing Noisy. Each meeting I think he has changed, but will never run away before the shadow.

his junior year, my senior year. The first two days to contact us, I wrote a poem to him, this guy actually encouraged me to write him a pass, I can not that ability, to write about these clutter Daohai can. I suddenly asked him, what thoughts do you graduate? He said, want to open restaurants. I Huileyiju plain, well, we two have in mind a go. Bude La

my close-up over, then I think, or do you most want to see kid, right? The future, for those of us who is still very, very long, but the Cultural Revolution will not be a second, I'm not in the sensational, but to tell myself, do not forget that. Good start, eventually there will be a good ending. Like this article, my words, but also my life. 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

abrasion wear test machine

 ABSacrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin acrylonitrile butadiene styrene resin

action of sulphur vapor test sulfide resistance test

activation activation

activator activator

adhesion test adhesion test

adhesive glue

adjust adjust

aerobic shoe aerobic dance shoes

after ski boot ski boots

age resister anti-aging agent

aging tester aging test machine

air gun air gun

all man-made material all man-made materials

alligator skin alligator

aluminum last aluminum last

alongation test elongation test

amboss embossed embossed ;

ambossed leather pressure (India) spent Skin

ambossing machine Embossing

ambroidered embroidery

embroidery shoe embroidered shoes

amary tape grinding machine belt grinding machine

amery wheel grinding machine grinding wheel grinding machine

amery leather ; patent leather patent leather

amalfi construction bar structure outside help sandals

american size scale-scale American

amphibious boot amphibious boots

angle on insole made in the bottom corner

aniline finish leather dyeing leather benzene

ankle boot soles, foot fruit boots

ankle bare feet

anteiope leather chamois

antique oil Andean ancient oil

appearance appearance

applique ornaments

approve accreditation

apron shoes skull

arch cookie sheet ; foot arched piece Yuemei

arch support arch of the foot pad

arch arch

arithmetic grading grading arithmetic

artificial leather artificial leather

artisan ; shoemaker shoemaker

assembly molding, assembly

athleisure shoe casual shoes

available size shoes

for size

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big red sun in the morning


- ten minutes later the phone! go.

covered in green sweet potato vine's plateau, Liu uphold the old man waved his hand sickle. Hom side of a pile of half the height of the sweet potato vine, vine vine branches, and pared. Several ditch dash of sweet potato, the bare ink ink stubble, stubble and green heart was oozing fluid. Liu Liu Mazi old man from the not as loudspeakers sound a bit thin on the tip of ears to listen, and sometimes fart fart the top of the summit was not called to him go ask. Liu old man know that his son Zhu Er text will not be old by the six that

article six of the phone with the old drawer like a small black iron box, connected to the outlet, but also high on the roof with bamboo poles from the set of the external antenna support. Voltage instability sent the river, or fog, overcast rainy day, will increase the interference with the phone's sound. Typically, the township is also mixed on a call slip with HIV AIDS slip current sound, like a grind from the inside out like a stone, not to mention the change of position much of the kind in Zhejiang shouted the wolf called ghost! Liu old man contemptuously called the

Liu old man felt that the letter was to-heart and Zhuer the best way. Liu old man back year after year, often play better than that of wheat to the country raised the case of noodles, take out one round that he is full of grain, you can exchange for Zhuer a fine of legs tired of rushing white noodles, Hearty heart, solid!

those days, regardless of the spring and summer, or autumn,UGG bailey button, we shall soon see Liu old man would often fall into a similar one dream: end of the Bowls bowls child myself, or what does not end, the old to the Zhuer planted in the dam and in the Cassia tree hash - to eat, wash, or do nothing, only the hair shade. Eat, wash, blowing, cool with, Gleditsia tree will be drilled a cat dog, or a sparrow butterfly, Gleditsia endure a shower of colorful English Yela, floating down the dam, the synthesis one Chinese character, arranged in a letter written by Zhu Er.

that year, Zhuer received admission notice the small town high school, Liu old man pants search lapel lapel are dry, still less than half the entry fee! Zhuer of that will accompany their back-breaking three-year junior high school canvas bag, the smell of a distant relative of the audio to that less than half the entry fee went to Zhejiang. After those years, Liu and Zhu Er old man across the thousand landscape of one mind, must rely on letters. In fact do not frequent, then the ten year will cover.

grateful for the time Yang fat. Although Yang fat face Hengrou roar of a cavity, when the trust money had to offer two corners of the Although Liu

old man did not know a pole of the characters, but can read Zhuer letter. Looking at words on paper dense, Zhuer seen and heard more than a decade behind the float from one Chinese character out, one after another, Oh Chang Xiao Liu old man will be up. 
eat rice and pork ... ... faint eyes is already long, long, like the shuttle to land on that side the sea, his face freezing smile, a look of eternal intoxicated!

bet, Liu pulls out the old man will be letters, start to imitate the flowers actually read to the tone stressing each syllable. Honored to once again, Liu old man will revisit a point of endless pleasure in being alone while laughing Shanghao: Old Man of six that the Zi Zi slip slip to take a while, safe in appearance not on the edges of the whole ride, white Lala spent the money. Which, like the trust? Black and white, voice and face all embedded in it, tangible, visible, tangible! Bottom can be pressed, you can sleep pillow, you can pocket in the pit of the stomach of a day job, living to patterns, glowing pearl like a baby!

Zhuer Liu also written to the old man.

techniques, keep too poor, too rich resistance ... ... long time to eat dinner, eat when not Dayton, will quickly feel hungry go eat, do not play young and old as we are hungry stomach ... ... until the fifth grade, can not write better characters. Have every Saturday, the cloud village back on the junior high school, Liu was stressing each syllable pondered the old man to read, please write the cloud one by one exercise book.

wait until they go to the market days, Liu old man like a baby two or three pages Chuaizhuo letter tossed two hands on the march to the town in time. Twenty in the mountain, Liu old man into the street to eat lunch, and post office closed doors. Liu old man to Gradually, people gather around to a lot of inside and outside layers, built into a wall of thick wall, Liu legs sour old man felt, and that the door was Liu old man with rare agility, jump into it like a rabbit,Bailey UGG boots, the first run to open the window stood. Yang had the door between fat coming from the inside, a group sitting in a chair on the Pro units. Liu old man smoke the leaves of a plug into the armpit, pumping hands in the layer of paste from the pit of the stomach bag must opt for a full work out the operation folded paper and envelopes Zhuer to his throat, gay, cross the letter. Young fat turned away, the eyebrows up an Alice, pulled big voice: throw it back to write the address. Liu old man piled face smile, said he does not read, can not write, please help me write Comrade Yang. Xi Yang, a fat nose, snorted, wrist, said: people crowded around him over, they put up a window Liu old man right move. Fortunately, there are enthusiastic man behind the words are written, as usual envelope crooked old man to help transcribe the address Liu. This has pushed Liu Yang, fat old man in front, to install it on the envelope handed over. Yang fat man took to say Liu, after he struck the old man arrived in ass, bending over to pick up homeopathic tobacco leaves. Young fat impatient, and he kept shouting: and hard: Young fat envelope to get a touch of glue to one click, and paste the stamps,

this year, Liu old man did not do that dream.

