Wednesday, September 29, 2010

weather features continuous attack by a strong cold

 The lowest temperature for the period of the year. Cold and dry.

◎ flowering: Chunmei, camellia, daffodils, primroses, daisies, daphne, marigold, cold blue, Chunlan, cicada orchid have been open.

◎ Cutting: pomegranate, wood Hydrangea, Yu Li, geranium, rose, rose, wood, azalea, cherry, peach, Shi Zimei, carnation and so on.

◎ ramets: bloom, magnolia, purple magnolia, woody, wisteria, azalea, and daffodils, hyacinths and other Qiubao flowers.

◎ layering: Rose, rose, Peak, woody, Di Tang and so on.

◎ adjust planting deciduous trees and flowers, pots of spring planting, or on the open flowers: carnation, pansy, snapdragon, Wallflower, high snow wheel, cornflower, larkspur, marigold, daisy, Cineraria, phlox and so on.

◎ strengthening greenhouse management, pay attention to watering and ventilation. Greenhouse and flower: Azalea, Magnolia, Lagenaria, poinsettia and so on.

◎ beds for species: daisies, marigolds and so on. Sleep Flower dig Yong Pei, Base Fertilizers and cold. Trimming hedges, pruning flowering shrubs pest branches, dead branches.

◎ Others: 1. By heating, plastic bag and so on, do the flowers cold work. 2. Flowers should be controlled indoor warm water volume, so Pentu keep dry state. 3. In the cold winter outdoor potted invasion should be poured enough water to prevent freezing damage. 4. Flower cultivation in turn do a good job on the work, and Shizujifei. 5. Production int bonsai tree stump.

Flowers calendar

◎ weather features: temperature slowly increased, but still often cold invasion, the weather was cold and rainy.

◎ cold flowers continue to do the work.

◎ Mining deciduous and coniferous tree stump field.

◎ azalea, elm, bird plum, Tianzhu, roses, kumquat, etc. Fanpen.

◎ deciduous bonsai tree stump Fanpen.

flower calendar in March

◎ Weather Features: March a time when the Waking of Insects, Vernal Equinox, the highest temperature of up to twenty-seven degrees Celsius, the lowest four or five degrees below zero. It is time to turn warm winter. The gradual warming of temperatures, but when warm when cold,UGG boots clearanc, rainy weather and more.

◎ Narcissus, Chunlan, Daphne, plum, schlumbergera, rabbits and cineraria, primrose, etc., are in full bloom period and should maintain a certain light and temperature. Higher temperatures during the day when the ventilation window, indoor air circulation, basin ground not too wet or too, should be kept moist.

◎ camellia is in full bloom. It should be noted at room temperature not too high, not too long sunshine time, indoor air to circulate, not too or too wet basin earth; removal of excess buds, control flowering plants in batches.

◎ make room for a potted plant. Temperature rise, indoor open the windows to accept the outdoor sun and air, it gradually adapt to the environment, prepared in April out of room.

◎ one hundred lotus, lotus authority arrow, Clivia and kumquat, etc., through the pruning and removal of sticks and dry leaves, combined with topdressing nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, and promote their growth, fertility and flowering buds.

◎ bonsai tree stump to continue production. And make a pile of evergreen broadleaf trees bonsai Fanpen work.

◎ azalea, spring, Daphne, spider plants and other flowers Fanpen.

◎ rose on the pots, jars planted lotus green. April flowers


◎ Weather Features: Apr Ching Ming, Gu Yu, warm air forces, strengthening of mild weather, more rain, into the spring, comes just blooming busy gas. The time required for different climatic regions according to local conditions.

◎ herbal flower beds in summer and autumn flowers, such as Mary flower, scarlet sage, zinnia, aster, etc., respectively, temperature of 10-18 degrees to the ground in open field planting cultivation. Last autumn flower, calendula, chrysanthemum, pansy, snapdragon, etc. to enhance water and fertilizer management after Ching Ming, Guyu flower beds after transplanting.

◎ various types of perennial flowers, canna, dahlia, day lily, gladiolus, dahlias, flowers arrowroot, etc., at this time can be divided into plants. Water plants and flowers, potted lotus, water lily, etc., out of the north room after Ching Ming. Deciduous woody flower, pomegranate, crape myrtle, etc., should be out in the germination room before pruning, Huanpen.

