Saturday, January 29, 2011

Go to Chinese restaurant

 Today, there are two students with a senior Chinese restaurant to eat together. Would have to go to that house called Peking Palace, the results others do, and actually went out of business. There is no way that we decide to change a Chinese restaurant called Jade Rivers . but forgot the address where the brothers, so we in the suburbs have come a full circle. their free-rider to appreciate the outskirts of Lincoln again, the mood was full of cool.
southeast of Lincoln, many of them are middle class and rich one area, it is more affluent, are basically small villa, estate or something, though small in size. on the way also found that Lincoln has a lake, but I do not know it, the scenery is also very good along the way and took some photo, posted to the blog.
ps: big wind and rain outside now, it seems to have down the hail, so scary ah, Lincoln weather is really lousy.
failures that do good cheap hotel

Jade Rivers hotel lobby

lot of good I played it, it
drooling compatriots in foreign countries where there birthday, sing the birthday song
serving the local, and China Buffet like it?
outside the hotel, very beautiful scenery along the road Oh

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week thin silver Can release the number of years was fired because of scalping

 We hope that a few years ago was dismissed railway employees scalping cases of discipline is zero, and to allow the railway has not announced the is rampant, a number of passengers eager to go home is still there to buy only from high-priced ticket scalpers. And we reaffirmed this year from the Ministry of Railways, the

Internet search News 2010 Spring Festival, January 20, 2010, the political director of the Ministry of Railways said that the high Xiaobing, the requirements of the conductor has been allowed to extend last year's four to seven are not allowed to prevent and combat the possible problem of collusion reselling tickets. Scalping of workers participating in a more severe punishment, if found to be labor contracts.

far do not say, say it the spring of 2010, the number of railways in the end dismissed the employees because of scalping and discipline, their discipline and what is the fact that, in spring 2011, also released this information should be necessary is the most convincing it!

1 22, Vice Minister Wang Zhiguo said at the press conference, this year scalping railway workers, all labor contracts. Wang Zhiguo said that for all the railway workers, in particular, relevant trade unions and railway tickets, has been fully carried out before the spring by one type of education, or disciplinary actions if found scalping will be severely dealt with (Jan. 23,

We are not against the Ministry of Railways in the grasp In fact, the first two years the Ministry of Railways is also emphatic pay close attention to the spring

Review of thin silver
internal purge of the public can look forward to rail more victories, I believe that the railway itself and hope that through this action to improve social credibility. If you really prepared to Lu family scandal.


If we traced back to the 2009 Spring Festival, also has severe purge of scalping behavior within the discipline. January 11 that year, the Ministry of Railways spokesman Wang Yongping said the railway workers if there is collusion, reselling tickets, only to be fired directly, in serious cases will be handed over to judicial organs.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

February shooting straight text to be sitting straight text may confront suspects

 Straight text (left) and Lin Zhengwei (right) data for

Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 25, according to Taiwan's days of the decision on February 15 in the first trial, the collegial panel will notify the court expressed the view straight text, straight text if the court, the court and the suspects in the

reported that 24-game winning streak culture media interview, still shooting to mistakenly hit dissatisfaction closed. Panchiao District Prosecutors Office Prosecutor Chen Zhengfen Director Xiang read that all findings and evidence in the indictment, there is no response. It is reported that

closed last week, shooting straight text, not a prosecution in order to blackmail Lin Zhengwei, let Chen Mingxiong understand And then, because of the mistaken middle of the stage of the straight text is Chen Hongyuan, it will be shot straight text, and caused the audience holy man died Yun Huang, Lin Zhengwei prosecution and will seek the death penalty specifically.

Panchiao District Court transferred the whole case, after drawing lots of money Yan Zhen after the judge as ordered, the presiding judge is Lijun Hao judge.

24   collegial panel discussion, decided on February 15 court preparation procedure opened the afternoon of the first day, in addition to Lin Zhengwei arraignment, the court will send notice to the straight text.

after the incident had been due to Lin Zhengwei from prosecution, have never seen the police or the new cable company, as the film's shooting wave discs, together with Lin Zhengwei estoppel, the Full Court in these two films will be in court inquest shooting discs, so Lin Zhengwei watch and comment.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Experts said that the real wealth with the people of China should avoid falling into the middle-income trap

 Graphics / Xu Bo Chao

National Bureau of Statistics data released last week, preliminary accounting, last year China's GDP (gross domestic product) was 39.7983 trillion yuan. This means that per capita GDP exceeded 4,000 U.S. dollars. Last year, the total per capita household income of urban residents was 21,033 yuan, an increase of 11.5%. Per capita net income of rural residents 5,919 yuan, an increase of 14.9%. Both urban and rural income growth than GDP growth rate.

China's economic development as a critical period, from the How to learn from other countries to respond to China's This became an issue of concern to economists recently.

focus of a Transformation of Economic Development

What a country chooses the path of economic development can avoid the Many experts believe that the authority, change the mode of economic development in the

 Secretary-General of the National Development and Reform Commission Yang Weimin

Must change the mode of economic development

The United States engage in an At present, China's industrial production capacity and has a lot of excess manufacturing capacity, and then by a large number of investment-led growth is not much potential. Therefore, to crossed the

 JP Morgan Chase Vice Chairman of China Investment Bank Frank Gong

Create their own brand

When a country reaches a certain stage of economic development, labor costs and production costs are soaring, which requires the creation of new value and the emergence of new industries. If an economic system can not find a new way of value creation (ie, the technology can not own the brand and resources), then the economy will greatly benefit the growth decline. This decline is the

Focus II Distribution system of dividends

In addition to the adjustment of economic development, the income gap is too wide and national income failed to synchronize with the GDP growth is considered to be some of the country into a Real people to get rich, so that people really enjoy the fruits of economic growth is crossed by many experts believe that

 well-known financial commentator Liu Ge

Japan should learn The mid-70s in the last century, Japan's per capita GDP reached 4,000 U.S. dollars. By the beginning of 60's plan to double the national income, then Japan has become a Japan's industrialization and urbanization, while significantly narrowing the gap between rich and poor. However, in many parts of the world, from Latin America to Southeast Asia, many newly industrialized countries, almost all go the opposite way of industrialization and urbanization, while widening gap between rich and poor. Only a few East Asian countries and regions to get rid of

 Democratic National Construction Association Central Committee Vice Chairman Gu Shengzu

Promote the reform of income distribution

Crossed the In order to avoid the urban and rural, industry and regional income disparities such as the urgent need for governments and businesses work together to advance the reform of the income distribution system.

focus of the three Education reform improve social mobility

Reduced social mobility, easy to make China into a Low social mobility is the so-called .