Liu and Wang carpenter old man nibbling gossip, often sincerely laments the era of science and technology can not! Kung Fu also such a short seven or eight years, six of the text that the old change of position you are far apart, mountains, mountains, but talked like him, and authentic, a little gentile does not go! Can change the text the old phone is a good six, standing on the roof but not much gas tweeter children - the prevalence of mobile phones this wizard gone then! A few years ago only to see the town also has a head on the face of several characters used, it is very expensive fine, Han-way fee, than a cow also This can blink of an eye, the wind blows like late autumn leaves of Paulownia, Hom Hom on buying the next several households have a mobile phone. Road Head Road End wants to play hit, ga Garak La hear heard that long distance is also only a minute triangle of money, either you go to God McCain blowing the sea! Answer the phone, pay to the door side of the household, saying that single charge, and will not receive Sha plane fees, then do not spend much Retroflex Suffixation!

! money - to speak miles! Liu and Zhu Er

old man no longer write, and Zhu Er also have mobile phones. Liu old man to his son, and by Wang carpenter blue black shell While, Zhuer to return phone calls came, far-ranging thousands of miles apart, one is Zhuer voice, still so childish, friendly, a little bit no aliasing!

But one year, Liu old man was running to the post office a dozen times - Zhuer sent money and clothes. It is said to run four or five times on the line, not the time to send each side, sometimes Zhuer to call two weeks after the ten days by money order or parcel to turn, and sometimes have to for a month, Liu old man also two to three rush inevitably ask. Yang, the more fat the fat, but more dark. Young fat in this window business is a lot, but added another window Wang, facing the computer Pilipala waves that struck the young people, it seems that day to count the money in the credit card. Young fat and still speak like playing clap of thunder, there a little gas,Discount UGG boots, people lie motionless on the day. But to get a picture of a Zhu Er Zhang also called the Post Office card to withdraw money easily, but always felt that the money Liu old man with a thin card to sink too Xuan Hu, Yang fat living as it is so personal. Yang Liu is fat old man with a nameless sustenance, a potential dependence.

Liu old man standing

Liu old man threw a hoe, working on a remake of the mud came up behind a small cut ditches, embankments, large and small mixed fresh Wong Nai long round pebbles. 
a new coat, you do not have to stand the cold of winter! Pocket and I also put a photo Xiaoyu, you estimate the time to post office to take it.

worked out a package deflated shell of the on. 
the companion. A urine soaked feces pulling Zhuer a grown up now, finally falling head out of a hope: the Zhuer are attached, have a stalk of it! Liu old man eyes moist.


early winter, the cloud village southwest of there,

taking advantage of Shanghao weather, people also like a busy time for children trip: Cut sweet potato vines, grass machines with broken beat pigs, and the salt, sealed plastic bag, a winter grass is coming from the pig a; digging sweet potato, put them in bed at the foot of the Shao Huo Tangbian pit, sprinkle with dry ash, people eat pigs ate; hoe Shao Ping fresh soil dug and pulled out Gully Road, Road, sprinkle with wheat soon out of the verdant Wo, dyed the earth, but also dyed his people.

decades of hard work has been rooted in the hard bones Liu old man's mettle. Zhuer the phone again and again to persuade the not too tired, but he in the end only to contracting out thirty-four acres of thin, but also a good place to stay thirty-four acres of living species, fragmented, not tight not busy, the idea worked hard all winter for a summer .

Zhuer called to say to come back the moment the New Year, Liu dizzy old man is happy. Zhu Er said Dad, you do not know, the economic crisis as early as the wind slipping between cities, scraping fly better small factories, and had thought that the old brand of furniture factory is Kui-Ran is not shaken, partial days of effort, several groups furniture out of poor sales, the two pen liquidity flow, and the factory suddenly paralyzed. Will go home - Chinese New Year! Xiaoyu, Wang-fat, also home to the New Year. That night, all night Bulong Liu old man is the eye, eyes on the past, there is always Zhuer screen after dangling, it is also up at midnight to find the wall paper paste Quhei. Drive dawn, and went to the neighboring mountain village twenty or thirty years the fair, bought high end of the second knife meat. Faint and the two days, call to ask Zhu Er ye not come? Zhuer smiled back: . Can sit and dry, etc., Liu Bie heart old man also felt panic, will regain lost from the farm for two days to spread that keen of mind.

When Zhuer got home, Liu old man still in the ground and cut sweet potato vine Juezhepigu, or the flowers are left to feed a pig a pig feed bucket Qu Han him. Liu old man threw a sickle, a top half of a top running back, all the way to see the old thatched cottage standing wood lattice, who is so familiar and strange - it is Zhuer. Half a head taller, a bit fat, with green stubble on his chin, the completion of a big young lad! A suit and white squares, a Wenxiu! And Zhu Er together, is

Liu old man happy drunk, eyebrows become curved pods, the eyes was a crack open the door, and out several times, but could not find issues. Flowers open at the side laughed: In small reminder to help smooth the large and small packages into the house, went back upstairs to get into the meat two days before the sunset end of the second knife, pry the stove, boil water, wash rice, vegetables ... ... Which is want to do, but also Which are doing is not specific, just pick a way, but Qulao the way, busy mess. Mouth'll be a trial of strength is lots of fun.

a meal in the old man faint and the busy Liu and Zhu Er, the help of the king made the mix, talking and laughing carried out.

Zhuer who sat two days and nights by train, and bus the day before to a small town in rural southwest cloud. Xiaoyu mother ill in bed at home, her brother to pick her small town, everybody a lot of the packages, will be their home, two days to go visit her mother ... ...

meal, column children clean up the dishes, asked about the coat thing.

Posts and Telecommunications ask? Hey!

Liu old man said, frame on the wall to see. Liu Dabo, in addition to the decades you have no photo ID than the other phase, is not it? A pair of 'd consequently turn to take the post office. - Do not worry Well, anyway, to be in, and a few days ago as a few days later. 

stopped for a second,UGG shoes, significantly expanded children voice the other end around his voice hardened: Next, did not react. 
Zhuer shook his head and smiled: artillery temper, but very good eye - the change of position much of the things every day how much ah? people never lose you! it in the ground, most of the day, and I have to get back. could not hear clearly. I would like you to help me turn a parcel. Empty!