◎ North raised South hibiscus flowers, Jasmine, Milan, northern spring because of dry, temperature fluctuations, until after Guyu stable after the temperature, and then move out of room.

◎ annual flower and Clivia, pomegranates, asparagus and other flower seed propagation.

◎ water bamboo, Zongzhu, Bambusa Multiplex, Chlorophytum, Hosta, and other flowers Clivia Division propagation.

◎ thermophilic Milan, jasmine, Epiphyllum, spider plant, Monstera, Strelitzia reginae and other flowers on the basin, Fan Pen.

◎ pine, black pine, pine and other tree stumps bonsai Kam Abstract buds were formed to make the branches and leaves.

Mayflower calendar

◎ Weather Features: May the beginning of summer, Xiao-Man, Yellow River solar term average temperature 20 ℃, temperature close to the north and south, and more rain fell across the weather, the sunshine less.

◎ winter in the southern interior, such as sweet-scented osmanthus flower, azalea, camellia, gardenia, smiling, etc. to the room. Jasmine, Milan, Prynne, paniculata, Epiphyllum, Codiaeum, Fuso class, citrus and other suitable stable at 15 ℃ at night when the temperature half-cloudy day out of room selection. Some flowers, such as a room the azalea, camellia, gardenia, orchids, ferns and other foliage plants to be set under the shade, and to keep the environment clean ground water to maintain a small moist.

◎ bulb flowers such as tuberose, gladiolus, iris blue, green onions orchids, dahlias and other soil temperature above 15 ℃ when the planting. Aestivation bulbs flower tulips, hyacinth, freesia, etc. should be carefully managed, must not allow premature dry, try to extend the growth time for the robust growth of the new ball, to be unearthed before the end of dry preservation. Cyclamen, Sinningia, calla lily seeds mature removal of debris such as old leaves, clean basin earth surface, let cool, ventilated, rain shelters, Le fat ban water, good dormancy maintenance.

◎ autumn and National Day with a big aster flower, cockscomb, big marigold, false lead, coral bean, petunia, red geese to live in open field. Salvia,UGGs, Coleus, periwinkle and other indoor potted seedling broadcast or Yang Qi, this month for outdoor planting. Ju large strain on the basin shape early colonization.

◎ May at 10 ℃ temperature difference between day and night, a large area of powdery mildew attacks, mainly against Chinese rose and the shade at some of the flowers, should be timely and triadimefon, chlorothalonil and other prevention and treatment. Aphids, scale insects omethoate 800-1500 times with 40% addition to governance. Note that the site remove flower pots and planting weeds.

◎ camellias, azaleas after the removal of stray Xie and topdressing with nitrogen-based fertilizer after flowering.

◎ the HI half shade and flowers placed in shade or a shade under a tree.

◎ foliage plants foliage spray of water a day 2-3 times (3-9 months), to increase air humidity.

flower calendar in June

◎ Weather Features: June Grain in Ear, the summer solstice, when into the summer, temperatures rise, the arrival of the rainy season, hot and humid and rainy, changeable weather, high humidity.

◎ most of the winter and spring flowers such as cyclamen, Cineraria, Primula, Po Cang flower, poppy, Hippeastrum and so on, gradually mature seeds should be harvested in time, put a cool, ventilated, dry place.

◎ many Flourishing flower in summer and autumn, hibiscus, pomegranate, jasmine, Milan, Prynne, Murraya, etc., that point should be Pest control hazards, a comprehensive conservation and management, attention view of Hong round fruit, bergamot, Toi Toi, figs, etc., fertilizer should be cooked, the water should be stable, not suddenly big suddenly small, to keep the environment moist, to prevent fruit drop. Potted plum blossom, bloom, Bi-tao need control of water this month, pinching or twisting out of the heart to promote the growing point of differentiation, to prevent leggy shoots, flowers long impatient watch. Negative flower orchids, camellia, Begonia, etc., pay attention to the appropriate shade to keep the environment moist.