 Dean of Guanghua School of Management Cai Hongbin

Social mobility is the core of long-term economic growth

Government investment should shift from physical capital to human capital such as education and health investment, not only to increase volume, but also focus on eliminating inequality in education and health. Japan's experience on the equalization of education in China should learn from.
 Hong Kong Baptist University, Dean of the School of Business Administration Stephen Cheung

To ensure that migrant workers have equal access to education the next generation

Education can get out of poverty will change a person's life, but it is a long process. If the central government fiscal surplus, it is necessary to ensure the next generation of migrant workers enjoy equal educational opportunities. Chinese society has realized some people get rich, and now their responsibility to lead most people to get rich. The central government should study how to start the Corporate Social Responsibility, so rich that some people push us to achieve common prosperity.

focus of four Relax restrictions on market access

China's economy less than before, as an increasing scale economies, the factors affecting China's economic development more complex, deep-seated contradictions and problems accumulated more and more, including inflation, high housing issues and environmental governance issues. How to avoid How to resolve long-standing abuse from the source? How to make breakthroughs in key areas? These must have a

 National Information Center of Economic Research Research Associate, Department of the World Nan Zhang Mo

Accelerate the social construction

Can China crossed the Overall, the vast majority of the total and scale of the problem can rely on the Government to increase public investment or to attract capital investment to address social, structural and relationship issues, you must rely on to solve the deepening social reform.

 Dean of Guanghua School of Management Cai Hongbin

Create a relaxed environment for mobile

In the system to reform the household registration system, to break the urban and rural areas In the U.S., half of the population can feel that they have a chance to think if he can do whatever they want to do, which is played a vital role in socio-economic development factors, so the system, we must have that changes.

Morning News reporter Xing Fei


Middle-income trap

Historical experience shows that many emerging market countries, per capita GDP exceeded 1,000 U.S. dollars of the However, the per capita GDP to around 3,000 U.S. dollars, the rapid accumulation of development will focus on the outbreak of the conflict, long-term economic stagnation, a serious divide between rich and poor, corruption-prone, into a so-called Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile and Malaysia were in the 70s of last century into the ranks of middle-income countries. Until 2007, these countries are still struggling in the U.S. to 5000 U.S. dollars per capita GDP3000 During the same period, only Japan, South Korea and Singapore and a few other countries and regions out of the

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Heat coach Anpi selfish convinced the emperor will be able to rebound in the face of adversity Heat

 Beijing on Jan. 19 message, in today's NBA regular season, Miami sits at home against Atlanta, which is both the second contest of the season. The campaign firing back together even though James Wade combined 61 points cut, but the lack of Bosh's Heat finally the Hawks could not withstand the attack, the fall of home suffered a 89-93 overtime longest season 4 game losing streak. Heat coach after the game Terra Jasper Hills made the game on their views:

before the start of the race today, Jasper Hills Terra hope to regain the Heat tight defense. Heat coach does not in fact hope dashed, but he could not control the Heat's offensive rhythm, the rhythm can not find the squad rotation. Hawks in overtime after a 89-93 loss to the Heat's losing streak extended to a season-screening of 4 games. rebounds. James in the fourth quarter and overtime for the last time the two shot, Jasper Hills Stella explains: shot look easy. Prior to Spur Wales Tel

set a goal for the Heat, that is, limit the opponent to score 90 points or less, limited opponents to 40% hit rate. Heat just before the game four Hawks got 77 points, while the Hawks hit rate is not 40%.

Heat start the game very bad, only one vote in the first 8 James, Wade went 1-6 start. Spur of the game for Wales Tracy array frequent in the second half, the second half and James Chalmers - Jones replaced the position of Arroyo and Zydrunas Ilgauskas. This is crazy.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The central government allocated emergency snow and ice disaster relief payments 45,000,000

 Recently, Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi, suffered serious snow and ice storms in the production and living of affected people greater impact. January 14, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Civil Affairs emergency snow and ice disaster allocated 45 million yuan in relief funds for disaster highways, railways, stranded on the evacuation and living assistance, the affected people evacuated and damage tolls down housing rehabilitation reconstruction subsidies.

Ministry of Finance website news, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Civil Affairs emergency snow and ice disaster allocated 45 million yuan in relief funds for disaster highways, railways, stranded on the evacuation and living assistance, the affected people and evacuated down tolls loss of housing reconstruction grants and so on. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mancini optimistic about the beast and dominant partner, the Premiership is now the end of hope

 Beijing January 16, 2010, 23 in the Premiership Manchester City in the 4-3 win over the Wolves round. The City also by virtue of this victory, points than Manchester United, boarded the points the top position. In an interview after the match Manchester City manager Roberto Mancini In addition, he also praised the name of Carlos Tevez scored twice in the game and contribution assists the dominant factors.