Zhuer stiff smile, face, cool, quiet phone attached to the ears. A long while, Zhuer slowly down phone, and redial the last: is more rough for: has been made to attend the king, and finally could not help but grab the phone, fiercely Huileyiju, hand organ out.


old man listening to the countryside vaccination Liu Lin, Yang said Dr Zhu Er fat fight when is the incident the next morning. Alas, he repeatedly exclaimed: the.

fact Zhuer thought would be a conflict and Yang fat, but when listening to Zhuer Yang fat take parcels out the name, the eyes jump out of the green Doude fire, across the operating window , refers to the foot digging hand, increased aid to swear at them. Zhuer stunned for two seconds, when aware that the black-faced pig which is the curse himself, but also the fire: always believed that this is a legal society. Whether you Sha fierce bullies dead, so I did not break the law have not committed, no one can change of position me how! I have my own principle of not holding the strong bullying the weak, but not swallow. He will do this to swear at me, and also that there is a corresponding return - I have to scold him yet!

think Yang never gave in front of so many fat people been to face appointment to the next, Yang fat is very angry, bad cop Biechu the Purple, Rattle his teeth bite: Pakistan root rib bone!

a woman

Zhuer also took a step back, ready to flash the right Yang fat. Wang made the side, but suddenly a stumbling sideways.
extreme attitude, not as! assuming arbitrary collection of fees, driving up the price of self-dealing! parcels, remittances, and even the letter, the strong recovery of enforcement costs, but mostly stuffed into their own private pockets. send surface mail charge and express mail, parcel received high to reap the Italian ... ... expressly prohibited, but blatantly dry, he is illegal! If petitioners fail, I can sue ... ... between vines go back when the heart a kind of deep loss: relations, husband, or township leaders do, that - arm bend legs up too? ... ... In kung fu, actually reborn, completely not a rustic rube it! ... ...

of the winter sun, washed out early in the morning, and almost eleven, only to climb Seiki. Towards the direction of the sun, mountains around his waist also Longzhe thin Margaret, faintly with others. Soon the sun's direction, but added a fresh. Hill thin, clear, significant mountain dew stone. Red River small, new, and with a touch of blue. Platform, the sweet potato vines crawl rather thick, dark green round leaves children with group clusters, crowded along the children music, speakers, like flowers, start to shop, a Gully's, such as a Road and green legislation guards of honor.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Almost a clean sweep of the potential ah!

 In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most. Department of
big SLR camera, digital number, cell phone number, crackling burst of sea shoot, with photographer Sina Xiamen carrying a gold medal dangling cameras, Zhi Huang a son Ling I confused to see the beef into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you

Ziling Heron Fresh Island Reporter: microblogging Run Xiamen station in mind the words of goods

food products to know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.

Photo / Qin Ziling

Egret Island can all hear of run away, shopkeepers have ... ... just kidding, big waves is very popular, the shopkeepers Egret Island is also very warm, deep wine alley afraid, what in the end it good in your family,bailey UGG boots, hum ... ... Run microblogging food up to

rush family, family bolted, bolted to the red mountain slope = = raving? I actually was the first to the door of the beauty of a busy guy, I wait a little on one side, beautiful warm greeting on the - boxes were friends, not ICBMs. Know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.

because the place easy to find (it?) up to the people arrived, one of the most prominent is a beautiful mother and son inside a small guy, a strong sense of the lens, the next big star of the materials, housekeeping trick is the lovely Look at this man's eyes move, the small guy says, Department

big SLR camera, the digital number, cell phone number, crackling burst of sea shoot, with photographer Sina Xiamen carrying a gold medal dangling cameras, Zhi Huang Ziling I was dazzled, the cattle Liu look into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us,Bailey UGG boots, it good to see you
know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.
Ziling Sagishima Delicious: microblogging Run products in Xiamen station dish in mind the words of goods Graphic Qinzi Ling together such as Is it good stuff in the end your house, hum ... ... microblogging food Run up to Rush family, family bolted, bolted to the red mountain slope = = raving? I actually was the first to the door of the beauty of a busy guy, I wait a little on one side, beautiful warm greeting on the - boxes were friends, not ICBMs. Because the local hard to find (it?) Up to the people arrived, one of the most prominent is a beautiful mother and son inside a small guy, a strong sense of the lens, the next big star of the materials, housekeeping trick is to cute milk-like Look at this man's eyes move, the small guy says, Did not wipe ... ... clean = = waited a long time, a late brother, has finally started serving, Changqiangduanbao into action, up to the people very dedicated, three
not rub ... ... clean
such a long time, a late brother, has finally started serving, Changqiangduanbao into action, up to the people very dedicated, three big lens SLR digital number, phone number crackling burst of sea-shot, with Sina Xiamen carrying a video camera photographer gold medal dangling, Zhi Huang Ziling I was confused to see the beef into Pork! (Very different from you?
Finally started. Department of tears ran ~

big lens SLR digital number, phone number, crackling burst of sea-shot, with Sina Xiamen carrying a video camera photographer gold medal dangling, Zhi Huang Ziling I was dazzled to look into Pork tenderloin! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you

rich dishes , a co-chive fragrance of osmanthus vegetables, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes has also done a lot of flavor, smooth and delicious sunfish small point, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ...

know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.
Cuihua .. oh no .. is the Sina photographer on the gold medal in Xiamen carrying a video camera dangling, Zhi Huang Ziling I was confused to see the beef into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you 
only shot two vegetables, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful!

Ziling Sagishima Delicious: microblogging Run products in Xiamen station dish in mind the words of goods Graphic Qinzi Ling together such as Is it good stuff in the end your house, hum ... ... microblogging food Run up to Rush family, family bolted, bolted to the red mountain slope = = raving? I actually was the first to the door of the beauty of a busy guy, I wait a little on one side, beautiful warm greeting on the - boxes were friends, not ICBMs. Because the local hard to find (it?) Up to the people arrived, one of the most prominent is a beautiful mother and son inside a small guy, a strong sense of the lens, the next big star of the materials, housekeeping trick is to cute milk-like Look at this man's eyes move, the small guy says, Did not wipe ... ... clean = = waited a long time,UGG boots cheap, a late brother, has finally started serving, Changqiangduanbao into action, up to the people very professional, dazzling against the three

finished, the boss to tell, main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down!

