Monday, January 24, 2011

Experts said that the real wealth with the people of China should avoid falling into the middle-income trap

 Graphics / Xu Bo Chao

National Bureau of Statistics data released last week, preliminary accounting, last year China's GDP (gross domestic product) was 39.7983 trillion yuan. This means that per capita GDP exceeded 4,000 U.S. dollars. Last year, the total per capita household income of urban residents was 21,033 yuan, an increase of 11.5%. Per capita net income of rural residents 5,919 yuan, an increase of 14.9%. Both urban and rural income growth than GDP growth rate.

China's economic development as a critical period, from the How to learn from other countries to respond to China's This became an issue of concern to economists recently.

focus of a Transformation of Economic Development

What a country chooses the path of economic development can avoid the Many experts believe that the authority, change the mode of economic development in the

 Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission Yang Weimin

Must change the mode of economic development

The United States engage in an At present, China's industrial production capacity and has a lot of excess manufacturing capacity, and then by a large number of investment-led growth is not much potential. Therefore, to crossed the

 JP Morgan Chase Vice Chairman of China Investment Bank Frank Gong

Create their own brand

When a country reaches a certain stage of economic development, labor costs and production costs are soaring, which requires the creation of new value and the emergence of new industries. If an economic system can not find a new way of value creation (ie, the technology can not own the brand and resources), then the economy will greatly benefit the growth decline. This decline is the

Focus II Distribution system of dividends

In addition to the adjustment of economic development, the income gap is too wide and national income failed to synchronize with the GDP growth is considered to be some of the country into a Real people to get rich, so that people really enjoy the fruits of economic growth is crossed by many experts believe that

 well-known financial commentator Liu Ge

Japan should learn The mid-70s in the last century, Japan's per capita GDP reached 4,000 U.S. dollars. By the beginning of 60's plan to double the national income, then Japan has become a Japan's industrialization and urbanization, while significantly narrowing the gap between rich and poor. However, in many parts of the world, from Latin America to Southeast Asia, many newly industrialized countries, almost all go the opposite way of industrialization and urbanization, while widening gap between rich and poor. Only a few East Asian countries and regions to get rid of

 Democratic National Construction Association Central Committee Vice Chairman Gu Shengzu

Promote the reform of income distribution

Crossed the In order to avoid the urban and rural, industry and regional income disparities such as the urgent need for governments and businesses work together to advance the reform of the income distribution system.

focus of the three Education reform improve social mobility

Reduced social mobility, easy to make China into a Low social mobility is the so-called .

 Dean of Guanghua School of Management Cai Hongbin

Social mobility is the core of long-term economic growth

Government investment should shift from physical capital to human capital such as education and health investment, not only to increase volume, but also focus on eliminating inequality in education and health. Japan's experience on the equalization of education in China should learn from.
 Hong Kong Baptist University, Dean of the School of Business Administration Stephen Cheung

To ensure that migrant workers have equal access to education the next generation

Education can get out of poverty will change a person's life, but it is a long process. If the central government fiscal surplus, it is necessary to ensure the next generation of migrant workers enjoy equal educational opportunities. Chinese society has realized some people get rich, and now their responsibility to lead most people to get rich. The central government should study how to start the Corporate Social Responsibility, so rich that some people push us to achieve common prosperity.

focus of four Relax restrictions on market access

China's economy less than before, as an increasing scale economies, the factors affecting China's economic development more complex, deep-seated contradictions and problems accumulated more and more, including inflation, high housing issues and environmental governance issues. How to avoid How to resolve long-standing abuse from the source? How to make breakthroughs in key areas? These must have a

 National Information Center of Economic Research Research Associate, Department of the World Nan Zhang Mo

Accelerate the social construction

Can China crossed the Overall, the vast majority of the total and scale of the problem can rely on the Government to increase public investment or to attract capital investment to address social, structural and relationship issues, you must rely on to solve the deepening social reform.

 Dean of Guanghua School of Management Cai Hongbin

Create a relaxed environment for mobile

In the system to reform the household registration system, to break the urban and rural areas In the U.S., half of the population can feel that they have a chance to think if he can do whatever they want to do, which is played a vital role in socio-economic development factors, so the system, we must have that changes.

Morning News reporter Xing Fei


Middle-income trap

Historical experience shows that many emerging market countries, per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars of the However, the per capita GDP to around 3,000 U.S. dollars, the rapid accumulation of development will focus on the outbreak of the conflict, long-term economic stagnation, a serious divide between rich and poor, corruption-prone, into a so-called Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Malaysia were in the 70s of last century into the ranks of middle-income countries. Until 2007, these countries are still struggling in the U.S. to 5000 U.S. dollars per capita GDP3000 During the same period, only Japan, South Korea and Singapore and a few other countries and regions out of the

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