Wolves though poor record, but it has been a headache for Manchester City. Mancini also believes Wolves of the game gave them a lot of trouble. Before the game I told the players. 20 minutes before the game, our rhythm control was not good. The Wolves at this time was outstanding. Their 1 goal lead, to put a lot of pressure on us. But we still control the scene, the first half of the last 15 minutes and the second half, we played better. But we in the final 10 minutes was to the effect that our players believe that this will keep the score 4-1 to the end of the show. We had the guard, even a big lead. Unfortunately, we do not. Every game you should concentrate on in 90 minutes. Bosnia and Herzegovina striker Mancini is also very satisfied with the first show. Although he did not score, but I think he played great. This is his first game in the team. Obviously he needs time to adapt and improve, but he is definitely a good player. Carlos Tevez scored two fantastic goals, his performance very well. The first goal in particular, is fantastic. A team needs new players to integrate into the 3 to 4 weeks time in order to gradually understand the team. They are two very good players. Between the good players are always special calls. I'm happy for our fans. Because the results worthy of their support. But the season is long, we also need to improve the lot of places. Example, the last 10 minutes of today's mistakes. This is just a long season and we have to win one game, the other is not important.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fiscal 2011 to accelerate the appreciation of the RMB should avoid the weak currency

 Page 1: RMB 2011 or more than 6% increase in page 2: the use of financial instruments to hedge foreign exchange risk
1 13, break 6.5 against the dollar, setting a new high since the exchange rate reform. In the President's visit on the eve of faster appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar, just one week to reach 0.68% rise, rise to the unusual transactions attention. In addition to climbing higher and higher against the dollar, the RMB against other currencies fluctuate, while also maintaining two-way shock rise this year against the euro, Japanese yen and the ruble and other currencies have shown a more substantial gains accumulated.

been ascribed to the trend of the RMB, whether individual investors or companies need to adjust their investment and financial management strategies. For an individual, should be held earlier plan to reduce foreign exchange foreign exchange holdings into yuan. Meanwhile, the weak currency financial products should be reduced investment, increase the rate hike cycle of the investment ratio under the strong currency in order to obtain the dual exchange rate and interest rate profits. For enterprises, can take advantage of various financial instruments to hedge foreign exchange risk.

2011 yuan or more than 6% increase in dollar policy unchanged

foreign exchange market last week, the dollar index changed little, but the China Foreign Exchange Investment Research Institute said Tan Yaling, a week dollar 1.29 against the euro exchange rate? $ 1.34 large variables, the euro jumped to 200 points, the euro is a key negative factor in the transition, U.S. policy was that the purpose has not changed, the dollar devaluation of the core strategy.

Powei addition to continued U.S. dollar against RMB, U.S. dollar against the yen last week, is relatively stable at 82? 83 yen level. 1.55 U.S. dollar against the pound? $ 1.58 large changes in the sterling exchange rate depreciation of the dollar has also been presented. Exchange rate of U.S. dollar against the Swiss franc in 0.96? Relatively stable between 0.97 Swiss francs. USDCAD exchange rate stable at 0.98? 0.99 Canadian standards. Australian dollar exchange rate was 0.98? $ 0.99 range, and even re-emergence of parity interval. New Zealand dollar exchange rate stable at $ 0.76, the main trend followers weekend fell to $ 0.77.

Tan Yaling analysis, the performance of the foreign exchange market continued to highlight the week, pray for stability in the dollar devaluation strategy, especially the negative factors in the increase in the euro, the dollar depreciation trend of the technology is still realize that the dollar needs urgent and pressing . Bank for International Settlements has estimated that in the case of the dollar continues to weaken the yuan against the dollar to 6.35 yuan to rise around the end of the year appreciation of about 4%.

2011 by the end of the RMB against the U.S. dollar or to 6.2

Recently, the major international financial institutions have issued a research report in 2011, which coincidentally have raised the appreciation of the renminbi expectations. China Citibank Citigroup Investment Research and Analysis Division Head, Greater China chief economist Shen Ming Gao pointed out that the appreciation of the renminbi is expected to be about 5%. Despite the U.S. economic recovery may be better than expected, but the value of the dollar is still down the space, the weak U.S. dollar boost the appreciation of the renminbi.

Goldman Sachs recently released research report also said it expects dollar / yuan will drop to 6.23 yuan at the end, before the expected 6.29 million. Goldman said the dollar / yuan is expected to remain basically the adjustment of the original view that the Chinese government will allow the yuan to appreciate about 6%, not 12-month non-deliverable forward contracts of approximately 2.8% expected.

In addition, Standard Chartered Bank in its latest report is also expected to accelerate the pace of RMB appreciation and RMB against the U.S. dollar had expected full-year rate of appreciation in 2011 by the 4-5% upwards to 6%. Wang Tao, chief economist at UBS Securities believes that, in 2010, 3% appreciation of the RMB against the U.S. dollar, the RMB 2011 will be on the rise, driven by international pressure to the appreciation of 6%, year-end 2011 exchange rate of RMB against the U.S. dollar of 6.2 million.

recent analysis of JP Morgan pointed out that rising incomes in developed countries and the establishment of confidence in economic recovery, there is good reason to believe that the personal spending level will rebound after the financial crisis lows. Further job creation and capital inflows will continue to promote confidence in emerging countries and the overall economic growth. Therefore, China's export sector is expected to show steady growth. Currency is expected the yuan / dollar before the end of 2011 will remain at 1 U.S. dollar 6.3 yuan level.

personal finance the purchase of foreign exchange swaps can act

and many financial planners recommend that investors, if the position held by overseas investment, it might be timely conversion of foreign exchange earnings as the renminbi, to reduce the currency devaluation of the currency exchange rate risk in the process. may wish to consider giving up a one-off investment to purchase foreign exchange with RMB financial batches. This investment allows investors to enjoy the appreciation and the double benefit of foreign financial gain. Residents also began to pay part of the HK store get converted into RMB yuan accounts in Hong Kong.

In addition, a weaker dollar makes U.S. tourist spending picking up again, shopping and studying in the United States costs are further down. Experts pointed out that during the Spring Festival of the public who intend to travel abroad, purchase of foreign currency exchange is now a good time, two-way fluctuation mechanism of the RMB to strengthen, in fact, the RMB exchange reform since the continuous and less likely to rise this situation, the current stage of the RMB exchange rate soaring, it is short-term demand for dollars to purchase foreign exchange to purchase foreign exchange good time.