Sure, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Eyes immediately deliberately shaped) 
know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most. Department of 
big SLR camera, digital number, cell phone number, crackling burst of sea shoot, with photographer Sina Xiamen carrying a gold medal dangling cameras, Zhi Huang a son Ling I confused to see the beef into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you 
know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most. Diet Seafood entrees

know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.

pot and began to eat seafood, the hard work of the photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you know the speed, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah!

the store in addition to recipes, there are some Ziling quite remarkable that they have many dishes to dishes for vegetables, pattern, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, can be described as a full-color, smell it!

up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Department

big SLR camera, the digital number, cell phone number, crackling burst of sea shoot, with photographer Sina Xiamen carrying a gold medal dangling cameras, Zhi Huang Ziling I was dazzled, the cattle Liu look into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat,UGG boots, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you

big SLR Department camera, digital number, phone number, crackling burst of sea-shot, with Sina Xiamen carrying a video camera photographer gold medal dangling, Zhi Huang Ziling I was confused to see the beef into Pork! (Much difference? = =) Finally started. Tears ran ~ dishes rich with the fragrance of osmanthus vegetarian co-chives, as well as local health impregnable bamboo shoots, and fragrant but not tired of the pigeon and the appropriate mix of tasty and delicious sauté beef, beef offal dishes are done very mellow, smooth and delicious fish, dot the sun, fragrant and elegant All Offers head cabbage pot, a number of name of the dish do not remember ... ... .. oh no .. Cuihua is dishes, a small break in front of digital SLR can be stressful! After dazzling against the boss to tell, the main course is coming! Well God? A large table just too cool I forgot to take pictures of that table is actually an appetizer? Stick down! Sure enough, pulled in front of the dish, the owner who personally took the clerk to sign the main course - seafood hot pot on the Diet, the full six-tape! (Do not know the number of Cuo +__+) have not let go of this, they must first take a family portrait, alone, already feeling very happy to see, let alone just going to start eating. (Deliberately shaped eyes immediately) Diet Seafood Seafood pot main course open to eat, hard-working photographer and the two sat down Xiaobian also joined us, it good to see you

big waves into the model, competing for speed shooting

to know, and almost a clean sweep of the potential ah! In addition to the store dishes, there are some quite remarkable Ziling that they used to dish dishes for vegetables, there are many patterns, repetition rate is very low, and the food beautifully decorated work to do, you can say it is color Full flavor with it! Up to the people enjoyed it, the last big wave in front of the store yelling and posed for pictures, my brother and sister brother attracted young girl crossing the road are frequently startling - losers in music like that? A month went to the Satsuki? Big Wave into a model, competing microblogging shooting Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting! Qin Ziling too full to eat dinner 2010.10.20 zero appetite in the PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat some what, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most.

microblogging Run, run very high, legs and feet quickly, and quickly rushed to the bar next to the waiting!

Qinzi Ling

2010.10.20 zero appetite for dinner, eat too much, in

PS: This is simply a fresh record, record Ziling been to where to eat, eat more Han, bloggers to show life as a look Ziling it ^ __ ^ definitely not advertising anything, we all judge the most. Ziling Sagishima Delicious: microblogging Run products in Xiamen station dish in mind the words of goods Graphic Qinzi Ling uh ..) general swept Egret Island, can all hear of run away, shopkeepers have ... ... just kidding, big waves is very popular, the shopkeepers Egret Island is also very warm, the wine still afraid of bush, good or bad thing in the end your home eat, hum ... ... microblogging food Run up to Rush family, family bolted, bolted to the red mountain slope = = raving? I actually was the first to the door of the beauty of a busy guy, I wait a little on one side, beautiful warm greeting on the - boxes were friends, not ICBMs. Because the local hard to find (it?) Up to the people arrived, one of the most prominent is a beautiful mother and son inside a small guy, a strong sense of the lens, the next big star of the materials, housekeeping trick is to cute milk-like Look at this man's eyes move, the small guy says, Did not wipe ... ... clean = = waited a long time, a late brother, has finally started serving, Changqiangduanbao into action, up to the people very dedicated, three

Monday, October 25, 2010

1. From the beginning of my dream

 With the thought in the preparation of a dream, a lengthy piece of text in the diary. Alas.

2. eat and sleep online work, for what? Money? Difficult to sell for money yourself? This circle is this social reality. For the money we have given up their favorite, and gave up his dream.

3. a lonely world, should learn to keep an independent body,UGG bailey button, to be full of hope.

4. I find myself really busy calling out, but nothing is boring, even the book did not, death is far away places to sell books.

5. Unicom card a few days ago to buy five month minimum cancellation fee, what other costs are not, have a normal business. 5 dollar package 300M pleased broken me.

6. wine and song times in life? Why only grief alone carry. I hurried through the night time, just waiting for a person to wait for the passage of time. I firmly believe something,Discount UGG boots, the delay down, although no Dukang Jia, but my heart because you have a dream dependence, although a dream

7. the morning alone in the car waiting for instructions, listening to songs on the net, chat time is this very morning, was sent out day by day. In fact, learning opportunities are always there, is not you have the determination and patience to learn. Just want to learn anytime, anywhere to learn.

8. did not intend to continue to write this post, because I see my log at the beginning of this sentence is not wrong to write the wrong words, I can not continue to write. But once started must adhere to. Remember that a good start is half the battle.

9. spare to write a few words, though not the classic case, but all my heart. The pressure of long-term accumulation, coupled with injuries to the suffering we feel alive. 9. Bitter can not cast, we have a weak heart the idea of a good strong so we all hid, afraid to say it also makes a joke himself. Therefore, we have the backlog, also will be also created lonely, no one can completely solve the pressure of the hearts and thoughts (including love) life is lonely, we need to adapt to him is strong.

10. No, ah, no, I'm not saying I do not want people I can not, and no words, to end at home from a one word explanation is that Real However, a simple glance it seems to me that your behavior and language is not working in place less than spiritual. Carefully describe the word, it is that: you live in another circle of visual auditory impression to others, but the impression is that our actions and words Bo come. As long as you can do to make them happy, satisfied and then they like. Said point is the detail: for example it, such as: you give people to work, you have to look at the cue words acting boss, so do not waste your breath to the boss to do a good comprehensive, not a minute more so needless to say a few acts, this is a typical no wink. Well, this is my

11. write more chaos, my phone has no way to change, only the first mistake was, that time when there are online and then change it. At the beginning of the middle and has a business trip should not really go wrong ah. Advice you one; anything for the first time will not be absolutely perfect, in order to reduce the defects, as we look back carefully, a man is also the moment as we walked back to the road, take a look at every step he left behind is not solid. As a solid foundation to the same high-rise, step the wrong way you will not straight,UGG boots cheap, may be the consequences of any errors the United States and may also be bent all the way ... ...

12. last time we talked about mistakes, which I would add, an error is normal, as long as Zhicuojiugai is greater harvest, the last were not a result of you, that is beneath the United States . Why do I say, do not know if you heard of a story? Said to be a father and son, the son of man is always angry, the father lost his temper after each to let him board the small nails, so that he lost his temper as little as possible, over a period of time full of nails on the board, his father to him that if a ... ... too hard to type out. The result is not passing the board left a permanent imprint. So we have to minimize mistakes, committed to change. He lost his temper as little as possible, over a period of time all the nail on the board, his father gave him that if a hard type of ... .... The result is not passing the board left a permanent imprint. So we have to minimize mistakes, committed to change.

13. One needs content, and he's content not to see how he goes how much knowledge, but not his best on the multi-school, but his mind was set, and his sub-shock minded ambition, coupled with his ability to know the operation, do not mistake his movement can learn things in life in society.