◎ aestivation freesia flower bulbs, hyacinths, tulips and other stems and leaves of brown, dry dug a couple of days time, put a cool dry and ventilated place.

◎ aquatic lotus flower pots, water willow, water lily, etc. soared with the temperature increase,UGG boots, P and K in a timely fashion, flowers and lit the end. National Dahlia inverted pots planting, early planting chrysanthemum pots and set on main branch. Late Ju heart turned out early plant shoots update this month, spent most of the growth of robust herb, woody branches semi-mature flower, with temperature and humidity conditions, are advised to cutting propagation. Grafted ramets cactus succulents, before the rainy season in summer.

flower calendar July

◎ Weather Features: July Slight Heat, Great Heat, connecting Chufu, ambush, North and South continued high temperature and rainfall, hot temperatures, the highest temperature for the whole year period. Often sustained high temperatures and summer drought, strong sunshine.

◎ all kinds of flowers have to be carefully managed, the South attention to drainage and drought; the North in particular need to deal with rainy weather continued cloudy, always worm infection police governance, security, heat and humidity through customs.

◎ Check the conservation field, and remove flood hazard plot. Shelf curtain shading devices, to maintain appropriate and effective density. Sleep greenhouse flower production and storage facilities, in need of appropriate shade, front and rear, roof windows all open, ventilation and cooling.

◎ National Day with a dwarf sunflower, dwarf aster mid-planting, pinching back the last set in early Ju head. Salvia, Dahlia, Canna, and other types of herbaceous flowers, cockscomb disable organic liquid fertilizer this month. Note that high temperature and drought, water plus water, tipped over pots continued cloudy rainy weather. Ju on the specimen after another late planting pots. Chrysanthemum cutting propagation desk, no later than late.

◎ Flower North raised South Prynne, Milan can make appropriate pruning. Summer growing healthy and vigorous, easy quick rejuvenation. Plum, Tau Hwang, camellia, smiling, etc. Note Le water to prevent excessive growth, and promote differentiation, to spend winter and spring.

◎ month high temperature, high humidity, for many herbaceous and woody flowers Cuttage Green spent cutting school, such as rose, jasmine, hibiscus class, camellia, lilac, and so the night. Coarse cutting medium should be loose, the survival rate was high.

◎ multiple pests in July for the summer period, must be vigilant to prevent the main, early detection, the rule completely. Seedling blight, seedlings of various types of leaf spot, leaf and Pentu available triadimefon spraying, ground control. Aphids and leaf-eating pests common daisy wake of bromine cyanide, omethoate spraying control. Two or more pests and diseases can be mixed medication. But subject to that strict control of concentration, and choose the morning or evening spraying to prevent the occurrence of high temperature injury at noon.

JASMINE Calendar

◎ Weather Features: Earlier this month beginning of autumn, cooler weather, but often high temperatures and summer drought, still need to pay attention to drought, waterlogging, pest control, disease prevention.

◎ late Chushu, the temperature dropped sharply, becoming the cool, autumn flowers began flourishing. Splendens, cockscomb, aster, chrysanthemum early, the lines Dahlia As the temperature drops, and gradually increase the amount of fertilizer and water, forcing, strong results for the Day Watch.

◎ Rearranging more busy this month, a variety of flower cultivation and management to be fine. Chrysanthemum flowers in the early evening more than the beginning of the last pinching, no later than the flowers missing. Amaryllis flower buds begin to form at this time, timely fertilizer more efficiently. Gladiolus, tuberose, cut flowers bulbs immediately after topdressing maintenance to ensure that the coming year, upright flowers, flowers, even dense. View of fruit fall and winter flowers, P fertilizer should be increased, maintenance leaves and bright, fruit Seyan Arisawa. Osmanthus full maturity after pouring from the mid-organic fertilizer, adhere to bloom before mid-September, once a week. Camellia plants according to size and power plants, each branch discretion to stay one or two strong buds correct, the extra dredging to go one by one. Chrysanthemum leaf branches, poinsettia get bent shape, the water should Le at noon, until slightly wilted branches when the operating software in order to avoid off injuries. Mature Clivia secure the weather cool and then pour pots of soil replacement time.