U.S. financial products to reduce investment

relative to the foreign currency financial products many uncertainties, the renminbi wealth management products in anticipation of the rising interest rates and still strong. Appreciation of the RMB exchange rate into the channel, but also has a strong interest rate expectations, the market will continue to forecast strong yuan assets. In addition, the era of negative interest rates also make deposits of RMB financing products as alternatives to draw for investors. Jun Mao Danping, dean of financial wealth has said that from an investment point of view, the initial interest rate and interest rates early Jiancang, is relatively safe. For fixed-income bonds and bank financial products, interest rates also means that yields will increase.

the financial sector bank financial products based on weekly statistics show that last week, compared with RMB financing products are still hot, issued a total of 155 RMB products, accounting for 73.11% of the overall number of issued. But the dollar in foreign currency financial products are also many products, last week issued 15 accounting for 7.08% total number issued. The product was launched last week, the expected rate of return is still the highest in two Australian dollar and the RMB currency rate hike cycle in the species.

expired products from the real rate of return perspective, the Bank of China (601988, stock it) (3.23, -0.02, -0.62%), the convergence issue Po 1011P-Australian variable product expiration period the highest rate of return for 4% of the product in order to protect the fixed income financial products, investment currency is Australian dollars. Issued by the Bank of Shanghai,

experts also cautioned that the current foreign currency swaps to buy financial products should be cautious. If the hand-held dollars, the continuing weakness of the euro and other currencies can be exchanged for a consideration of RMB investment. In anticipation of the current interest rate of RMB yuan of financial products can gain the most, while the dollar may be appropriate to reduce the financial product. In accordance with the market forecast of RMB against the U.S. dollar this year will increase about 5%. Insiders have calculated that an account balance, the current U.S. financial products one-year rate of return of 3%, while the renminbi is not difficult to obtain financial gain more than 4% of the proceeds, and if the dollar holds financial products, not only on the exchange rate will be 5 % of the losses, the interest of the U.S. dollar is also a loss of zero interest rates a lot.

In addition, conservative investors, even if the variety of fixed income investments, is also on the term structure should be adjusted. Industry experts said the currency should be based on the level of interest rates is expected to select a different period of the strength of the product. Currency interest rate increase is expected to urgent, to less than 6 months should be the main species to the product due to switch to higher interest rates when the species. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

ANZ raise deposit reserve ratio is still room for

 Securities Market Weekly (Xinhua Yan Pei) January 17, ANZ during the year for the first time the central bank raised the deposit reserve ratio announced the report, said this after the deposit reserve ratio increase, for large financial institutions to prepare reserve ratio has reached a high of round 19% increase, from a record high level, the central bank had 80 in the 20th century the implementation of over 20% of the level of the deposit reserve ratio, which indicates that the future of the deposit reserve ratio level there is still some upside.

foreign Johnson Zaibao stop large-scale recalls the warm state forest behind the taking of 23 million subsidy allegedly left Enron: central bank move is smart
1 月 14 evening, the People's Bank of China announced to raise all financial institutions to deposit reserve ratio by 50 basis points, from 20 January started. The deposit reserve ratio hike is the first time during the year 2011, the reserve increase, but also to the central bank over the past 3 months the fourth time raised the deposit reserve ratio, the central bank from 2010 has been 6 years since raising the deposit reserve ratio.

tightening in the quantization, the ANZ Bank, the central bank still needs to use the interest rate and exchange rate instruments, to multi-level monetary policy tightening.

ANZ Bank's proposal is the use of interest rates to limit speculative capital can largely long-term interest rates too low use of space, to the speculative real estate and other markets, but also can solve the depositors face the dilemma of negative real interest rates, gradually reduced the purchasing power to solve real problems; exchange rate appreciation to reduce the pressure of imported inflation, the central bank had the No. 1 paper also introduced a pilot of RMB foreign direct investment approach, which also shows that within the central bank wishes to promote outflow of liquidity, which means in the long term realization of China's current account and capital account balance, despite the continuing appreciation of the RMB to bring more capital inflows, but also to reduce the domestic enterprises to use the RMB to the cost of direct investment overseas.

ANZ continued to appreciate against the dollar in 2011 of 5% -6% forecast, and that the central bank will raise interest rates in the coming year 3 to 4 times, each time to raise interest rates by about 25 basis points.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am not a Cinderella