14. things to be like kind. Whatever you do must have a way of doing things that other do not do that completely on it, and what you do with what you do on the way to etiquette.

15. ah how can float in rivers and lakes is not the knife. Will know the pain of the long memory, do not always hit to the muzzle, something all right there on where to ask yourself is wrong. I'll give you that personal online look up, Jishi Ying. This would have been easy sentiment about our complex world it. When a person is sensitive and understanding when it is smart. The term has always been a lot of smart people do not know what talent be smart? Is to learn good, huh, is it a high cultural level, or high quality, or flexibility in a very sensitive person yet. In my opinion there is a thinking intelligent people be wise savvy, yet produced a successful person, then what is the extend of the wise people who dare to action. Why? Because some people are not smart, but he is local, some are smart not clever fresh air, that only the smart idea of the nature of reality no one's actions. Just thought you did not a have become a successful person, and the cumulative success out of mind is the need for their own internal capacity to achieve.

16. intrinsic ability and ask what is the inherent ability, inner strength is its ability to popular to say that to yourself, to see you are a man of strong wills, or brave, etc. ah, this is own capacity, we talked about capacity here by the way it outside, external to the learning ability is acquired to the proportion that you learn a word or phrase express or learn business management or e-commerce and so on. Which all belong to the external capacity, and only minor can be counted on the outside is talent, and now the question is how the definition of talent, we do not understand how that could achieve it, talent is the surrounding community have their own development or help people who are professionals. Said here are my own personal opinion. So there will be a definition of talent, then we talk about how personnel at or near the target or standard, and I said before the internal capacity and external capacity of the adduct is a talent, but they are paying action. And a successful person is the intrinsic ability to pay the sum of action. This means that successful people with talent is the ability of people outside. I repeated several times above the pay action, that is all that this is all subject to the conditions. Demonstrate the use of all that is reasonable. We think a good recollection of the past, we have from the beginning to now we did something, we are in what way do allow themselves to be professionals. Think about it, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous, the ancients for the above pay many times I repeated the action, that is all that this is all subject to the conditions. Demonstrate the use of all that is reasonable. We think a good recollection of the past, we have from the beginning to now we did something, we are in what way do allow themselves to be professionals. Think about it, Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous, why the ancients said, maybe I said that, we should think about simple words there are people who will write back, but there are the less people realize the implications of what he. Think we learn to see the things where we all get, and why, and why we have been pursuing, and why? Because you just do not understand how he did not know to interpret.

17. I said a little more today, but we also need to think about it. I think I have talked about the topic opened, will continue to talk about it. Let us understand our place in the direction of our methods and our goals.

18. I find that when a person inspired, God to just give you one, if you later want to reclaim the time that might have been a roll of old scrolls, the glory days without pity and complete. Therefore, once the inspiration came to put him into a roll of Xinhua Daily, let him remain in this time will never expire. Holding hands held high he cried: This is my

19. or get back to it, inside and outside the ability of the actual social situation according to the present that we rarely see, because our thoughts have been tightened, and we do not know what's what, and know what he said is what. Thought to have been derailed, and we should listen to find enlightenment what it is, rather than chasing what he said he consultation is how to do what he said on how to do. This is the fork in the walk. Is not to say that's too far back to the main topic,Bailey UGG boots, the inherent ability we all have been ignored because no one told me what he could do with not even know what it is. So we have been neglected also continue to be ignored yet, we have been fighting for the external capacity without leakage, and even has entered the bone marrow of all the time without him I can not think of a firm's survival, so I have to work I will be successful I want to be professionals, you said it might do, the results will start to do wrong. So now we have to pull the concept, to internal and external day weekend, someone whispered me, you said are true to why we have so many people so many successful people ah? I said a few are successful professionals, as to why they are for survival, so I strive to be successful I want to be my people, you said it might do, the results will start to do wrong. So now we have to pull the concept, to internal and external day weekend, someone whispered me, you said are true to why we have so many people so many successful people ah? I said a few are successful professionals, as to why they are shown because they have agreed to this, they have been perfected that. Came to the heart but they do not just repeat stressed that they did not have time and space to think about education in us. Only composed of words with short words sum up the path. We will write I already said everything will be back do not know there would not have said these words summed up a lifetime. Belong to the seeking the source of it, that way the result was just a few words. Some people may ask why so many foreigners it successful, because they are outside and off since childhood. Self-reliance, self-confidence, self-reliance, innovation, practice, parents say they do not have to know to have been done, and we not only tell people I do not know but did not. Deplorable ah. From the future we need more communication, why do not we have a lot of talk about it, how internal and external day weekend, how successful, how to become a talent and a series of problems to be solved.

20. a story of a U.S. best part is the climax of the text, but the climax was in the middle of the article to know why the lack of it? Because not every reader can read his patience, the world is the United States more than the text, he will not listen to in your door, so the most it can attract attention in the beginning, to warlords such as mountains Bo field must always as Gaorenyichou.

21. as if the words on the same charges, then, do not say that, and since it has been written out you will definitely spend, and if no access, he may do in this life is over, asked me why No. I'll tell you you will not sentiment, not to say that sentiment is not the person to go with the inherent ability to learn, is the need to realize the inherent ability, if not even the basic enlightenment. I really can not let you look at my log, because that right has no meaning for you, the look is eye injury, I wrote the purpose is not to your two eyes, is the perception you need to carefully to think carefully. If not then do not even realize that the bar, their bar slowly realize what the consequences. We do not always want talent success? I will lead you into his world, he's not amazing language, he negligible, he was poor. Some people may ask a person how this failure to convince us it, and so the failure of people do not have his way, how to be successful? Then I would let everyone talk about his story, he is a personality one never want to go against his principles, he was a man with a love of life, integrity and strong man, he never made self-reliance failed. He is now banned in a factory isolated flexor, his only capital is their own and do not complete openness of mind, not his useless without a diploma because he refused to be out of doors, but also the lack of age were more were overlooked, so he continues to work, he wanted to believe he will one day blockbuster. This is him, he gave us a complete system for talent. He gave us the clear direction set, but in the end he tells us the success of the result: I can not about your life, but I just explain to you guide us, the rest of the life in your own hands to grasp. You are the master of your destiny 22. He is not really want to tell you, as free of the scrolls, so that we see is not too lose, after all, he is his most precious thing people have selfish side he is So, maybe for all of us for him not to casual it! But he is a lifelong dedication. He was thinking ... ...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

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adjacent ring changes color uniform color, it gives a sense of integration, it can be calm and there are some changes in harmonic color effects

c, contrasting colors and

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

1, the master key words, phrases, sentence meaning

 Notes and reference books can help, read the content of the text and through out the reasons for the uprising.

2, read, read familiar texts, combined with text to understand the ideological content of character and culture, reciting wonderful discourse.

3, Sheng body from the author and the importance of learning 4 lofty ideals, understanding of this revolutionary movement broke out in the classroom self

1. literary sense fill in the blank .