◎ aestivation in the cool autumn cyclamen flowers began to sprout, but use pots of soil replacement. Calla lily planting ramets. Oxalis class in the middle of the next inter-basin freesia plants. Autumn flower bloom in spring next year: three-color cocoon, calendula, chrysanthemum, carnation, metal grass, violets and other northern areas, according to local and cold conditions, at the beginning to the end of succession planting.

◎ Flower North raised South Prynne, jasmine, Milan, hibiscus, flower gradually stopped this month, but still need to pay attention to water and fertilizer, appropriate to maintain robust. Block potted lotus flower lotus has been suspended, pay attention to cut fat, Le water, but the light is still not broken the following year to leafy flower fan.

flower calendar in September

◎ Weather Features: September Bailu, autumnal equinox, the weather is cool and more eyes, cold air begins to be brisk, the temperature dropped, many rainy days, autumn.

◎ The strong growth of all kinds of flowers, should be ground irrigation, fertilization should be fine. Note Heavenly autumn drought, with the temperature dropping, and gradually increase the amount of fertilizer on autumn flowers, winter flowers, and flowers, have a considerable benefit. At the same time not to relax the management of shade flowers, the majority of the northern region, beware of the hot sun and strong wind clear sky raid.

¨ ◎ National Day with a bunch of red flowers, should be based on the strength of growing, from September 1 to 5 remove the spikes through the colors to blossom festival was neat, plump, prosperous. Partial early bud early can be daisy-trace nitrogen topdressing, irrigation volume amplification; partial discretion applied P and K night, Le appropriate water and to ensure that all National Day Kaleidoscope of Ideas. Dahlia newly sprung in September through the color of the bud, the National Day coincides with the best flowering. Partial early to put out to the side of the main Lei Lei, partial late topdressing when the P and K Le forcing the water. Other festival with flowers, can also be extended flowering reminders the same way. The north to the National blooming potted sweet-scented osmanthus, early in September were the greenhouse at night to keep 16, C flowering can be delayed more than 25 natural sun room temperature, the festival can be in full bloom.

◎ various autumn flowers, planted in northern August transplanting by mid-month, the south can be timely sowing. Winter and spring, such as greenhouse potted cyclamen, Cineraria, Po bud flowers planted this month; geranium class, fuchsias and other start cutting propagation; plum, Bi-tao, etc. to the end of this month, from North to South timely budding reproduction.

◎ Flower North raised South Prynne, hibiscus, Jasmine, Milan, and gradually moved to the lee sunny place, to prevent early frost and wind dry. Flowers native to tropical and subtropical Codiaeum to do so, and with the triangular arrows schlumbergera rootstocks such as cactus plants, conservation of the middle of one room, to prevent cold attacks.

◎ various shapes into the overall management of the stage arts daisy, with the temperatures, sunshine getting shorter, increase water and fertilizer, all in late bud. Da Li Ju, a large selection of the first generation of the end of the cliff foot daisy bud cutting propagation, in preparation for the following year.

flower calendar in October

◎ Weather Features: October cold dew, frost, cold weather is getting cooler. Strengthening of cold air, the weather getting cold, and even more sunny autumn weather, began to appear Qiu and early frost.

◎ greenhouse flower should be in the middle of the previous room. Various types of flowers native to tropical heat insulation cold start; origin of the Yangtze River is far more hardy types of flowers, but the north winds Heavenly Kangbu Zhu, who also need housing first, dry wind, with the temperature fluctuations decreased attention Kai doors and windows closed to maintain the appropriate temperature or very cold. Flower temperature stability to be reduced to the minimum required, and then heating insulation cold. Of autumn, all kinds of weather conditions should be based on greenhouse flower, adaptable room had good relations. Day and night temperature difference increases over the South in late autumn, winter and spring with all kinds of flowers into the overall management of the maintenance phase, and timely water supply, fertilizer, plastic, and proper cold light of climate change.

◎ beginning to end, from north to south, opening all kinds of perennial flowers in spring Hosta, Iris, Hollyhock, business grass, peony, etc., sub-propagation transplanting root; Peony ramets, with peony roots for grafting and seed propagation, growth and development of strong next spring. Winter and spring flowering bulbs of tulips, hyacinths planted alpine region to protect the winter. Freesia bulbs Health sorrel colored pot plants, conservation of the end of one room.