 Eggs can be a big plug.
fly flew out of shadow, wearing a pink princess dress, a mistress of the way, welcome you go.
some business people there has come together in twos and threes together and fitted to a very warm house, and very beautiful, animal husbandry, the mayor is a conversation with Mr.
clothing color can not help but sneer, this is what a birthday party, not that of a highly political meeting? ridiculous An animal husbandry minister is really poor.
Chen Qi Dongyu next to a white face Hitodo you?
not far from his father, pointing out the fly by video.
Chen crowded side.
today, he did not wear a suit, very casual, wearing a white shirt. stood like a proud prince above. clothing color looked slightly askance look, animal husbandry, security minister, described his appearance to yourself, although only one, but she believes that he has seen clear enough.
flight safety video, animal husbandry minister happily took the hand, walking in the crowd, very interested in listening to others blessing, visibly pleased.
Suddenly, a rush of shadows ran, whispered in the ear of Mr. grazing a few, saw grazers China face a change in the microphone and announced that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince from mm.
Initials, Finals Just down, the crowd automatically get out of a path, Luojie Hao Ran with occupational smile, appeared in the security under the protection.
proud to go to shake hands with the arrival of Crown Prince was not borne him a good face.
another nest where guys enjoy.
it. Now you can have with a.
attend to, she ran in the past, but did not find the front is a good deep swimming pool, a slip, years, to pay tribute to all power transferred to the pool of girls who struggled.
Anxi Sheng, Dong Yu Chen, Chang Chen, Chen in the days immediately jumped into the water, and delivered them Shaogen Jin princess will be here to make trouble.
Crown Prince would have been like to jump, he knew that his sister can not swim, but was stopped by the side of the night, maple, stood watching anxiously.
people are here on business or political leader , a move that is bound to awe-inspiring color clothing a lot of trouble.
four were a lot of irrigation water, swim under the clothing color, and finally get the woman sent to the shore.
. The voice is full of care, animal husbandry, a change in the eyes of Chinese children, laughed knowingly.
next to the said bitterly.
Ann Robinson, animal husbandry, the other side of the pool, watching like a drowned rat straight as clothing color, the animal husbandry and his wife at the side of the cold.
animal husbandry and his wife stared eye is not satisfied with clothing color, the girl is not that sense of proportion, flirting with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but also a very reckless manner, the original does not believe that she is a flight video wild girl, like Ann Robinson's vision is not bad, a look today, know that this is the fact that she Cai Yi Lin must not let security minister's life ruined.
clothing color in Anxi Sheng under the protection of a few people, walked the house change clothes, feel the back was cool, though, like after the cold, can not help but play had a chill.
micro innocently standing, stare at the clothes out of the shadow color, and she no illusions.
four jumped into the water to her male beauty with Lin Yi Cai, His Royal Highness Crown Prince also personally care for her, clothing her color did for hiding many secrets ah ~ ~ ~
fly clothing color film fall into the water to see the scene, can not help but want to laugh, these are heaven help me, I rushed to the room , how to help her look this good friend also.
awe-inspiring eyes never left the fly video, this guy is not the same as the original expression, it is very strange to her childhood, as long as the clothing color with her to certainly what happened.
hold carefully summoned the night around maple.
Now go. had to smile to each other, clearly fall into their own, but also the blame on others.
urged the next guy a few silent words, she has been almost suffocated, and did not eat.
Dong Yu Chen can not wait to go to the door, not afraid of people worried, but slightly too miss the bar ~ ~ ~
clothing color meaningfully sip a Minzui, together with the others out.
open-air party outside seems to be coming over, and people have started walking to the living room, the sky gradually darkening.
His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and which still do not know what the name of beauty talking.
clothing color a look guys not pleasing to the eye, we must not let her have the opportunity to touch her baby brother.
Hello the right, after careful. When my wife kind of stuff. 'll be in trouble. Okay, so you can enjoy every day guy, I am not against! suddenly regret patted his head, and why, and Crown Prince walked together, do not trouble ourselves?
clothing color looked around dazed, looking for someone Duo Duo, others look at her and brother's eyes how the ambiguous kind of speechless ah!!
wearing a purple dress of Open the camera flashed, ran around a mature woman.
that people are tasting the food with relish, looks really a bit like clothing color.
ah!! write bitterly too far to go, or what her daughter important cosmetic important shit.
Luo Jie Xu Zi looked kind of awe-inspiring to be around people, love to say.
, who almost to the menopause, and also died here, no sense of shame in what innocent girls play, really disgusting.
, at least for this mother and daughter speaking, the food is more than handsome.
A makeup woman, smirking greeting.
a daughter, a layer of high grade and have progress.
hear the words of two men, the woman smiling immediately face stiff in the rough and had to embarrassingly hollow.
went. little angel doing? met a Ms. Gao Guide.
woman, which is very beautiful, though not my mother good-looking, but also one of the four beauties.
very unhappy lady sat, animal husbandry, how this girl so rude to a meeting who asked each other.
you? .
She ran into, but fortunately has nothing to do with the security minister, if he is still around, how to do.
Ann Robinson, he was not led astray, do not let him like me, do not like him, stay away from him, and if you feel good, but also give me a check, let me leave this place, animal husbandry and his wife, right? br> clothing color rudely interrupted by Mrs. Shepherd, she wants to say and 8 files on soap operas like nothing more than some mess.
so stunned, silent, waiting for her next words.
I left, and slowly break it your own, do not bother. She must be crazy.
Let some of their natural.
flying shadow came from the side, clothing color comfort patted on the shoulder, next to her against the wall.
chen good. br> flying off a string of blue crystal film Congbozaishang, to hang clothing color.
. An animal husbandry minister stood on the stage.
golden couple on stage suddenly became the focus of the party.
> Mr. grazing happily pushed the two together.
audience applause, came the sound of blessing, animal husbandry minister a baffled look safe, it seems that still no response came, flying Shadow smiled and talked, affectionate Ann Morrison looked at animal husbandry.
clothing color that head reeling, and so soon, flying has become a shadow security minister's fiancee.
bitter shook his head, to leave this dangerous place, and have no rights what to say, after all, she took the initiative exit.
, how gone? , the crowd of people looked at with contempt clothing color.
safety, animal husbandry, and the flying shadow minister came from a distance.
, is still sleepwalking glanced reproachfully clothing color.
very important. you do not mind, but also to Ann Morrison aunt good. a fraud.
? Zhou Lemei head, and she is not very exciting, but very difficult, do not want to reason things.
not a friend. I repeat, I did not steal. color suddenly wanted to laugh, no matter how she explained all the same, things will be according to the plan to continue flying shadow, Why do we struggle to make it useless.
Luojie Hao Luo Jie Zi Ran Xu and pull the crowd, somehow look a scold people clothing color.
floc to clothing color purple football into her arms and whispered comfort to her, his face full of concern, can not help but wonder, Linda CEO and the .
, Cai Yi Wang Menwai pull away.
grazers China is in an awkward position, His Royal Highness Crown Prince explanation for that person, it really is a misunderstanding?
> Micro-out from the crowd, the contempt was looking at flying shadow.
, and he responded with the same look she.
have trouble with the film she was flying. crooked heart from normal, not to mention there is no reason to fly video frame her ah, flying shadow in her heart is the most pure and most kind-hearted child.
make her a much better. br> Palace in the Forest Temple mm
on the number, there is no need to get someone else's, do not cry. he does not know what to do when the.
steal, I have hh safety, animal husbandry minister to give her, she hh lie to me why I did not mm .
Ma Yu Shan collapsed
* arms, she did not know why such a pain in the heart, looking at safety, animal husbandry minister's eyes, she thought he would help her, but he did not, but look with suspicion She, the original in his own mind only so an appearance.
like walking in the darkness, there is a light has been supporting her, and suddenly there is no light, no effort, is also stuck in the road home the darkness, she is really tired, want to fall, but still do not see the light.
see rain Alexandra lost consciousness in his arms, noble immediately screamed.
, fast, princess fainted. with the princess, that is, clothing color?? Yi Jie Luo Yu Shan Cai is? Princess is the clothing color? days, which is what and what?
said. finished.
; flying shadow, not related, animal husbandry and home is your wife, Ann Hill is just spur of the moment, aunt believe you. Cai Yi Lin is not a good thing. ;
fly video submissive wife hid in the arms of animal husbandry, delicate and charming.
walked back outside.
Does she not know that his most hated man in tightly wrapped around his.
But with the son of the height of 1 meter over eight gap is still very, very difficult talking about words also appear.
first up the stairs. Some short, why is turning the color of his clothes to a blank mind, with an unprecedented frustration and panic.
that helpless look, then turned to disappointment, and then gradually become indifferent expression hh

