Monday, January 3, 2011

Strip VS Police

 In the flickering light, the two young women dressed in three-point summary

of the stage stop in the writhing body, not when it slipped out of their bra

and panties, the nearly nude to show more than 60 men in the audience in

front. which two women were also kept the audience Sanya city in several

months of continuous performances, even performances have been down also.

(November 29 South China Sea Network)
wide variety of opportunities to make money now, most people rely on their

own ability to act the part of earning hard cash earn legitimate money. but

inevitably there are fixed crooked mind, engage in dishonest money making

black-hearted people, such easy money, earn too much, but the harm to

society is high. as such the name of dance concert Donghai County of the spa

town, village and farmers in the funeral, when the strip appeared vulgar;

Yizhang southernmost county in Hunan, Hunan local people who know this town

is not much. just here to make known the reasons for the number of mmm

stripper who some regret. and so on. strip the original is more a stream in

the countryside, its performance is furtive, shot for a place, and now has

spread to the provincial-level municipalities, and prior to the end of the

year from the Spring Festival , a speech that for months, its vitality why

there is so strong?
early as the end of 2002 the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public

Security issued a circular to the nation, requiring all levels of culture,

public security departments to crack down and eliminate all kinds of ugly

social and cultural phenomenon prohibited organization or engage in

striptease performances, Simon shows and state laws and regulations prohibit

the other performances, this advertising is prohibited, to attract viewers.

But if the local public security departments are not due diligence. First,

the Police performed a few months department did not check once on the

ground that had not received any reports. Second, even if journalists live

performances on the spot in the 110 to play until the show finished to see

the public security organs have not come to investigate. The next day a

reporter asked the police on duty, the police said both : police out of the

police arrangements, and at the scene and did not find any pornographic

performances situation. This is really strange? Third, the move to open

pornographic performances Jigan Palace of Culture on the second floor show,

police did not know.
the pornographic performances set foot in the local, to take root. the one

hand, the place for such things that have become commonplace, as a viewer

chat with reporters, the man enthusiastically to reporters about the case

since said, ? do not know, ah, but there is no one tube for months over ah,

but I heard that they call the fight early and relevant departments. ,

within the scope of their jurisdiction that does not smell the wind, to not

get that message? even the media, the masses have been reported, sent a

reporter to make unannounced visits, and even the cultural sector have been

been reported, there is no one to report to public security departments?

Like the one hand, men who then said they (the performing party) long and

the departments concerned to lay hello, whether in this sector, including

the public security departments? no matter what he said is true, people can

not help but suspect that this talent .
sex shows three day, continuously for months, but also to place juveniles in

the Palace of Culture on the second floor of high performance, really hard

to understand, especially police reporter at the scene on the spot, both can

be safe and sound, to show so that anomalies, both weigh from that point of

view, can not help but make people question: where the police have not

received a report able to push the know? just do oversight?

1 comment:

  1. Just got my payment for $500.

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