2, read the text, dictionary, phonetic words to the following plus points.

Yang Xia Geng who dropped out sobbing Changhen dotted drop-rich Jiehu swan Lu Gou Exile Reform Movement of the left line level when the number of remonstrance Had it on a bonfire Zeng Sheng Wang Fen Hui Cong Temple Junior whipping bare not cut many have suggested martyrdom attack Qi exercise the right boat

Qiao Qiao haggard add some words to explain the following.

(1) death is also dead now, plans are dead give

(2) and that between the time of the next cluster WU Guang Temple in

(3) Day, Stroke is often language, all that head Sheng

(4) orders to call the Three Masters, Hero and are to accounting matters

3. That the following interchangeable characters, and interpretation.

(1) Fat Lu Shu-Yu Yang nine hundred people left through appropriate meaning:

(2) for the world to sing Tong-Yi:

(3) to blame the carry solid Tong-Yi:

(4) General and his body was Depicting the Formidable Rui Tong-Yi:

4. With the text of the original sentence fill in the blank.

(1) Li Bai was bold to sing,

(2) Sheng sentence

5. According to the text content only.

(1) This paper focuses on the central event Chenshe uprising, according to the sequence of events to write the three main aspects: the first paragraph ____ _____, ___ _______, write the first paragraph ___ _____。 write three paragraphs

(2) the fuse of revolt is the root cause of the uprising ________, _____ is _____ ________。

(3) Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's public policy for Viagra is ______ ____,_______ ____。 (Two words were used to summarize)

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6. Here is the analysis of the current situation Chenshe, product testing seriously read, summarize his view of the three favorable factors uprising.

world suffering Qinjiu Yi. I have heard II birth rate has, inappropriate legislation, when the legislature upon is the son of Fusu. Fusu to the number of remonstrance, therefore, to effect officers on the outside. This or smell of innocence, II kill. Many people heard the yin, his death is also unknown. Items will be for Chu Yan, the number of active,UGG bailey button, love his soldiers, Chu pity it.

7. Product analysis of the following personal language, the characters talk about the characteristics of Chen She.

(1) Gou wealth, not forget themselves.

(2) also died this death, lifting plan also die, die,UGG boots cheap, die State or Down?

discourse study

(a) Read the following discourse, to answer questions.

Wu Guang Su lover, Shizu mostly users. Wei will be drunk, so wide a few words like death, Fen Hui Wei, so shame it, to provoke the public. Wei Guang fruit bamboo cane. Wei Jian Ting, Canton, the wins and kill Wei. Sheng Zuo it, and kill the two lieutenant. Zhao Ling Tu is said: phase rather a kind of peace! Bare right, said the Great Chu. For the altar and the AU, the first festival to Wei. Independence for the General Sheng and Wu Guang for the Commandery.

8. Explain the following sentence, add a little word.

(1) Wu Guang Su lover (2) bamboo cane fruit Wei Guang

(3) is the son of Fusu misrepresentation (4) from the people want to have

9. Following groups of words the same meaning and usage of the whole of which is ()

A. of: Chen Sheng Zuo of the

B. Chu pity to: to provoke the public to kill Chen She

C. and should be: to kill Wei wins Maxima often, but horses do not often

D. is: for the altar and the Union are times when the line is long
10. Incorrect interpretation of this text which was ()

A. Chen Sheng and write whole paragraphs of the plan Wu Guang, Yong, Chi, focusing on writing Chen.

B. Wei designed to kill and then,



11. Translate the following sentences.

(1) not cut by the first order, and Shu sixteen or seventeen dead solid.

(2) kings rather a kind of peace

(b) read the following discourse, to answer questions.

II, the first year of July, made applicable Lu Shu-Yu Yang nine hundred people left, Tuen Daze Heung. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were times when the line for the Tuen long. Will be days of heavy rain, road barrier, the degree lost the period. Loss of, France were cut. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were seeking, saying: is the son of Fusu. Fusu it to the number of remonstrance, on the external effect officers. this or smell of innocence, II kill. people hear more of their yin, his death is also unknown. items will be for Chu Yan, the number of active, love his soldiers ,Discount UGG boots, Chu pity it. or presumed dead, or that death. now all the fraud claim to sincerity to my son Fusu, Xiang Yan, for the world to sing, who should be more. Is the line BU. Knowing that the person what Italy, said: Death buy fish cooked food, get a fish book, solid to blame the carry on. The time between the order and Wu Guang Temple in the next bundle, bonfire night, Fox said, Wherein the Death fear all night. Day, stroke is often language, all that head Chen.

12. explain the following phrases mean.

(1) loss of (2) Act were cut

(3) bitter Qin (4) that it does

13. following groups the same meaning of a word is () A. Times: the times are the times when the line next to Temple in the

B. Cong book: silk said the book is Dan was a fish book

C. et al: die, die, and the country can be almost For horses, and often not available

D. Number: Fusu to admonish it to ride more than a thousand death a few tens of thousands of

14. The following analysis is a wrong ()


B. Sheng cited in detail in the text, then write the uprising of the planning process and the struggle strategy.

C. This section can be divided into three layers, the first layer of the reasons for writing the uprising, the uprising planning to write the second layer, third layer of public opinion to write.

D. wording of this paragraph to the description of the main characters actions,Bailey UGG boots, Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising reveals the origin and social class basis.

15. Translate the following sentences.

(1) Fusu it to the number of remonstrance, on the external effect officers.

(2) (death) to blame the carry solid.

thinking collision

16. Chenshe farming as a commission, but I thought of wealth, and there is careerist,

17. Chenshe, Chu Hing Tai, Sheng Wang 'Try to refer briefly to you.

expand after-school extended

reading a text, which you have a new understanding of Sheng? Try to refer briefly to you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lin Ran know not beautiful

 Lin Ran know not beautiful, because my brother Tao Lin always laugh at her: born of the same parents, he grew to a loud noise jade tree, while the forest What, then grow to be commended. However, Lin did not care how people think his brother could say, when his brother, his eyes laughing in the next Zhao Jie. Lin Ran heart acid. Zhao Jie is anything to help her, and can laugh at her brother this time, Zhao Jie did not refute. However, Zhao Jie Lin

and neighbors, but also good friends, or classmates, and Lin Tao grew up together. The longer of two childhood friend is handsome, the longer the handsome. The Forest What, then by the next time the baby has turned into a beautiful pair of virtues: height less than 160cm, weighing over 100 pounds, short neck, round face, eyes, facial features, the only ones who probably still can, the. However, because a child loves reading, faint dark of the view, now a 300 degree protection glass bottom up. Sapporo random hair up, long bangs buckle in the forehead, how to look is not a beauty.

always sigh with Mom: Why such a pretty little girl child has become like this? Your brother could not find a child fall to the ground, but now so handsome. Is a child growing up pretty ugly, ugly child grow up beautiful? Lin Ran looked depressed mother: You knew I was born old and should put the ugly point.