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What is painless visual flow of dual-chamber vacuum suction flow of Shenzhen, where good

 What is painless visual flow of dual-chamber vacuum suction flow of Shenzhen, where the good?
Painless visual flow of dual-chamber vacuum suction is the clinical use of new high-tech medical devices ---- m-time flow of abortion ( dual-chamber vacuum-type) suction tube suction abortion embryonic tissue. It is the second painless, visual flow, the re-emergence of a fusion with the high-tech, more secure abortion.
can dual-chamber vacuum suction flow as painless surgical characteristics: the elimination of intraoperative abdominal cavity and the blood pressure difference m upstream to prevent the house to contain the resulting endometriosis and infertility; reduce the vagus nerve surgery preventive measures to decrease the level of m excited reaction; reduce muscle tension and the uterine wall surgery m to reduce bleeding, reduce pain by the surgeon; time use to prevent cross-infection and the spread of disease.
painless visual dual-chamber vacuum suction flow especially for unmarried women without a child; 10 weeks of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy required. intraoperative completely painless, no special discomfort. minimal trauma, general status, physical function and mental state could soon resume. dual-chamber vacuum attract, to reduce abortion complications, discharge flow of unmarried women to worry about.
Shenzhen Hospital gynecology to women's health concerns for the purpose, all the time how to alleviate the suffering of women and work. few years has introduced painless, micro-tube flow can be as the flow of people, superconducting visual flow, greatly reducing the flow of unwanted pregnancies, women do the suffering and risk. Recently, the fraternity and the introduction of this new abortion mm painless visual flow of dual-chamber vacuum suction! painless visual double The introduction of vacuum suction flow chamber, for all the women facing abortion to bring the true gospel.
more information, please contact or visit the free flow of expert online site online contact 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Is not short of mind is not salty

summer without air conditioning in the room
alumni from SOHU SINA's BLOG

to come and go are not found to

mood to say is not short

not salty air convective rain
some stuffy
half past three in the afternoon always mixed with thunder and lightning

torrential diarrhea
dense rain columns
turns pounding the window curtain

woven into layers of the outside world
vaguely remembered old beach sand stone
that valuables such as skin
May the hustle and bustle of the beach

no empty feeling distant
enjoy the cool sea
golden sun
I have an big idea

in this weather can not think of

wash bathing beaches and the sea in heavy rain more

who can not think of such stupid actions can

bored thought the logic of the present ideas are
sub-constraints of time

not just a game on the memory of the association 

Monday, January 10, 2011

North Korea called for inter-Korean talks proposed by South Korea's Unification Ministry said the lack of sincerity

 Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 10, according to Yonhap reported that South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman at thousands of sea into 10 media briefing said that from the formal point of view, inter-Korean talks on the DPRK's proposal called for a lack of sincerity.

thousands into the sea, said North Korea's statement is But also includes some specific issues, so the ministry will closely monitor North Korea's attitude, carefully consider the proposal.

He said:

8th of this month, North Korea proposed to hold the peaceful reunification of the formal inter-Korean talks, the Red Cross is also proposed to restart the talks, and Mt, and in the end of January or early February, held in Kaesong talks on the Kaesong park. After South Korea's proposal of the DPRK reacted cautiously.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Ate before the marathon

 1. In order to achieve good physical condition, athletes should be the normal intake of three meals a day.
2. Underweight persons: three meals a day should consume high-sugar, low fat, high protein food. Preferably with meals three times outside the intake of snacks (example: breakfast, breakfast, lunch, afternoon, and dinner, later).
3. overweight: three meals a day should consume low-sugar, low fat, high protein, high fiber foods.
4. Water : at least 10 glasses of water a day or more, per cup 240c.c. (sports drinks after exercise can be added, but do not drink coffee and tea).
exercise water intake recommendations: 2 hours 2 cups before exercise
Sports 15 to 30 minutes prior to 1 cup every 15 minutes during exercise
1 / 2 cup
loss of 1 pound each exercise 1 to 2 cups
movement before, during and after the diet Note:
1. Do meal before exercise, if any, the best entertainment in the 3 to 4 hours before exercise.
2. restriction of food will produce gas, such as: beans, sprouts olives, grapes, broccoli, and any will make your belly expansion of the food.
3. more salt to avoid: Avoid excessive water retention, causing swelling and discomfort.
4. underweight may add plenty of fluids after exercise. For example: fruit juice or sports drinks a lot of carbohydrates and lean protein.
normal rhythms of life: Do not stay up all night ...
nutrition supplement:
to get fit physique, nutritional supplements are essential, the following is a nutritional supplement product recommendations:
1. Natural beans nutrition drinks: from high-quality pure vegetable protein, containing 18 types of necessary and non-essential amino acids, is added muscle to generate the required nutrients.
2. Pui Nutrient tablets : with blue-green algae, Siberian ginseng, alfalfa, pollen, royal jelly and other important elements 5, can boost the immune system, enhance exercise endurance, and can be raised to increase the body's oxygen to accelerate the burning of body fat, to avoid reduced muscle.
3. naturally nutrient tablets: enhancing liver function, accelerate the removal of toxins from the body; and can prevent muscle cells against free radicals, resulting in muscle relaxation, skin aging and other phenomena.
4. Men's Nutrition Capsule: rich in zinc, pumpkin seed, lycopene, nettle leaves, synthetic hormones can help men increase male good health.
nutritional supplement use:
1. Natural beans nutrition drinks : 2 times a day; 1 2 key (if the gym, eat within 45 minutes of exercise completed 2 spoons)
2. Pui Nutrient film and naturally nutrient tablets: morning, after dinner each one.
3. Men's Nutrition Capsules: breakfast, after dinner the two.
day diet sample (for underweight and want to increase the muscle):
8:00 Breakfast: 1 package + natural soybean fiber nutritional drink 11 / 2 spoon
bacon and egg slices of toast
Amplewell nutrition and natural to each one
nutrient tablets capsules two men nutrition 12:00 Lunch: chicken lunch 1 serving of fruit a
18: 00 Dinner: 1 Package + natural soybean fiber nutritional drink 11 / 2 teaspoon palm
2 or more meat or fish (4)
fruits and vegetables a
Pei nutrition tablets and natural energy source The one piece
nutrition nutritional capsules two men I have
Han Shuang, we Come

