Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Plum sweater

 Years old, he was hurt because of the attack, was sentenced to 6 years. From the day he was in prison, no one came to see him. Widowed mother, raised pains to him, think he had just graduated from high school to happen, so his mother heartbroken. He understood the mother, the mother has reason to hate him.
imprisonment that winter, he received a sweater, sweater embroidered with the lower corners of a plum, plum on the other a narrow piece of paper: a good transformation, mother counting on your pension yet. This note, so he has a strong burst into tears. This is the mother knitted sweater, stitch, are so familiar. Mother had told him that a man should be like winter bloom, the more suffering, more to come out of beautiful flowers.
four years later, the mother still did not see him, but every winter, she sent a sweater, as well as the note. To go out one day earlier, he worked hard to transform, for a reduced sentence. Sure enough, on the fifth year, he was released early.
carrying a simple package, which is all his belongings --- five sweaters, he returned home. Lock the door hung a large, large lock is rusty. Roof, but also grow a foot high grass. He wondered, Where is his mother? Turned around to find a neighbor, neighbors looked at him in surprise and asked him not there a year before coming back? He shook his head and asked: His head like a clap of thunder sounded, impossible! Mother was forty years old, how could go? He also received the winter of her sweater and saw the note she left behind.
neighbor shook his head, took him to the graves. A new heap out of the mound in his eyes. He Zhaoyan, my mind went blank. A long while, he asked the mother how to get it? Neighbors said the attack because of his injuries, his mother borrowed a debt treatment for the wounded. After he entered prison, his mother left home more than two years will be moved to the fireworks factory work, year round do not come back. That a few sweaters, he feared his mother was afraid, always Tuoren Dai home forwarded by the neighbors. Just last year Chinese New Year fireworks factory overtime production, catches fire. The whole plant explosion, there are a dozen work of outsiders, as well as to help the owner of the family, all dead. Among them, there is his mother.
neighbors said, and sighed, saying that he does at home there is one sweater, ready to be sent to him this winter.
in her mother's grave, he was crying in the corner, crying incessantly. All blame him, that he killed his mother, he is really a Buxiao Zi! He should go to hell!
next day, he sold the old house, carrying a loaded six parcels sweater migrate, to the field battles.
Time flies, flash four years later. He foothold in the city, opened a small restaurant, and soon married a simple girl wife.
small restaurant business is very good, because the inexpensive, because of his modesty and his wife's enthusiasm. Every morning, four o'clock he woke up early to go shopping, only then the required until the dawn of vegetables, meat pulled home. No employees hands, two people busy like a top. Often, because of lack of sleep, his eyes red.
Soon, a old man pushing a tricycle came to his door. She hunched back, a limp walk, hand gestures, trying to provide him with vegetables and fresh meat, absolutely fresh, the price is also cheaper. The elderly is a mute, his face full of dust, eye brows and a few scars to her side of the face look ugly. Wife does not consent, the elderly look, looks really uncomfortable. But he ignored his wife's objections, agreed. Somehow, in front of him suddenly remembered the old mother.
old man is disloyal, he requested to be shipped each time the vegetables are really fresh. So, every morning at six o'clock, full of food on time to a tricycle in front of his restaurant. He also asked the people eat the occasional bowl of noodles, the old man to eat slowly, enjoy it. Sour his heart, the elderly, said she eat here every day bowl. Old man laughed, a limp came. He looked at her, somehow, thought of his mother, suddenly have a urge to cry.
flash, then two years later, his restaurant became a restaurant, he also had a sizeable savings, bought a house. To send food for him, is still the elderly.
It took another two weeks, suddenly one day, he waited a long time in front of, but have been waiting for less than the elderly. Time has been an hour, the elderly had not come. He did not contact her, had no option but to allow workers to buy food. Two hours later, the workers back to the dishes, take a closer look, his heart had swelling on the skin, the car is far less than the old man sent the dish Levin. Sent to all elderly people carefully selected vegetables, almost no dry leaves, Keke is cool.
only, from that days later, the elderly does not appear again.
Spring is coming, and he wrapped dumplings, suddenly said to his wife wanted to send a bowl of old people, by the way what happened to see her. How not to send food for a week? This is something never before. Wife nodded.
boiled dumplings, he was carrying, repeatedly asking a lame to send food for the elderly, and finally two streets away from his restaurant in the alley, asked to be her.
He knocked on the door for a long time, no one answered. Door unlatched, and he pulled away. Small dark room, the old man lying in bed, bag of bones. Old man saw him, eyes wide open in surprise, tried to sit up, but could do nothing. He put the dumplings into the bed, and asked the old man is not sick. Old Zhang mouth, say something, but no say. He sat down, looked at this little room, suddenly, a few pictures on the wall so he was surprised to open mouth. Turned out to be a picture of his mother! He was 5 years old, 10 years old, 17 years old ... ... the corner, a cloth with the burden of the old, the burden of skin, embroidered with a plum.
He turned his head, stare at the old man, and asked who she was. Old man stared, suddenly blurted out: My son.
he completely shocked! In front of the elderly, is not dumb? Get food for his two years old, is his mother?
clear that such familiar hoarse voice, not his mother, who can? He spent Leng Leng, suddenly came up, hugged his mother and wail bitterly, tears stained the mother and son together.
cry I do not know how long he first raised his head, choking back tears, seeing his mother's grave, that she died, so before leaving home. Mother wiped his tears, said that her neighbors do so. Her work in the fireworks factory explosion, she luckily survived, but destroyed the capacity of the lame leg. Look at your appearance, think about his son been to prison, the family was poor and he will certainly not on the daughters are married. In order not to drag him, and she came up with this idea, saying that he died, let him go into exile in the remote root, start their families.
learned that he left home, she returned to the village. Inquire was removed, only that he arrived in the city. She scavenging for a living, looking for his four years, finally found his little restaurant. She was ecstatic watching her busy, she was heartache. In order to see his son every day to help reduce the burden on him, she began shopping for him, a buy is two years. But now, her legs are not agile, not under the bed, so can no longer send food for him.
his eyes in tears in their eyes, no other mother finished, the mother picked up the burden left on her own.
he has been carrying his mother, he did not know, their home away from the mother's residence could be so close. He did not go twenty minutes, it will be back home where the mother.
mother lived in his new home for three days. Three days, she told him a lot. She said his arrest had never been seen, and she almost went to see his father. Can not think of his son out of prison, can not go on and stayed on! Him out of prison, she thought his son not married and still can not walk; see her son married, and think not see the grandchildren, and stayed on ... ... she said, when his face has been with laugh. He also told his mother that a lot, but he never told his mother, when he knives to injure the reason is because someone insulted her, with the most obscene language. In this world, how to call him hit him, he can endure, but can not tolerate someone insulting his mother.
Three days later, she died peacefully. Doctor looked grief-stricken, he said softly, raised his head, the mother, but still suffering from bone cancer?
open that burden, folded neatly inside a new sweater, a baby, a wife, and have their own, one and one, each embroidered with a bright red on both clubs.
burden the bottom, is a diagnosis: bone cancer. Time is the second year after his imprisonment.
his hands trembled, and my heart like a knife inserted a cut out of a gouge in pain.

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