But even if ye be not long, but the forest was very happy then, and is the envy of many girls. Because there is always a handsome guy took her to school.

these days I always Zhao Jie Lin Ran. One is not a difficult question, Zhao Jie is time to ask in class several times. Intentionally or unintentionally, to mention the welcomed. However, Lin is not dumb, that the idea of Zhao Jie, but she would not say. Zhao Jie

not help: the forest of course,cheap UGG boots, you help me find out about the situation in Yan, right?

Haha, does your crush outstanding personality? Lin Ran laughed.

inducement to force under the Zhaojie Wei, Lin then reluctantly agreed.

Lin Yu Xin is a natural at the same table. How to see is the kind of beauty. Only a few words, good grades. Appeared to be very proud, very cold. Most of the guys just crush her, and did not dare say so. Zhao Jie

promised, but how, and Yu Xin cotton or a problem. Although natural forest at the same table, but natural and Yu Xin Lin did not say nothing. Distressed staring at Xin, from the way to school all the way to the classroom, Zhao Jie Luo miles has been called wordy chat with her and was welcomed, many inquire about the points in the case of Yan, is still with her eyes hint. Probably felt that Shining to look natural forest, in Xin Pianguo Tou, smiled: how wrong? Lin Ran is looking at her chin, suddenly come back to in Hin, elbows Yi Chan,UGG shoes, chin almost nibbling on the table. Hastened to say: Nothing. But not nothing, ah, Zhao Jie still waiting. Pretend to think of something, looked at her in the Yan, or the answer. Round Table was opened, the longer the extra duty. Know the class patrol, sharp eyes deterred in the classroom, the forest was then spit tongue, closed her lips. Yu Xin seen smiling. Lin Xin Ran found in not so cold ah.

after school, Zhao Jie can not wait to ask: How?

Lin Ran handed him a note, saying the situation today snooping. As a reward,bailey UGG boots, Zhao Jie Lin bought a lot of favorite things natural.

night, alone on the balcony eating Zhao Jie buy things, good things to eat before eating it, but today felt Sese. My brother came over, grabbed things go out into the mouth. Lin then glared at him: you eat it?

I can help you big favor. Watching you eat less painful. However, said hand shoulder shot in the forest: he can not finish the task you should be good to resort to others. These things you eat, you should turn to me to back you out.

Lin Ran helplessness: Some people is not the usual thick skinned, ah, when the walls of the can.

got some basic information, Zhao Jie directly dispatched. Zhao Jie is Nengkan, but was welcomed as it is very polite to say a few words, and occasionally in Xinxiao out. One found in Xin Xiao, and Zhao Jie like as if King You of Zhou, was harder.

Wednesday, when Zhao Jie and Lin Tao organized a class competition, Zhao Jie is the Sports Commission, is also a class basketball team captain, is also the school basketball team, the natural play. This guy is so in love with the limelight every time a play to mess with girls screaming. However, Zhao Jie Lin originally planned to refuel, but instead see themselves in the position of Yan, has been custody for Lin Ran Zhao Jie Xin jacket was in her arms, was welcomed by many girls surrounded by the beautiful non-party matter.

Lin Ran a little lost, my brother saw her, ran up to her: old sister, to give you my clothes. You take care of the.

white at him, then turned away forest, did not watch the games. Results of the competition is Gordon Chan told her, with Zhao Jie Chen Jia as saying that basketball is played can be described as very handsome, light Shuashuai, so lost.

but lost the game, won the beautiful heart. Yan looked at after that game against Zhao Jie greatly improved.

Thursday, Zhao Jie Yan decided to build on the progress of the invitation to go to the movies at night. However, Zhao Jie tickets to give to Yan Lin. Psychological discomfort in Xin, the wallets is Yan's book, buried in a book.

evening, Lin Ran Xu Jiumei sleep, want to be forced to sleep, the more so that more can not, to the middle of the night to go before daze.

the morning my mom woke up a while howling to a roar, a watch is 7:30, and panic in the wash in the mother's nagging to eat out of the house. That bastard did not wait for her brother. Had running all the way, but fortunately, before the school bell rang to the classroom, relieved.

class, see Zhao Jie came to himself, Lin then got up to go out busy, so give him a seat, so she and Yu Xin have a conversation. But unexpectedly, Zhao Jie stopped her: Lin Ran, you will be given on tickets yesterday welcomed it?

asked his watch, frowning Zhao Jie, Lin Ran surprised a moment, looking at the Yan: I do not put it on your desk yet? Term instruments also sandwiched.

in Xin heard, pick up the language textbooks, rolled, nothing.

No, you are yesterday language books are open. You can see a return. Whispered in my heart to ask yourself, should not clip the wrong book, right? Think should be right, look through their books, movie tickets, the language was lying Lin Ran book.

do not know what is get through that painful day, Zhao Jie that the cold eyes, he took what to say, but even more uncomfortable Lin Ran. However, Lin had told him as his sister, and then carrying on without looking Xin away.

home at night, busted their ass to find my brother to drink, did not drink a bottle of their own to get on the ground first.

Saturday, said N times on the mother that he will not take things too hard, the mother hastened to go shopping and go. Dad overtime, my brother did not know where to play go. Are busy business, only one person own nothing.

back and forth from one added to the last channel, it is boring, go out now. Tao Lin

night home, my mom greeted joyfully eat, it appears to a lot of good baby Amoy. Tao Lin sat down to eat, eyes accidentally cast a glance to the side, rubbed his eyes: not sick are you today, right?

destroyed my brother outstretched claws, have to stare at him angry Lin Ran: You have the disease. It took a few pieces of hair cut short ten

, looks much the spirit, my brother know what's good side.

night, a man in the balcony to drink orange juice, my brother came again: falling out of love do not have this right? Long hair is cut like you.

hey, you said, and the straw the same?

have mercy on your hair, ah, so are you to the abandoned. Romance do not have this ah? Cry cry, there was no need and hair trying to find fault ah.

brother a glare: What romance ah, I'm fine.

Lin Tao Pie Piezui: if it is true ah.

too lazy to care for him, then got back into the house forest.

Monday, Lin then found a very sympathetic at the same table and looked at her. However, Zhao Jie Lin and explain for my seat, Lin said then that the eyes on the teacher not to forward tone. The teacher is clever, agreed. So now the same table Zhao Jie Lin Chan Ka Ran to become the new at the same table.

see Lin Ran transfer over, Gordon Chan bitter: and Zhao Jie can chat, and then a little girl Lin you what did McCain. Lin then glanced at him, did not speak. However, Lin did not see how that guilt, Gordon Chan shouted a few words to stop, looked at with sympathy natural forest.

intolerable no longer forbear. However, Lin also turned to look at him. They 大眼瞪小眼.

you do not play, and Gordon Chan sigh: no big deal, not to falling out of love it?