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the next club of Banyan Tree

time goes really fast, an instant we had arrived in 2011, the new year, review 2010, a busy year for themselves, taking advantage of the New Year is also the good rest, give yourself a new start, new weather, for the girls, the new weather, of course, willing to explain the temperament of a new image for the new, and referred to as the difficult to have their own new atmosphere, in this last period, we most of the time been more pressing work, busy bee, will inadvertently overlook their own image, so for women, death thing happened, because the overtime lost its luster in the skin becomes dry in winter because of dry skin, in this time, our skin more prone to sub-healthy state, then how do we at this end of the year on the occasion Let your friends know they have a
most want to change anything?
dinner can not eat too much oil too much,
refused to sedentary work, and often stand up and move a bit more for leisure
chat with parents
music, you need inspiration, as a music person, real-time understanding of foreign music trends and fashion style, very helpful for my music. inexhaustible network of several domestic and foreign music works, but most end with the traditional music player supports audio equipment only MP3, WMA, WVA and other harmful practices music format, which is the biggest drawback of the perfect appearance of music. but this year, there was a major surprise, there is a product not only make up for this deficiency, more freedom of wireless listening music from the Internet, that is, products from the United States - Sonos wireless multi-room music system.
there will be more than a month Graduate Entrance Examination 2011, you ready? I am also preparing to participate in this year's exam, here I talk about the Kaoyan according to their own understanding of general international steps must follow it.
First, determine the objectives of study section : Do you really want to Kaoyan it? Why are you Kaoyan? only targeted, will dedicate themselves to hard to go to review, will achieve the ultimate goal. at least I think so, because the state-owned enterprises, units of recession, but also there is no room for personal development, and its consumption in the death of Bo than once, so I chose 考研.
Next, choose their own schools and professional: this one is also very important to be ambitious, select unrealistic. You have to be your chosen profession, or similar professional; school then, and preferably a teacher recommendation, or have knowledge of what the brothers and sisters. so that you can get the information first-hand review of specialized courses, but also after the first test, re-examination will have greater or lesser extent.
again, to collect data: After setting a good school, the school to collect the relevant years of professional course test 真题, and
This movie was undoubtedly the hottest days Guide a few years ago the film . these days dare to name the words non-2 . The same is advertising, how people so close to it. so to the power of God, the premiere horse cold ah, ah God all night clouds Ma ...
as time goes on, the more people to and the more comfortable and health linked together. comfort, luxury is not simple, but it reflects the pursuit of healthy living. When our comfortable surroundings filled with all kinds of related topic, we go from here? < br> comfortable, not just from the eye began to
eyes as a window to the soul of our feelings more important role in the world a better, fast-paced modern city life, long face of the computer and books, contact lenses has become a myopia group were part of life, looking for a more sophisticated and healthier contact lenses has become increasingly important.
Shu from the United States, as the oxygen CIBA Vision, the use of high oxygen permeability silicone hydrogel material, through oxygen up to 138, is 5 times the normal lens. wear it, will always remain so fresh and moist eyes, as if exposure to oxygen bar, let the eye to breathe the fresh air, often forgetting the existence of the lens. For busy urban people, even if worn continuously day gathering of dozens of hours of overtime, the eye is still not dry, clear and still. With it, no longer live in fear all day for the health of the eye, so you always have a black and white moving bright eyes .
> there are always some people around you and she always had lots to talk about, talk about different topics. you guys will always have a sunny, quiet days good. even romance, or even a dream shattered, also because of each other care and support, the courage to face these people, affectionately known girls like: girlfriends.
the cat face to I transformation journey, and JMM sharing water of the Force series ORBIS oil-free water > Jay Chou and Fan Yue Yili green community to share the phase

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Five New Year's a good start with Yang Ming Ying - Hengyang Hengyang Zhang Zhang _ _ gold blog