◎ various types of spring flowers bloom, mature seeds harvested in time, to select seeds, maintain the pure, dry get the net. Open field cultivation of tuberose flower bulbs, canna, gladiolus, dahlias, etc., see the ice cream to prevent and promptly dug to the net soil, drying room save a day or two later generations. Potted dahlia, see frost without water, the original pot burglary, avoid winter injury is. Potted Amaryllis, 3 cm from the bulb will cut off all leaves, water were stored at low temperature room. New Year's 40-50 Liberating people to flowering greenhouse maintenance. Amaryllis planting seedlings in the direct release of greenhouse maintenance, continue to grow.

◎ northern autumn flower violet, pansy, phlox, calendula, chrysanthemum, golden bear grass, need someone to cooling bed (Yang Qi) to protect the winter. Training for hundreds of year the duo Da Li Ju, three meters above the big cliff ju, early in January featured the first generation of buds nursery, greenhouse normal maintenance of those months. Exposed to all kinds of flowers in late winter pouring enough cold water, cold areas need to protect the winter.

November Flower Calendar

◎ Weather Features: November beginning of winter, snow. Heavy frost in northern areas, ice appear sooner or later; the south do not attack when the cold wave, occurs at low temperature frost.

◎ should be based on all kinds of flowers blooming this month, the habits and the local climatic conditions, local conditions make the work of anti-freezing and drying. Exposed to winter perennial flowers such as peony, hosta, iris, day lily, Sedum (Eight), Jin Guangju, hollyhock, lotus, peony, etc., applied an organic fertilizer, pouring enough cold water, you can live through the winter. Cold air-dried horse manure or straw at the protection should cover. Spring and autumn opening of annual and biennial flowers such as Marigold, Violet, three-color base, snapdragons, daisies, phlox, kale cabbage, etc., need someone to Yangqi heel in the north, south to be protected through the winter. Also into the greenhouse for the winter and early spring cut flowers or potted.

◎ exposed to woody flowers, such as rose,UGG shoes, pomegranate, flower shrubs, cut off the old and sick sticks, cold regions without strong pruning until the spring re-shaping, flowers and trees along the base of owned land protection to meet the cold water, peony People spend discretionary soil soil moisture before watering to see, not too wet. Big pot of new protected Zaimiao deductible, then cover the pot holes the depth of winter. Potted plum, Tau Hwang, into the greenhouse forcing in mid-preparation for New Year's Day New Year with flowers. Natural flowers bloom and cool room. Deciduous woody plants flowers, according to local climate protection into the winter cold room cold pit, burglary can be strong before the pit entry trim. Cut the rose branches, or cold room in the Yang Qi cutting propagation.

◎ greenhouse flower needs according to study of different flowers, were placed on high, medium and low temperature of the room. According to growth or dormancy must adjust the temperature. General mixed greenhouse, also need to consider the habits of different flowers, placed in the distance from the heat source and light intensity are the appropriate location.

◎ turned north and south are advised to plant flowers in the whole plot of land, and applied into organic fertilizer. Refurbishment of gardening space, clear the weeds and leaves, to prevent pest potential.

◎ greenhouse Cineraria, primrose, sweet pea, pocketbook, etc. are seedling stage, pay attention to water control, cultivation, ventilation, a small amount of fertilizer. Clivia, Cyclamen, Begonia, was born Kwai Wong-fat period, pay attention to fertilizer, regular watering.

◎ Juzhan north and south of this month, suitable for the introduction of the stick in bud.

flower calendar in December

◎ weather features: control by the cold air. Weather is cold and dry. Often violent cold and frost.

◎ do Clivia pollination work (late December to early March).

◎ water for narcissus carving (sculpture carved to flowering date, as the number of days, depending on crab claw narcissus flower water for about 45 days, penholder narcissus flower water for about 60 days.)

◎ integer rose pruning, keep up the 2-3 from the base of the bud, cut the section above.

◎ integer bonsai tree stump into the cortex of the wire removed.

◎ elm, bird plum bonsai tree stump so the winter pruning.

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