I pretend to be ah? Do I have to burst into tears, eat or drink, malaise?

Gordon Chan speechless.

Chen Jia Lin Ran is not suspected by stimulating the brain have a problem. Very quiet, she has now before it can be said. Class is simply too positive, and give a class a few hands, so that he also suffered the same table, the teacher did not see the forest for Lin Ran Ran hands and let him answer the same table to answer, the answer not only to Lin Ran answer. At the end add: Gordon Chan, you look at the forest of course, study it carefully. Chen Jia hate teeth itch

. However, even more frustrating is that Lin chess drawer to see him, he just wants to own the next several dishes. However, Lin also very surprised that playing chess, then the next a few disks. Chess boast of natural forest, trays and trays lose, the last being the time, but still handsome regardless of their own, instead taking his son to himself. Gordon Chan said: so how can you play, you have to handsome.

Lin Ran said: No, that car will give you to eat. Handsome little use is not every day asking people to patrol. Which is not ancient generals leading from the front. How can such a reduction in it, so can not be eaten nothing.

Gordon Chan was silent she was right, then the commander will be eaten by forest, forest What, then his will to eat. No matter what the two generals, and playing games and eat sub.

fall sports to start, the school let out of class at least one player for each project, Zhao Jie upset, the boys are encouraged to register'd be girls to talk about the same, no one actually register a kilometer. Lin Ran heard came up: I ran a kilometer. Write his name said. Zhao Jie Lin looked at of course, the name of forest natural finish on the back seat.

looked at Chen Jia Lin Youyi strange then. Lin then went back to see him, so looking at the two. Gordon Chan who do not live by: Zhao Jie said do not like to see him in trouble, some people are desperate to run a kilometer.

me that it was for the sake of the class, and one thousand meters no one fight with me, I smoothly on into the game. Young little bit at a sporting event name. Oh, said Gordon Chan pat on the shoulder, back when you as my same table, I will not forget the guide and support you,UGG bailey button, you can become famous.

Chan Ka white at her: You do not lose face when the time for our class on the line.

games ago, Lin then get up early every day to the park laps. My brother did not forget to hit her: Do not run, you can participate in this race pretty good year. Lin Ran ignore him, in fact, also the junior high school athletes ah. When two days of school or 200 meters, 400 meters champion, only to high school running less.

sports day, it really is a hot topic. This class is the only natural as a forest one kilometer run, in addition to other projects class students, to come and cheer for her.

Lin Ran wearing a white down jacket, Sapporo hair up high, do not wear glasses, sweeping away the mess before the way, is of particular spirit. Think so not that bad. Gordon Chan walked over and handed her a bottle of water: This looks bad. Lin Ran is preparing to show off a few, Gordon Chan went on to say: go take off glasses to see it? Lin Ran almost choking to let the water, the water returned to the Gordon Chan: You're known for it to wait for me.

for a moment, the game began. However, Lin also run the line, the last lap, Lin then the only two people in front. To accelerate, but unfortunately stepped on the foot like cotton, does not have access to power. Seeing to ten meters away from the end, and next to the students cheering louder and louder. Lin Ran exhausted body strength forging ahead and crossed the finish line, foot on the soft. Chen Jia Lin hugged course, did not let her fall to the ground.

Chen Jia Lin escorted to the sidelines to rest. Gordon Chan said Lin Ran, you got the fourth, could not get out overnight. Lin Ran surprised a moment, though do not care about their good and bad results, but heard the score was a bit depressed.

hee hee, got you, you run the first instrument allows really famous. To celebrate, give you a bottle of juice. Gordon Chan said smiling, then handed a bottle of juice Lin.

Lin Ran took the juice: Really?

do not believe you ask the other students.

have a few friends nodded.

Lin Ran, first to congratulate you get km champion, if you want to now what we said? Gordon Chan finished, enthusiastically arrange things will come out of a folding umbrella umbrellas facing the forest of course, just like that it was a microphone.

Lin Ran speechless. Something that only Gordon Chan was thought out, was ordered to clean up, this guy took the broom, inclined to hold when the guitar. To punish his teacher saw it, could not help but smile. Gordon Chan

white look, then says Lin: Thank you, CCTV, thank you MTV, Thank you, VCD, DVD ---

thank the students almost brought down the next. Word

Gordon Chan said: You are too talented, and Lin He then made a smile towards the

basketball game the next day. Zhao Jie and Chen have a battle. Chen Jia Lin grinning to coat natural delivery, then took over the forest, said: every 15 minutes ten custodial Boyd. Gordon Chan smile turned back to court. Zhao Jie and Chen both together, the abnormal ball great, no effort to win the.

kick the ball, Gordon Chan to come and collect clothes, Lin then stretched out a hand: money.

wow, is not it, yesterday was not my words, you and come to a close contact with the earth. Gordon Chan said reach for clothes.

you, you do yesterday advantage of me.

wrong ah, yesterday I just help you look and how I take advantage of you ah. Also accounted for to account for that kind of beauty in Xin cheap thing.

mentioned in Yan, Lin Xin Ran in a shot from the side that was to wipe Zhao Jie, the two stand together, really good match. Not help look bleak, and the clothes upon their Gordon Chan, turned away. Gordon Chan scratched hair.

Lin Ran class basketball in the first year had to compete for championship competition in natural forest classes and she started classes Corinthians Tao. Tao Lin is the captain of the school basketball team, he also has several class basketball team, very strong. Some hard work, Lin Tao classes finally won.

evening, forest, and then sitting in the balcony alongside my brother, Lin Tao Lin then gave a drink: Congratulations, ah, captain.

bad you do not, ah, could get third. - Alas, those who study sports Gansha school went, people like you could get third.

do not drink, and to me. Bitterly watched my brother.

hee hee, good old girl ah. To be honest, I had to think for you Gordon Chan, Zhao Jie Zhao Yan was too. Of course, I'm your brother Chan Ka might not so handsome, but also handsome ah. Whether you hit the ball. Zhao Jie of the ring only to be blocked.

What did you say ah?

not installed, but I see you get him clothes ah.

you call that, I took it back to you.

that different, you are my sister ah.

Lin Ran looked at my brother: I also see that your class who you get clothes?

that is that your brother who is also enamored of the pictures. Hey, ashamed, ashamed, too head charm, so you do not know what the name says.

you are too narcissistic, right? Lin Ran a pained look.

Zhao Jie and Yu Xin fact, together, Lin Ran is a bit sad. But seems not the kind of uncomfortable, as if only selfish heart trouble, had so good a boy of their own, or so good a guy as good instead of another girl, girls are a little uncomfortable Rehe, even if that do not like.

Long live the friendship! However, Lin said lifting drinks drank.

not it If you say you do not shoot their own conditions robbed a good point, but why are you,,, hey.

ignore my brother's much, then back to the room of the Lin.

Long live the friendship! Sleep.