 Highest level of stocks: stocks in hand, a mind free stock
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today (Tuesday) is the first in 2011 trading day, the two cities usher good start in real estate stocks as well as a strong resource stocks, led by Shanghai Composite Index continued the pre-holiday rebound, has returned to above the line in the same time, active market, trading volume than the previous significant amplification. broader market remained strong, showing a rising trend, closing Stock Index closed at both the Yang Xian, not only out of the K line of four with positive trends, but a good start the first day of the New Year.
end closing stock index reported 2852.65 points, up 44.57 points, or 1.59%, turnover of 147 billion yuan; The Shenzhen Component Index reported to 12,714.51 points, up 255.96 points, or 2.05%, turnover of 115 billion yuan.
disk, the two cities today, rising almost across the board of the plate , stocks rose more or less. coal, nonferrous metals, financial and real estate sector turns to support the broader market forces.
a whole, real estate class of stocks led the index will undoubtedly become the main force, including coal, non-ferrous metal plate also the collective strength , led the market surge in popularity. Although the A shares in 2011 will face complex domestic and international economic environment, but the short term, A-share market in January is expected to achieve shock characteristics, structural differentiation is still evident.
point on Friday: preliminary market area in the 2800-2900 run time of up to 29 trading days, trading volume reached 3.8 trillion, which means that there are a lot in this band region The hold-up disk, so the market out of a good to market, must have plenty of money to promote, and recent fund positions are still at historically high levels, historical experience shows, the fund is not reduced to a certain extent, the position, A shares of emerging trends is difficult of higher; the current pattern of short-term rebound in January was mainly the credit market that will have a better expected, this is the only recent stock emboldened to do more. This blog believes that the current market environment has not yet completely turn for the better, early platform difficult to easily crossed, 1 month credit also need to observe, so the strategy is still rebound to trim the main.
Overall, morphological index and the National day rise, after the holiday to continue to soar to achieve a good start, does it resemble the next trend will continue to do? I think the market is difficult to duplicate, a rebound high, the trend is very domineering, and today is just the broader market into the early Yangxian transaction-intensive areas the platform, which is the most stressful period, not abundant amount of energy is difficult to cross; said the amount of energy to and from the amount of energy analyzed, this stock index turnover is more than 1400 billion, this and the first trading day after the National Day has some 170 billion gap between the average position in the organization was 78%, and is now about 85%, Johnson is also a chip fire ammunition . credit is widely expected to be better in January.
I believe: That remains to be seen as another couple of weeks coming Spring Festival, the biggest holiday effect is characterized by shrinkage, which is difficult to have continuity constraints index rebound. short, although the index is still controversial, but as the real estate sector in terms of strength after the holiday, there are still higher power, we recommend investors to short-term concern. focus: 1. .2 strong real estate sector could continue. Change the external market rate of .3. volume changes.
tomorrow concerned whether the tape back to withstand the test of step in line, and the reference to 60 minutes KDJ indicator J and RSI indicators are in the overbought zone, W & R indicators also suggest short-term overbought indicators Guaitou downward deviation rate, which indicates that short-term overbought indicators are prompted profit taking tomorrow require a higher, although not affect the broader market trend and continue to reverse the decline, however, after all, in the more, Investors trying to sail low approach, low-cost chips is still will be picked up, on that analysis, the probability is still large positive income tomorrow. | Comments (0) |
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2010 Beauty St inventory of goods to which products are the most power

 Recall that the beauty industry in 2010, impressive, great excitement. DNA repair, organic skin care, and maintenance-type makeup, eyelash brush revolution, class micro-shaping, eyelash brush revolution hh mind the most popular word this year, I believe most of the beauty up to the people, without thinking, he can with his right.
the end is near endless list all kinds of beauty, do not want to do their homework effort, it is better to see the list, there must be among the best products superior to others, as needed out on your shopping list now!
large inventory of late star beauty products saint of people must have possession of & (a)
large inventory of late star beauty products saint of people must have possession of & (b)
large inventory of late star beauty products saint of people must have possession of & (c)
top end of the year to create the perfect make-up recommended
end of the year の Cosmetic skin care products in the inventory of over civilians reputation queen < br> a bottle of the 2010 inventory of the most multi-effect to the power network of the best-selling cream emulsion
reputation ranking year, the most
2010 skin care products that network's most popular list of Japanese products
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Mina Fashion Network ( exclusive feature articles, please do not reprint without authorization

Monday, January 3, 2011

Strip VS Police

 In the flickering light, the two young women dressed in three-point summary

of the stage stop in the writhing body, not when it slipped out of their bra

and panties, the nearly nude to show more than 60 men in the audience in

front. which two women were also kept the audience Sanya city in several

months of continuous performances, even performances have been down also.

(November 29 South China Sea Network)
wide variety of opportunities to make money now, most people rely on their

own ability to act the part of earning hard cash earn legitimate money. but

inevitably there are fixed crooked mind, engage in dishonest money making

black-hearted people, such easy money, earn too much, but the harm to

society is high. as such the name of dance concert Donghai County of the spa

town, village and farmers in the funeral, when the strip appeared vulgar;

Yizhang southernmost county in Hunan, Hunan local people who know this town

is not much. just here to make known the reasons for the number of mmm

stripper who some regret. and so on. strip the original is more a stream in

the countryside, its performance is furtive, shot for a place, and now has

spread to the provincial-level municipalities, and prior to the end of the

year from the Spring Festival , a speech that for months, its vitality why

there is so strong?
early as the end of 2002 the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Public

Security issued a circular to the nation, requiring all levels of culture,

public security departments to crack down and eliminate all kinds of ugly

social and cultural phenomenon prohibited organization or engage in

striptease performances, Simon shows and state laws and regulations prohibit

the other performances, this advertising is prohibited, to attract viewers.

But if the local public security departments are not due diligence. First,

the Police performed a few months department did not check once on the

ground that had not received any reports. Second, even if journalists live

performances on the spot in the 110 to play until the show finished to see

the public security organs have not come to investigate. The next day a

reporter asked the police on duty, the police said both : police out of the

police arrangements, and at the scene and did not find any pornographic

performances situation. This is really strange? Third, the move to open

pornographic performances Jigan Palace of Culture on the second floor show,

police did not know.
the pornographic performances set foot in the local, to take root. the one

hand, the place for such things that have become commonplace, as a viewer

chat with reporters, the man enthusiastically to reporters about the case

since said, ? do not know, ah, but there is no one tube for months over ah,

but I heard that they call the fight early and relevant departments. ,

within the scope of their jurisdiction that does not smell the wind, to not

get that message? even the media, the masses have been reported, sent a

reporter to make unannounced visits, and even the cultural sector have been

been reported, there is no one to report to public security departments?

Like the one hand, men who then said they (the performing party) long and

the departments concerned to lay hello, whether in this sector, including

the public security departments? no matter what he said is true, people can

not help but suspect that this talent .
sex shows three day, continuously for months, but also to place juveniles in

the Palace of Culture on the second floor of high performance, really hard

to understand, especially police reporter at the scene on the spot, both can

be safe and sound, to show so that anomalies, both weigh from that point of

view, can not help but make people question: where the police have not

received a report able to push the know? just do oversight?